The Black Card

Chapter 1100: There are 2 reasons

The reason behind Shi Lei's guess of sending the killer was Mo Bingzhong, not Mo Bingwen, for two reasons.

With Mo Bingzhong, Shi Lei only said the first point, and this point only gave Shi Lei a little suspicion.

Mo Bingzhong's call came too coincidentally, just when the killer was about to break the door.

This makes it hard to believe that Mo Bingzhong was just getting the news. Shi Lei suspected that Mo Bingzhong knew the whereabouts of the killer at all, knowing that the killer had arrived at the door at that time, and calculated the time for the killer to crack the electronic lock before he hit himself. phone.

From this point, Mo Bingzhong does not want Shi Lei to die, but he must let the killer give Shi Lei enough threat.

From Mo Bingzhong's point of view, with Shi Lei's skill, as long as he knows that someone is going to kill him, he will certainly be able to handle the other party. But if Shi Lei is told too early, Shi Lei may leave the hotel, or he may simply let the police stay there. Even if you do not call the police, it is not impossible to find a few people ambush in the hotel with Shi Lei's energy.

In this case, Shi Lei did not feel the threat of life, it was just one of Mo Bingwen's attempts to kill Shi Lei several times, I am afraid it is difficult to provoke Shi Lei's real anger.

Therefore, Mo Bingzhong deliberately designed and disclosed the news to Shi Lei at the last moment. He even hoped that Shi Lei would be injured and angry, and under the control of Shi Lei, Mo Bingwen, who was unable to leave by Wu Dong, could not escape. .

Mo Bingzhong designed this one just to let Mo Bingwen die.

The facts are exactly the same as Shi Lei expected. Mo Bingzhong has basically controlled the Mo family. However, if Mo Bingwen does not die, his rivers and mountains will not sit firmly.

As for what he said, Mo Bingwen was his elder brother, and he couldn't get it. This is nonsense. He just couldn't let anyone in the family see that Mo Bingwen died in his hands.

And Mo Bingwen's son was controlled by him two days ago. He learned that Shi Lei came to Spring City today, and immediately he had a poisonous plan.

He took the initiative to call Mo Bingwen, telling Mo Bingwen that Shi Lei came to Spring City, and that Shi Lei went to look for his son. Now, four or five hours have passed, Shi Lei has returned to the hotel, but Mo Bingwen's son But they are missing.

Mo Bingwen was furious.

Mo Bingzhong knows very well that Mo Bingwen still has two dead men. These two dead men, Mo Bingwen spends millions to support them every year, just in case, one day they will need their lives.

On the premise that Mo Bingwen's son is "missing", Mo Bingwen will surely start these two pieces.

The development of the event also did not happen to Mo Bingzhong's expectations. When Mo Bingwen was furious, the first reaction was to find the two dead men. In addition, he informed Mo Bingzhong of the contact information of one of the dead and asked Mo Bingzhong to direct his actions.

Then, the killer arrived at the hotel, stood at the door of Shi Lei, and sent a message to Mo Bingzhong, saying that after a maximum of two minutes, Shi Lei must be dead.

Mo Bingzhong waited another minute before making the call to Shi Lei.

In this regard, Mo Bingzhong is much smarter than Mo Bingwen. Shi Lei has the ability to escape the pursuit of Gunda ’s men in Myanmar and kill Mo Bingwen so many men in black. The value is already so strong that it is unimaginable. Coupled with the recent incident at Yu Longsheng, Mo Bingzhong has fresh memories. He is even a killer, unless he is unreasonably assaulting Shi Lei with a weapon such as an assault rifle in the past, otherwise he wants to be silent. After the sound, he could kill Shi Lei with his whole body, this possibility is extremely low.

Especially after Mo Bingzhong warned Shi Lei, the killer's fate could be imagined.

And Mo Bingzhong knows very well that after Aaron's defeat, he will never betray Mo Bingwen. The police can never pry open his mouth, and Shi Lei certainly cannot.

Therefore, Shi Lei will definitely put his anger on Mo Bingwen. Then, Mo Bingwen is basically dead.

It was just that Mo Bingzhong never expected that Shi Lei could understand all this.

The reason given by Shi Lei is indeed a doubt, but with this alone, of course Shi Lei cannot determine what.

The reason why Shi Lei basically determined that Mo Bingzhong was the originator is because he wanted to understand a truth in the car when he came.

Reputation value!

Gutei contributed 800 prestige points, something that Shi Lei had never figured out.

Qi Kaiqun even contributed 800 prestige points, which is also a puzzlement that Shi Lei couldn't understand.

With respect to Mo Bingwen's reputation of the first three hundred and twelve thousand, Shi Lei still has not found the answer.

Later, Shi Lei appeared, and Mo Bingzhong's contribution to the reputation value even reached 700 points.

No doubt this is extremely abnormal.

Therefore, Shi Lei has been looking for the common ground of these four people.

These four people are obviously very different. Their behavior, their status and status, are not the same.

However, after Shi Lei eliminated them one by one, it turns out that in addition to Mo Bingzhong, the other three people really have one thing in common.

Gu Teyi was originally a tricycle driver carrying passengers, but after Shi Lei was rich, he became distorted and asked someone to rob Shi Lei.

After being subdued by Shi Lei, the next day, on the dock, he even tried to get those in black to solve Shi Lei.

These two acts are deceptions of Shi Lei.

Qi Kaiqun had nothing to hide at first, but when he showed 36 manuscripts of twelve artists, he also tried to deceive Shi Lei, trying to hide the sky, wrapping those manuscripts outside the tea leaves, and mailing them to Lingxi.

No doubt, this is also a deception to Shi Lei.

Needless to say, Mo Bingwen, this old thing, in Myanmar, he used his mask to deceive Shi Lei, and it seemed that he had no idea of ​​Shi Lei. In fact, the person who finally dealt with Shi Lei was Mo Bingwen. ~ ~ After returning to China, he still tried to deceive Shi Lei, moved out of plain water, but was still calmly resolved by Shi Lei.

These are all deceptions.

In addition, these three people have nothing in common with Shi Lei's actions.

The common deception is obviously one of human emotions.

Shi Lei has reason to believe that deception is one of the emotions that can lead to a sharp increase in reputation.

Think again about the ferryman. Although the ferryman can't wait to kill Shi Lei immediately, in his actions, he has hardly deceived Shi Lei. Everything he uses can even be said to be conspiracy.

If we want to talk about the feeling of hatred, Gu Teyi, Qi Kaiqun, and Mo Bingwen together, it is not necessarily that ferries have a deeper hatred of Shi Lei.

However, the reputation value contributed by the ferry people is not as high as the lowest of these three at any one time.

The reason Mo Bingwen ’s contribution to reputation last time is not too much is because Mo Bingwen ’s deception has not ended and is still ongoing, so the reputation system has not settled it. Now that Mo Bingwen's end is settled, this deception has reached the point where he can see it, and the prestige value is naturally reflected.

However, Mo Bingzhong did not deceive Shi Lei, but he still contributed such a high reputation value, which seems to indicate that Mo Bingzhong also deceived Shi Lei, but Shi Lei did not know how he deceived himself.

After Shi Lei's careful analysis, he now, before that, during his contact with Mo Bingzhong, Mo Bingzhong had no possibility of deceiving him.

Well, if Mo Bingzhong did deceive Shi Lei, it would only be today.

What has ended and was born today, it is not difficult for Shi Lei to think that Mo Bingzhong's deception to himself can only come from that killer.

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