The Black Card

Chapter 1160: Tonight is a trap

As I was talking, the sound of announcing the beginning of the magic had come from the horn on the ship.

Shi Lei, who already knows the truth, no longer has any interest in this so-called "magic". He leaned on the side of the ship and looked at the distant shore. On the high mountain of Kovador, there was a statue of Christ more than thirty meters high. Covered by a hanging red cloth.

It was a tubular cloth that completely covered the perimeter of the image of Christ. The image of Christ, which could be seen almost anywhere in Rio de Janeiro, had made the entire city invisible.

Shi Lei felt boring. This so-called magic must have been operated by people in the entire Rio de Janeiro. That is to say, at this time, no one except the people on this yacht would know why the image of Christ was Covered with a red cloth.

Shi Lei believes that at this moment, there must be many people in this city who are inexplicably surprised. Everyone must be looking up and want to know what happened.

The movement is too big, Shi Lei just feels ridiculous. Until now, Shi Lei didn't understand why the pupil of the night had iron heart to get rid of this Christ statue. This thing is there, if you want to study, you can study it. Why bother to take it away with such fanfare, the risk is undoubtedly too great.

What Shi Lei can hear at this moment is just the vocal enthusiasm on the ship. Everyone is talking loudly, wondering whether this magic can succeed.

And he also believes that there are hundreds of thousands of residents in this city discussing this matter.

After all, although twelve o'clock is late at night, for a metropolis such as Rio de Janeiro, at least more than ten percent of the residents and tourists have not fallen asleep, and Christ is something that can be seen from anywhere in the city. Those who saw this situation could not think that nothing happened.

Furthermore, Shi Lei estimated that the local police had gone mad at the moment, and they must rush to the scene quickly, trying to figure out who the **** was. The eyes of Christ were covered with a red cloth.

The "magic" on the ship was counting down. Then, as his voice counted to the last, the red cloth was suddenly unveiled. Then, everyone saw with his own eyes that the statue of Christ originally standing on the mountain of Covado was indeed Missing ...

There was an exclamation on the ship, and Shi Lei believed that the city of Rio was going into a frenzy at this moment. Not only those who have witnessed the disappearance of Christ himself will be crazy, they will also inform everyone they know by phone ...


No, everyone on the ship has taken their mobile phones. However, it is impossible for everyone in this city to take their mobile phones. If this "magic" process is recorded, it may be recorded in the video footage to the process of stealing beams and changing columns. Then, what the night pupil needs is to find a way to disable all the video recording equipment in this city.

This is simply impossible, no matter how great the energy of the pupils of the night is, they can never do this.

So, taking away Shi Lei's cell phone is obviously to cut off his connection with the outside world ...

No, this is a conspiracy!

Shi Lei silently withdrew his arm from Alba's hand, and took a step backwards imperceptibly.

At this moment, he couldn't believe Alba at all, because he didn't know if Alba was part of this conspiracy. Or to be more precise, he did not know whether Alba was the enabler of this conspiracy or whether he was included in the conspiracy.

If it is the latter, although it is no longer helpful, it is a comfort to Shi Lei's psychology. And if it is the former, Shi Lei can only say that he is too big!

Alba was unaware of this. She was just constantly observing the central control room. She was thinking about how to enter the central control room while Shi Lei and Ronaldo continued to gamble, so as to contact the organization.

The red cloth once again shrouded the place where the original image of Christ existed. The magician was still mysterious. About two minutes later, the magician began to announce that he would change the image of Christ back.

Then, like a conductor, he waved his arms, the red cloth crashed to the ground, and Christ appeared to everyone's sight.

The magic is not over yet. The magician said, "Now, I will immediately rush to the statue of Christ and bow down to him, because I am a devout Christian and let Christ disappear for a minute in this world. This is right The greatest disrespect of Christ. I must go to repent! "

Everyone naturally laughed, and then the magician jumped into the sea, terrified the people on the boat, and they all shouted, but soon, their screaming stopped.

Because, in the dark night sky, a beam of light hit the past, and the black night is like a curtain. The piece is not very clear, but basically a recognizable projection appears in front of everyone.

Everyone clearly sees that the magician just now appears on the top of the statue of Christ, and in the field of vision, there is a small black shadow on the top of the real statue of Christ, like a The same nail stuck to Christ's head.

In the projection, the magician waved his hand. As you can see, Christ was waving like the man above his head.

In the projection, the magician began to learn the dance of Michael Jackson, and Christ, like the man above his head, although he could not see clearly, but could vaguely see that the man's movement was completely synchronized with the projection.

The magician waved his hand vigorously at the camera, his arms spread out, he leapt forward, and jumped down from the head of Christ.

And in the distance, the Christ, like a little black shadow above his head, also jumped down.

Although this does not completely confirm that the projection is a live broadcast, this is already a highly completed magic ~ ~ Anyone actually understands that magic is originally fake, as long as the visual effect is shocking enough, who Which part of accounting can be considered a bug?

Among these people, only Shi Lei, he knew that this magic was not fake. The statue of Christ has really been replaced. This magic is a real magic. The pupils of the night take advantage of this. Under the eyes of all people, the statue of Christ standing near the coast of Rio de Janeiro for nearly ninety years will be replaced. Stolen.

Ronaldo turned around at this moment, walking towards Shi Lei and Alba with a smile, he said loudly: "This is truly a shocking magic that is unique in the world, isn't it?"

Shi Lei shrugged and said, "I'm afraid to explain to other people in this city, it will be a more shocking process. Especially the government and police, and the sensation among the people."

Ronald Doha laughed and said, "It's just a magic. I think those decaying officials should understand this soon."

"I would like to know that Mr. Ronaldo manipulated such a magic that shook the world and prevented the people on the boat from taking pictures and recordings, but how to stop the residents of Rio from taking pictures?"

Ronaldo raised his eyebrows and said, "The magic flaw can only be found far enough away, and within that city, there is no need to worry about it. Their shooting will only confirm to the world that this Everything is just a magic. "After all, he went straight to the stairs and waved at Shi Lei, signaled that Shi Lei should continue to gamble.

Shi Lei watched Alba quietly beside him. "So, tonight is just a trap, a trap that made me lose touch with the world. Ronaldo already knew my identity."

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