The Black Card

Chapter 1112: Vision and hearing

Shi Lei calmed down his emotions and calmed down his emotions. He knew that he could help Ding Yu improve their genetic project in the future.

Now, for him, the most important thing is to figure out what Xu Zhi wants to do at the end.

Confirming that there is nothing wrong with his emotions, Shi Lei picked up his cell phone and answered Dong Chiqing's call.

"Shi Lei, I'm sorry. My family really kept it from me and reached an agreement with the Xu family."

Dong Chiqing's voice seemed a bit sad, which was the result that Shi Lei had long expected.

Shi Lei could almost imagine how Dong Chiqing argued with his father, but in the end it failed.

Even, in Shi Lei's mind, he seemed to see a picture, Dong Chiqing stood in front of his father, facing him anxiously.

Shi Lei heard every word he and his father said.

"Shi Lei, I'm really sorry. I asked my father and I realized that when the Xu family learned that Da Mamba actually tried to oust you from the position of chairman of the board of directors, they were extremely worried. They were the first time I contacted my father, but my father felt that this might be a good choice ... "

Shi Lei said, "Brother, you don't need to say it anymore, I already understand it. Qixuan is now a piece of meat, and your family has moved their minds, and it is positive ..."

Before the word normal was finished, Shi Lei seemed to see Dong Chiqing arguing with his father.

An old man stood in front of Dong Chiqing. The old man told him resolutely: "You don't need to say any more. Qi Xuan was originally your idea, but now he is controlled by Shi Lei. This has seriously affected the interests of the family. Remember, you are a member of the Dong family in addition to yourself, you must consider it for the Dong family! "

Dong Chiqing said anxiously: "Yes, yes, the original idea of ​​the city bike really came from me, but I had no idea that Shi Lei could make the city bike like this. At the beginning, I just wanted to establish a relationship with the education department. I want to make it easier for those college students. I want to use this to have more contacts with the government, so as to benefit from other aspects. And Shi Lei is the true founder of Qi Xuan. Without him, Qi Xuan cannot be This way, even if I personally operate it, it is impossible for Qi Xuan to reach a valuation of more than 10 billion in just one year. After round C, Qi Xuan's valuation will definitely go straight to the second. Ten billion yuan has gone. In the future, Qi Xuan will grow into a company with a scale of 100 billion, even more. Dad, we can't be so short-sighted, as soon as we see Qi Xuan is good, we are full of picking peaches. "Shooting Shi Lei out of the game, we control Qixuan ourselves, and I don't think I can do better than Shi Lei."

"Chi Qing, let me say it again, you have to decide on this matter."

"Qi Xuan is my investment! It has nothing to do with the family!"

"It has nothing to do with the family? Where did your start-up funding come from? Yes, you are the most outstanding child of the Dong family. You can use the 100 million I lent you to become the current billions or even tens of billions. But, You have to keep in mind that every meal you eat, every word you know, and everything you learn are given to you by Dong family. How can you be qualified to say that it is yours? Investment has nothing to do with the family? And, since you choose to hand over the shares to Zhida, then take this opportunity to let go. If Shi Lei is in trouble, let him come to me! "

"Dad! You know I didn't mean that! You ..."

Dong Chiqing ’s father slaps his hands on the table in anger and makes a loud noise. He said, “Dong Chiqing, if you want to be my father, shut up! I ’m not afraid to tell you that our family does n’t have He intends to continue to hold Qixuan's shares. Now, Zhida is actively preparing the equity transfer letter and preparing the equity transfer letter in accordance with my requirements. Once my negotiation on the side finally reaches a unified opinion, he will transfer the shares. This one That's it! "

Looking at the angry father, listening to what he said that he should transfer Qixuan's shares, Dong Chiqing was stunned ...


Dong Chiqing was strange. Why did Shi Lei only say half of what he said, he suddenly stopped talking.

He asked tentatively, "Shi Lei, are you okay? Why don't you talk?"

Shi Lei suddenly looked back, feeling really weird to the pictures in his head and the dialogue.

He said negligently, "Your family, are you planning to sell the shares?"

Shi Lei was skeptical. After using six sensory cards, he had hallucinations and hallucinations. Everything that just appeared in his head just now seemed to be watching a movie.

Dong Chiqing heard a word and said, "You guessed it?"

Shi Lei's heart trembled, did she say that everything that just appeared in her mind was true? Isn't it hallucinations and hallucinations?

After thinking about it, Shi Lei tentatively asked, "Did you tell your father that this is your personal investment and has nothing to do with the family? And your father told you that everything you have is a family to help you as a prerequisite , Even the abilities you have are the result of family training ... "

Dong Chiqing was startled, and said, "Crouch! Shi Lei, how did you know? You wouldn't put an eavesdropper on me?"

Shi Lei was more certain that what he had just seen and heard was a real thing, that was not an illusion.

As for why he saw these and heard them, Shi Lei had no time to think about it. He just continued to say, "How can I put in any eavesdropper for you? I just follow your words to guess. I think Xu Zhida's actions are all It ’s from your father ’s will. It ’s your father who controls him, right? ”

"That's not true. My father didn't have that much energy ~ ~ Da Mamba was bewildered by other people, and that bit of injustice in her heart was completely excited. Only after Xu Jiaxian's behavior, I was also very panicked and contacted my father for the first time. After knowing it, my father felt that it was not unreasonable to force you to step down, so he continued. Then things changed a bit ... "

Shi Lei was no longer listening to Dong Chiqing's words. In his mind, the scene where Dong Chiqing confronted his father appeared again.

Dong Chiqing said, "Dad, can you tell me, what was born? After all, this happened because of me. Wouldn't you plan to hide it from me?"

Dong Chiqing's father glanced at him and sneered: "Don't think I don't know. You want to ask Shi Lei after asking about it and let him think about the countermeasures. But I'm not afraid to tell you that once the equity transfer is successful, Qixuan It has nothing to do with our Dong family. At best, you are only a small shareholder with a one percent stake. I am now working with an Australian company and they can give us better exhibition conditions. Australia, Europe, our Dong family The market that has worked for so many years, but has not been able to open, will be opened for this. As long as it is confirmed, I will not hesitate to transfer those shares to that person. You can tell Shi Lei, he can't control all this . "

"Dad! Are you crazy? It's not just Shi Lei who is behind Shi Lei! Qi Xuan is not Shi Lei alone. The Yu family also has shares! And the C round is led by Wei Qing's family! Have you ever thought of it, your behavior has May have brought at least two powerful enemies to our Dong family! "

"As long as my negotiations are fruitful, the future stage of our Dong family is international, and isn't it reasonable to transfer the shares in the mall? Okay, I have no time to tell you more now, I'm going See Mr. Dai. "

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