The Black Card

Chapter 1155: Shi Lei, who does not play cards

Ronaldo's expression suddenly changed.

Before that, I was proud and exalted, but at this moment, my eyes were dark and sullen, and my face was full of anger. For many years, no one had dared to take matters before him in his twenties. Now Ronaldo, even the leader of Rio's largest gang organization, sees that he has to give him enough face and never dares to say such a thing.

"Boy, you better pray that you can win me at the gaming table, otherwise you won't be able to get off the boat."

Ronaldo turned and walked away, and he should have been killing Shi Lei in his heart.

Alba was also anxious, and whispered, "Shi Shao, you shouldn't be so tit-for-tat with him. I can't get in touch with the organization right now. This ship is all his people. If he desperately goes on the boat, it's really Will be troublesome. "

Shi Lei smiled slightly and said to Alba, "How many of his men can you deal with?"

Of course, the contacts of the pupils of the night are not all scientists like Ding Yu, and most of them are specially trained like Wei Bodhi. Even Shi Qiang's girlfriend Zhang Xiyue seemed to be just a seductive female white-collar worker, but in fact Shi Lei knew she also had a pretty good skill. Like those under Ronaldo, she must have no problem dealing with three or five.

Alba did not hide it, she said: "At the same time, there are a maximum of three. If one comes, I am afraid that only seven or eight can be dealt with. But Ronaldo's men have at least twenty, except for those who are with him Two bodyguards, all the waiters on board, have guns on them. "

Shi Lei still smiled slightly and said, "I hope Ronaldo is a little worried, so that he won't get into the boat."

After all, Shi Lei went straight to the stairs, Alba hurried to follow, and took him to the lowest cabin.

Seeing that Shi Lei really came, Ronaldo never looked away from him again.

Shi Lei went to the place where he got his chips and said, "How many chips do I need to bet against Mr. Ronaldo?"

The people inside looked at Shi Lei and said, "At least three million dollars."

Shi Lei shook his lips and said, "It's quite a lot, three million, which is enough for a lot of people's lives. But now that he's here, play with him two and give me three million chips."

The man was obviously a little hesitant, and he looked at Ronaldo. After all, all the people on the ship, except Shi Lei, knew this person, and he knew the repayment ability of those people.

Alba said, "Shi Shao, you don't really need to hold your breath."

"He said, if I can't win him at the gamble, he won't let me off the boat. I don't want to bet, but I can't do it!"

Alba wanted to persuade him again, but Ronaldo came over, and the chip changer whispered to Ronaldo to explain the situation.

Ronaldo suddenly changed his face and yelled: "Those who have no eyesight really blind your dog's eyes. This gentleman is Alba's friend. Do you believe him, but ca n’t he still believe Alba? Alba said, let alone three million Even if she wants to take all my property, I will give it to her without hesitation. If her friend is not there, let Alba give it back to me. "

Alba glanced at Ronaldo and gritted his teeth. "Okay, please give my boyfriend three million chips. If he loses, I will return the money to Mr. Ronaldo within three days."

Ronaldo looked at Shi Lei and said extremely uncomfortably, "I did not expect that this young Chinese talent was actually using women's money."

"In the end, do you want to gamble with me or fight me? I didn't expect that the famous Mr. Ronaldo was just a talk show."

Ronaldo was very angry, and when he patted the table, he dropped the cigar on the ground, splashing a mess of Mars.

"Give him chips! For a while, I'll make him lose even his mother's last name!"

Shi Lei got three million chips, which is a total of three, each with a face value of one million.

With a stun in his hand, Shi Lei looked at Ronaldo and said, "Let's start now, or wait? Oh, I haven't asked what you intend to bet on!"

"Stud." Ronaldo said coldly, and then he looked around and said, "In addition to the two of us, there are three people to participate in this gamble. They should not be ready yet, wait."

Shi Lei nodded and said to the chip swapper: "Then give me another 100,000 chips. For the minimum bet, I will play two hands here first."

The chip changer immediately gave Shi Lei ten ten thousand denomination chips. Shi Lei gave three million chips to Alba's hands, took her other hand, and walked towards the two tables.

Although Shi Lei hasn't played in a casino, it doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about the way he gambles.

At a glance, Shi Lei knew that both tables were playing the same project, Baccarat.

The rule of baccarat is that the gambler and the dealer are against each other. There is no winning or losing between the gamblers.

The cards are divided between Zhuang idle and two. Gamblers can choose to bet arbitrarily, at the same time they can bet on the sum, and there are pairs that can bet.

No matter what card you get, winning or losing is only born between the gambler and the dealer. The loser is eaten by the dealer, and the winner is also paid by the dealer.

Shi Lei found a table with empty seats and sat down, glanced at the screen recording the winning and losing, the cards were chaotic, Shi Lei also took a chip and bet on Zhuang.

Soon the dealer shouted to buy off and started trading.

Probably because the cards are too chaotic, except for Shi Lei, only two people bet, and those two were betting, so Shi Lei got the chance to see the cards.

Instead of rubbing hard with two cards like everyone else, he turned it around casually and took a look at it, placing it on the table.

Good luck ~ ~ got an eight.

The player was a little nervous. The person watching the card squeezed the two cards and shuffled them a little. Shi Lei couldn't understand it at all. The two cards were in his hand. It was already doomed to lose or win. That is, whether it can be dealt or not. Would it be better to rub the cards like this?

After rubbing for more than half a minute, the player finally slammed the card on the table. A nine o'clock appeared, and Shi Lei lost the game.

On the card road, there have been three consecutive open games, which is probably the scene that gamblers most want to see.

This increased the number of people betting. The nine people on the table, except Shi Lei, put their chips on their leisure. The person with the most bets actually bet 150,000.

Shi Lei looked at it and still put 10,000 chips on Zhuang. There is no doubt that he only bet Zhuang on this one, and he was once again qualified to watch cards.

Picking up two cards, Shi Lei still just flipped open casually, and put the cards on the table.

Luck is still pretty good, seven o'clock.

After the player took the cards, they still shuffled the cards as they did before, and the two cards that turned over were eight and one.

Shi Lei lost the game again. I thought he should be away this time, but he did not expect Shi Lei to be in the bet.

Ronaldo shook his head and had a judgment on Shi Lei. This is simply a person who can't gamble. Otherwise, the cards have been chaotic for so long and finally there is a long leisure. Until the break is broken.

At the ninth hand, leisure was finally broken, and Shi Lei was considered to win a game.

But even so, Shi Lei had only 30,000 chips left.

Alba also saw that Shi Lei didn't gamble at all.

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