The Black Card

Chapter 1162: Reversing the gamble

Ronaldo got the biggest card, and his first card was an ace.

Looking at the remaining chips of those people on the table, especially Shi Lei's, there are less than 800,000 left. Ronaldo thought about it and threw down a 100,000 yuan chip.

"The card is good. This card has the opportunity to clear the two directly. With this A, 100,000 US dollars should be worth it."

The two cards below are very ordinary. They also understand that Ronaldo wants to clear at least one of the cards, so they don't plan to fight against him. Both of them choose to give up and lose the $ 50,000 bet.

And Shi Lei ’s homeowner, that is, the one with 300,000 dollars left, knows that he has no hope of turning over the market. He simply broke the jar and threw a 100,000 yuan chip. Let me get out. Although my face is not big, I still have three cards. Give it a try. "

It was Shi Lei's turn to speak. Shi Lei didn't even think about it and threw down a 100,000 yuan chip.

The third card was dealt, Ronaldo got a square J, Shi Lei got an 8 and he flushed with the 6 he showed.

And Shi Lei's top house got the same 9 as his Ming card, but his card type became the biggest on the table.

He took a look at his only $ 150,000, and said, "A piece of A is worth 100,000, so a pair of 9 is worth 150,000. I clear it."

The meaning of clearing is that if Shi Lei and Ronaldo both call, then if he is the biggest in the end, he can take away all the chips on the table now. Then the betting of the fourth and fifth cards has nothing to do with him anymore, that is a match between Shi Lei and Ronaldo.

Shi Lei shrugged and said easily: "I have a chance to flush, and I have a chance to be a straight. There is no reason not to follow." He also threw up 150,000 chips.

At this point, Shi Lei has less than 500,000 left.

Ronaldo wants to make at least one player out of this hand. It is best to let Shi Lei out together. When Shi Lei calls, he naturally chooses to call.

The fourth card was dealt from Shi Lei ’s home. He got a 3, but it was the same suit with Shi Lei ’s Ming card. In addition to his pair of 9, he also had a card with the same suit as Shi Lei ’s flush. May be getting lower.

And Shi Lei actually got a card of the same suit, which was a 4, while Ronaldo got a second Ace, which happened to be the same suit as Shi Lei's.

At the poker table, Ronaldo once again became the biggest card player. He smiled and said, "He has no bet. From now on, it is the two of us who bet against each other. It's time for me to talk. A pair of 9 is 15 Ten thousand, a pair of at least two hundred thousand, Mr. Shi, do you mean? "

Seeing Ronaldo's 200,000 in chips, Shi Lei picked up his hole card and took another look. After confirming it, he began to worry, and did not know whether the gambling card had already played a role. If this card is lost, then he really has no chance to come back.

Hesitating again and again, Ronaldo chuckled: "Mr. Shi, so hesitant? I'm a pair of A now, but you have a chance to flush, and a chance to become a straight. Will you not want to call? Gambling, yes Gambling only works, if you don't, how do you know if you will get a big card in the end? "

Shi Lei seemed to be excited by Ronaldo's words. He gritted his teeth and threw up 200,000 US dollars.

The hand continues.

The dealer issued a card to Ronaldo, and also to Shi Lei's superior, and finally dealt to Shi Lei.

This card was a dark card. After Shi Lei's master rubbed it for a long time, he threw the card on the table in excitement and shouted, "I know that my luck cannot be so bad ..."

The card that he flipped out was another nine, and he had already got three nines.

Ronaldo, after reading the card, turned it gently, and it was an ace.

The onlookers at the scene exclaimed, but the guy who was very excited just stood up in discouragement and turned away. He knows his hole card, which has nothing to do with Ming, and he has three nines. Ronaldo has already won three Aces, no matter whether his hole card may be A or J, he has been out of the game completely and will not get back a dime.

Shi Lei, at the moment, is also slightly nervous. Although I believe that the God of Gambler card can help him win any game, as long as there is an accident, there will be no chance of overturning.

After turning it over, Shi Lei breathed a little sigh of relief. On the table, there were a square 5 and four cards, each of which was 4568. They completely formed a flush, even a flush face.

The dealer said, "Mr. Shi, flush, please bet."

Shi Lei directly pushed out the remaining less than 300,000 chips and said, "I have so many, I can only Allin."

Ronaldo looked at Shi Lei, stared at his eyes, and said hesitantly, "Flush? Is there such a coincidence?"

Shi Lei smiled and said, "You are just three aces, I don't need a flush. It doesn't matter if the hole card is a square or a 7, it's already bigger than you."

"It's not easy to take a flush. Thirteen squares. You have four. I have two here. He also has two. There are also two of the earliest discarded cards. Four are left. Zhang, will there really be one in Mr. Shi's hands? "

Shi Lei shrugged his shoulders and said, "None of the four cards and seven cards appeared, and there were four squares, and I still had eight cards to bet. With a probability of more than one-seventh, I don't seem to have no reason to stop . "

Ronaldo smiled grimly, and said, "But what if I have a 9 or an A in my hand? Then Mr. Shi's probability is immediately much lower."

"Playing cards is not based on probability ~ ~ but on the cards in his hand. If Mr. Ronaldo really got 9 or A, 300,000, how can he not follow up? So you only have three Aces That's it. My winning face should still be relatively big, right? "

Ronaldo froze slightly, he did not expect that his behavior had let Shi Lei see through his hole card.

He felt a little depressed, took his hole card, put it down, and then picked up the four cards, which seemed to give up.

"Mr. Shi seems very sure. My hole card has also been seen through by you. This card seems to have no need to continue. On the table, there are a total of 1.7 million. If I give up, Mr. Shi seems to have It's a chance to come back. However, if you lose less, you win, I ... "

Ronaldo stood up and tried to drop the card.

However, at the last moment he smashed the card onto the table, he suddenly closed his hands again, and he said, "But I am a believer in evil. You are right. It ’s not a probability, it ’s a card in your hand. If you want to steal my chicken, there is no way! 300,000, I will open your card! ”

After all, he sat back in his chair, threw out $ 300,000 in chips, and flipped his hole cards out.

That card actually allowed Shi Lei to form a flush 7 of a straight flush. No wonder he was convinced from the beginning that Shi Lei could not get a flush.

Ronaldo's body leaned forward, and he seemed to want to use body language to put more pressure on Shi Lei.

He said: "There are only seven cards left, Mr. Shi, your probability is a little less. And if their three cards are 7 or square, your probability is even smaller. This hand, I I will get you out! "

The people around him were stunned. They did not expect that Ronaldo, who was about to fold, would kill a returning carbine.

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