The Black Card

Chapter 1108: Please recharge the IQ arrears

If the prestige system can talk to Shi Lei, Shi Lei must now be scolding it directly.

And if the prestige system can be scooped out of Shi Lei's brain, then Shi Lei will definitely scoop it out and violently.

However, if there is, the whole world can be put into a bottle. There is no if, so Shi Lei can only secretly get angry.

He reluctantly clicked to use the genetic science card again, and then selected OK. The dialog box that popped up is still the same as above.

"Do you want to be shameless, do you want to be shameless? Isn't it said that you can use the genetic science card at 80 or more? I'm already 80. Why don't you let me use it ..."

Shi Lei scolded and scolded, and suddenly realized that.

More than 80 minutes, I go, but these 80 minutes or more do not include 80 minutes?

Would you like to be so precise, more than 80% means that both 80% are OK? Why have to come up with a **** above?

Your mother has a leg ...

Shi Lei's depression is almost dying, but he also understands that this is the same as the concept of interval in mathematics. Above 80, it means that from 80 to full score, this itself does not include the value of 80.

There is no other way, Shi Lei can only spend another 1,500 prestige points and exchange for advanced biology mastery. After using it, although I don't know how much my biology should be, but presumably I can already use genes Science card.

Shi Lei completely shut down the prestige system, and for the fourth time he called up the genetic science card, saying something in his mouth.

"Successful use, successful use! To the extent that genetic science on earth can reach now, it should be the lowest level technology compared to the black card in the universe you are in, right? So even if only one fifth of the genetic science card , I should also be able to make constructive suggestions for Ding Yu? "

Shi Lei read for a long time, finally clicked to use the genetic science card, and then chose OK ...

Well, this time, the **** dialog box didn't appear, and the genetic science card was disappearing a little bit of golden light.

This means that Shi Lei has successfully used the genetic science card, and Shi Lei's heart finally fell back into his stomach.

The rest is only one-fifth of the genetic science card. Can it help Ding Yu's question?

But even if it doesn't help, it is just to make Shi Lei work hard to earn reputation and increase some motivation. Anyway, as long as there is enough reputation, Shi Lei can continuously exchange genetic science cards. Help Ding Yu that day.

Just when Shi Lei almost felt that he was about to become an expert in genetic science, he suddenly discovered that the genetic science card, which had been transformed into a bit of golden light and gradually dissipated, did not know when it would condense into a card It looks like those scattered golden lights are actually converged by them again.

The genetic science card is still a genetic science card, and Shi Lei does not have any knowledge of genetic science.

"What the **** is this special ?!"

In Shi Lei's mind, as soon as this question appeared, he saw that a new dialog box appeared in his mind.

"The host brain domain is not sufficiently developed to use genetic science cards."

Every word was cold and terrible, hitting Shi Lei's inner pride.

Shi Lei was crying and crying, Nima, would you like to do this, Lao Tzu's brain domain is not sufficiently developed?

In other words, Lao Tzu's IQ is not enough to learn genetic science?

Does this mean that I have to recharge IQ dues?

Shi Lei's brain domain has been developed by black cards for five percent because of black card virtualization. Coupled with the frequent use of memory cards and many other cards, Shi Lei believes that his brain development has already surpassed anyone on this planet.

According to Shi Lei's speculation, each card used is actually a black card that temporarily opens some parts of his brain domain, and used more, he has also confirmed that his body has been left too Much cellular memory and even genetic memory. These memories will definitely cause the slow development of the brain domain.

The scepter once said that Shi Lei's brain domain development was less than 30%, and coupled with that 5% brain domain development and slow development for such a long time, Shi Lei believed that his current brain domain development must have exceeded 30% .

According to the research of scientists, the development of human brain is about 15%. Even if there are some people with very high IQs, there are more right, such as those who are engaged in genetic science, such as the most intelligent guys such as Einstein and Zhuge Liang, their brain development, Shi Lei believes it is not too May be more than 30%. After all, the scepter of Luo Shilei's brain area development was less than 30% at that time, using an extremely disdainful tone. This can be seen in the eyes of the scepter. More than 30% of a person's brain domain is developed.

Now, Shi Lei's brain domain development is likely to have exceeded 30%, but this still can not use the gene science card?

How stubborn is this **** genetic science card?

After Shi Lei settled down to analyze, he realized that this is, after all, an A-level card, and it is the more advanced one in the A-level card, which is already the closest to the S-level card type.

What is an S-Class Card?

For example, in the S-class card, the lowest investment cheat card is also a card that can predict the future. This is equivalent to standing in a higher dimension and putting time in the dimension, so you can predict a certain item. Invest in future usage.

Shi Lei remembers that the scepter once said that in the universe where the black card exists ~ ~ there are nine kinds of intelligent higher creatures. At that time, the scepter was talking about the perfect state of human beings, and there were nine kinds of feelings, and human beings on earth could at best develop the seventh sense.

This undoubtedly indicates that the universe in which the black card is located is obviously higher in dimension than the universe in which the earth exists. Whether it is higher by one dimension or more, Shi Lei has no way of knowing.

This is why the black card can predict the future, but it says that predicting the future will disrupt the order of the universe in which the earth is located.

Does an S-class card mean that it all exists in a way that is higher than the dimensions of the universe in which the earth is located?

If this is the case, then the A-level card is the level that can only be reached when humans evolve to have seven senses.

And now Shi Lei does n’t even know what the sixth sense is and where it is. So to say, Shi Lei ’s brain development is not enough to use genetic science cards, which is reasonable.

However, although the use of the genetic science card failed, Shi Lei did not gain anything. At least, he knew that even if only one-fifth of the genetic science card was used, it may require Shi Lei to develop the sixth sense before using Card, then, the technology level of genetic science contained in this card must be a lot higher than those of Ding Yu's group.

Perhaps the so-called genetic research and development that Ding Yu's group of people percussed, in Heka's eyes, is still only at the biological stage? Or maybe it's just the most primitive stage of genetic science, and maybe not even one-tenth or fifty-tenths of a complete genetic science card.

Once Shi Lei ’s brain domain is developed to the point where he can use a genetic science card one day, he will be able to easily point Ding Yu and others to raise their technology to more than one level.

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