The Black Card

Chapter 1128: New board member

It's awkward now.

Zhao Di was the candidate just proposed by Shi Lei, but Dai Zhenxing directly opposed it with the new board charter that Shi Lei had just added.

Zhao Di's shares are only 1.05, and almost anyone who has invested in three rounds of financing is higher than him-except for the investment company that was kicked out.

Of course, Dai Zhenxing has ideas, but also has a practical need to let those who are on his side compete.

However, he also understood that this proposal made by Wei Qing was not merely in line with Shi Lei's comments. He is warning Dai Zhenxing not to play any tricks. If he continues to talk about how many shares he has, Wei Qing will not hesitate to borrow the shares of the three companies in his hands to exercise the rights of the three companies. One enters the board.

Dai Zhenxing has no one here, and the shares can exceed the other three companies in the C round of investment.

Under this premise, Dai Zhenxing could only grit his teeth and endorse Wei Qing's proposal.

And Zhao Di, in line with Shi Lei's mind, became the ninth board member.

In this situation, whether it is the control of the shares or the control of the board of directors, Shi Lei has won a victory.

However, Shi Lei did not stop there. After Zhao Di's proposal to join the board of directors was approved, another one was proposed.

"Mr. Dai, the shares in your hands have undergone a more complicated process in the previous transfer. Each of the shareholders present has signed the priority terms of the share transfer. When Qixuan was founded, I have an agreement with Mr. Dong Chiqing, if I want to transfer the shares, he has the first priority, and vice versa. Among all investors who raise funds later, if they want to transfer the shares, the first priority belongs to me, Dong Chiqing Mr. Dong has the second priority. Now that Mr. Dong Chiqing has transferred most of the shares in his hand, when he transferred to Mr. Xu Zhida, I did not use the priority to acquire. And because Mr. Xu Zhida has been in London, I have not Opportunity to re-sign the terms of priority with him. But now, I think, in order to enlighten the overall interests of the group and to ensure the rights and interests of each shareholder, we two need to re-sign the terms of priority for share transfer. What do you think? "

Dai Zhenxing looked at Shi Lei and wanted to oppose, but couldn't oppose it.

If he opposes it, Shi Lei is free to transfer his shares.

In Huaxia, almost anyone who has the ability to take over the shares in Shi Lei's hands can't afford Dai Zhenxing. In particular, Dai Zhenxing knew very well that if Shi Lei really made such a decision, his share was either given to Yu Banzhi or to the Bai family.

Either of these two can make Dai Zhenxing's life difficult in China.

He took a spit, muttered his throat, and nodded, "Okay, after the meeting, we'll sign an agreement on preferential acquisition of equity."

Shi Lei nodded and smiled: "I want to emphasize that I am still the chairman of Qixuan's board and the first founder of Qixuan. Therefore, the prior priority sequence must not change. I signed with Mr. Dai, It's just the priority of the transfer of our shares. "

Dai Zhenxing said: "Sincerely as Mr. Shi wishes."

After a pause, Dai Zhenxing said: "Although I am no longer the vice chairman of the board of directors, I still, as my major shareholder, oppose Mr. Shi's cooperation with Ms. Kong Yue in the name of Qi Xuan."

Of course, Shi Lei knew that Dai Zhenxing would have such a move. He said: "Also as Mr. Dai wishes, I will temporarily put aside cooperation with Ms. Kong Yue. And the cooperation proposed by Mr. Dai, let alone Mr. Dai's own Company, do you have selfishness? At least, the cooperation between the two parties will always go through a negotiation process. Now, I still represent Qixuan Group, and I look forward to Mr. Dai's cooperation plan to be launched as soon as possible to start negotiations. I will meet later Mrs. Kong Yue's cooperation plan will be submitted in writing to all members of the board of directors. Within one week, if Mr. Dai has not submitted the cooperation plan, it will be deemed that Mr. Dai has automatically given up the cooperation intention. "

Dai Zhenxing protested fiercely, saying, "According to practice, this time should be one month!"

Shi Lei immediately countered.

He said: "Originally, my cooperation project has been collectively approved by the board of directors. When I was about to sign a cooperation agreement with Ms. Kong Yue, I suddenly expressed my objection. I said rudely that if I insist, Mr. Dai has no right to object at all, because this cooperation is a unified opinion that had been reached before Mr. Dai entered the board of directors. But since Mr. Dai said that I ignored the interests of shareholders, then I made concessions, and Ms. Kong Yue's side I will explain, I hope she can understand my behavior. But this is the understanding that I exchanged with my face, and it does not mean that Mr. Dai intends to let the board of directors of Qixuan pass. Behaviour. So, this date is only seven days. Mr. Dai, I am not bargaining with you, Qixuan Group is not a vegetable market, I hope you take care of yourself! "

Dai Zhenxing was about to spit out old blood. He aggressively came to force the palace today. He had already won the ticket, but he did not expect to be completely reversed at the last moment ~ ~ Now he becomes Shi Lei. The bad breath in Dai Zhenxing's heart was almost out of his mind.

"What do you think?"

Wei Qing nodded: "Businessmen take advantage first, but they must also keep their promises. If this happens every time, how can Qixuan gain a foothold in the business world in the future? With a cooperation, the major shareholders use their own shares Come and oppose it. Someone will oppose it when there is cooperation. From now on, everyone will have a board meeting with me every day. "

Shi Qiang added the opportunity: "Mr. Wei said a little bit exaggerated, but as the company's CEO, I think it makes sense. This cooperation was initiated by Mr. Shi and promoted by me on the board of directors. At that time, members of the board of directors Through unanimous approval, Mr. Shi has done a lot of follow-up work. But now just because a shareholder's selfishness wants to change the partner to his own company, it is not proper to overturn the resolution that has been made. But since it is not proper. Mr. Shi said that it can be resolved satisfactorily, so the two sides can compete fairly. Just a PPT, I can say that Ajue and Penguin are my business. Mr. Dai, please bring your cooperation plan to the board of directors for review as soon as possible. "

Others did not speak, but there is no doubt that Dai Zhenxing can only accept.

After a moment of silence, Shi Lei said, "If you have members of the board of directors, shareholders, there is nothing else, this is the end of today's meeting. There are many people here who have a lot of work in hand."

Dai Zhenxing snorted coldly. The first one stood up and left his room with his assistant.

The representatives of the three investment companies supporting Dai Zhenxing also hurriedly stood up and wanted to leave.

Shi Lei said, "Three, oh, and the one who resigned from the board of directors, please stay with the four of you. I have something to talk to the four."

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