The Black Card

Chapter 1123: Board members identified

Shi Lei heard Dai Zhenxing's words, and he felt a little surprised, nine people?

What tricks is Dai Zhenxing doing?

According to the board's charter, which is a supplementary version previously made by Shi Lei, shareholders have the willingness to become members of the board of directors. Without fault, the number of shares will be used to determine their eligibility for membership.

This means that Shi Lei, Shi Qiang, Yu Banzhi, and Wei Qing must all be members of the board of directors.

Even with nine people, Shi Lei has at least four votes.

In terms of shares, Shi Lei still has 31.5 percent of the shares, and Shi Qiang and Yu Banzhi will definitely not have problems, and 10 percent of the C round will not be normal. There will be no problems. At least Wei Qing's performance at the scene fully illustrates this point.

This means that Shi Lei has at least 51.5 percent of the shares.

Dai Zhenxing has no chance at all.

As a result, Shi Lei nodded and said, "I certainly don't have any opinion about Mr. Dai considering this for shareholders."

Dai Zhenxing said with a smile: "At the same time, I recommend that the board increase the number of vice chair seats. After all, Qixuan's business and management were relatively single before, but now Qixuan has some investment measures in addition to its own business. I personally think that the chairman of the board of directors alone can no longer meet the needs of management. In particular, Mr. Shi has always been busy and rarely has time to come to the company. Then, add a vice chair seat when Mr. Shi cannot take care of the company's management When it comes to major decisions, management has at least the direction to consult. "

Shi Lei frowned suddenly, he finally understood that this is the purpose of Dai Zhenxing.

It seems that Dai Zhenxing knew that Shi Lei would raise an objection. He did not give Shi Lei a chance to speak, and continued, "At the same time, this is also the request of the major shareholder who owns the same shares as Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi probably does not want to see us both in order to The position of chairman of the board is endlessly debated? "

Shi Lei's eyes were dim and he realized that if he did not pass, then Dai Zhenxing would certainly try to keep him from sitting on the position of chairman of the board.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Lei finally nodded and said, "Okay, I basically agree with Mr. Dai."

"So let's get started. First, the seven members of the original board of directors are Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi Qiang, Mr. Dong Chiqing ..."

Dai Zhenxing reported the names of the seven board members one by one, and then said, "Mr. Dong Chiqing has given up most of his shares, and today's shareholder meeting, he has not yet arrived. I personally think that Mr. Dong Chiqing has already It is no longer suitable to serve as a member of the board of directors. I personally recommend all the remaining six people, and at the same time, I personally request to join the board of directors. In this way, members of the board of directors still have two vacancies, and I do not know who the shareholders are. Want to join the board? "

Wei Qing said bluntly: "I ask for a seat on the board of directors on behalf of the Webster Group."

Yu Banzhi's representative also said, "I represent Mr. Yu Banzhi, and I also ask for a seat on the board of directors."

Shi Lei looked at Dai Zhenxing and said, "Weishi Group and Mr. Yu Banzhi are both shareholders with a 5% stake. According to the board's charter, as long as they have the willingness to join the board, they must be approved in principle."

Dai Zhenxing said lightly: "I have no opinion."

Shi Lei nodded and said: "At the same time, I think that since the list of members of the board of directors needs to be adjusted, then there should be no original practice of retaining seats for members. Now, I, Mr. Dai Zhenxing, Shi Qiang, and Yu Banzhi Both Mr. and Webster Group have the qualifications of the board of directors directly according to the articles of association. The other four seats, I think, we can discuss again. Shareholders with more than one percent of the shares are entitled to compete for these four seats. Everyone Let's each express our stand. "

Dai Zhenxing looked at Shi Lei. It seemed that he had expected such a reaction. He said, "Mr. Shi also makes sense, so let's take a stand."

Then, the representatives of the previous four members of the board of directors stated that they were willing to stay on the board of directors, and said that the company they represented, even willing to send a commissioner, to stay in Wu Dong to take charge of the board of directors.

Shi Lei took a tablet computer, which recorded in detail the shares held by the company represented by the four people. Three of them had two points, and one had only one point.

As a result, Shi Lei knew that to compete for this seat would depend on the shares.

"Are there other shareholders willing to serve on the board?"

Wei Qing understood Shi Lei's meaning and immediately said, "I personally suggest that Qi Xuan's current CTO should join the board of directors. He is the technical guarantee for Qi Xuan's development."

Zhao Di immediately stated: "I personally hold 1.05% of the shares, and I also hope that I can join the board of directors and serve shareholders."

The situation at the scene suddenly became subtle. Everyone understood that the first round of confrontation between Shi Lei and Dai Zhenxing was really coming.

"Since the sequence is based on the number of shares, I represent Mr. Hu Jianjun and ask to join the board."

It was not the true purpose of Dai Zhenxing to ask to retain the original four people. His real purpose was Hu Jianjun.

Hu Jianjun's shares cannot be sold to Dai Zhenxing when Shi Lei has the right of first refusal. Otherwise, Shi Lei believes that he has already handed over the shares to Dai Zhenxing without having to sing out today.

In fact, Shi Lei has the right of first refusal to purchase the shares in the hands of every shareholder present, even including Dong Chiqing who has given up the shares.

But at that time Dong Chiqing wanted to transfer the shares to Xu Zhida, of course Shi Lei understood that it was acting as a proxy, so he didn't have any opinions ~ ~ This is the book of equity transfer. Shi Lei did not sign a pre-emptive right That's why Xu Zhida was able to sell his shares to Dai Zhenxing.

While others want to sell their shares, they must first ask Shi Lei, Shi Lei does not want them to sell.

Wei Qing took a look at Shi Lei and immediately stated: "I want to ask, how many shares does Mr. Hu Jianjun hold?"

"1.8 percent."

Hu Jianjun's share is the highest other than the eight members of the board of directors that have been determined. Dai Zhenxing proposed that Hu Jianjun be added to the board of directors, which seems to be an irresistible thing.

Wei Qing is very clear that there are three companies that he can still represent. Those three companies have split the remaining 5% of the shares in round C except their Wei family. That is to say, none of these three people can reach 100%. One-eighth of a share.

At this time, you want to transfer the shares, of course, it is too late, because only Shi Lei has the right to acquire the shares, and shareholders cannot transfer them at will. If you want to transfer, if Shi Lei doesn't, Dai Zhenxing can also ask Qi Xuan to repurchase this part of the shares.

It seems that Hu Jianjun has inevitably become a member of the board.

He had to wink at Shi Lei, saying he could not help him.

Just when everyone thought the big picture was timed, the door to the meeting room was suddenly opened.

Everyone turned around, but saw Dong Chiqing come in.

Dong Chiqing smiled and arched his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I came a little late, shouldn't I miss anything?"

Of course, Dai Zhenxing knows that Dong Chiqing is not on his side, even if the entire Dong family is already on his side, but at this point, Dong Chiqing clearly runs counter to the Dong family's decision.

But he didn't care, Dong Chiqing only had one point of shares.

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