The Black Card

Chapter 1172: Dai Zhenxing is dead

The reason why Shi Lei is so certain that the ferryman is in Huaxia is because the ferryman failed to achieve his wish in Brazil.

If the ferryman had other ways to achieve his purpose before this, now he has only the last way left.

That is, you must kill Shi Lei, so if Shi Lei is going to return to Huaxia, he will definitely go to Huaxia.

Of course, Shi Lei is still unclear why the ferryman confuses himself with taking control of the pupils of the night. No matter how much his brain development is, it is impossible to understand the crazy idea of ​​a lunatic.

Shi Lei only believes that the ferryman has now become an lonely man, and he no longer has the ability to mobilize those powers in the past, and Shi Lei can clearly judge from the prestige system that the ferryman absolutely hates himself to die.

This feeling of hatred is so strong, coupled with his successful use of Ronaldo and Alba to trap himself, which constitutes a very thorough deception to Shi Lei, so in the reputation system, he once again contributed to Shi Lei A reputation value of 1,800 points.

This is after the previous two times, the single contribution of a single contribution to a new high.

When Shi Lei woke up, he immediately checked the prestige system. He originally had a reputation value of over 10,000, but spent 5,000 reputation value on the yacht in exchange for a gambling **** card, but now he has 10,000 again. Of the two thousand prestige values, which increased to nearly seven thousand prestige values, the ferryman alone contributed 1,800 points to double, then it was 3,600 points. This is even higher than the combined contribution of Ronaldo and Alba.

The remaining 3,200 points, halved to 1,600 points, Alba contributed 800 points, Ronaldo contributed 600 points. The remaining 200 points are the joint contributions of celebrities and bikini models.

Shi Lei is very clear that the ferryman has regarded himself as a thorn in his eyes. Even if he no longer has the hope of taking control of the pupils of the night, he will definitely do everything possible to put himself to death.

And he wants to do this, which is obviously impossible to achieve in Rio. Of course, it is impossible for the night pupil to protect himself for a lifetime. Then, only after the protection of the night pupil is revoked and Shi Lei returns to Huaxia can he continue to implement it.

Therefore, Shi Lei is very sure that even if the ferryman is not in Huaxia now, he will definitely rush to Huaxia when he tries to start with Shi Lei.

Cooperating with the police to complete the transcript, let the police complete the replay of the case more clearly from Shi Lei's perspective. Shi Lei asked the police when he could leave.

For people like Shi Lei, the Rio police will not embarrass them. They said that as long as Shi Lei recovers, he can leave at any time.

Of course, Shi Lei can't expose the fact that his injuries have recovered. He just said that he still has a lot of things to do, needs to leave the hospital and return to the hotel, and said that he has a dedicated medical team, and this medical team has already Arrived at Rio.

The police did not have much suspicion. After all, a rich man like Shi Lei had his own medical team, which was normal.

Wei Bodhi helped Shi Lei arrange the pupil of the night and came to the hospital to take him back to the hotel.

As soon as Shi Lei walked into the hotel's door, he heard the phone ringing constantly in the room. He strangely sent the person who had taken away the pupils of the night, but he went to the table and picked up the phone.

On the other end of the phone was a relieved voice.

"Thank you, sir, you finally answered the phone."

Shi Lei stunned, the voice of Yao Er was on the phone, but why did he have such a tone?

"What's wrong?" Shi Lei asked. At the same time, an ominous omen appeared in his mind, as if there was an unknown warning, warning Shi Lei that something terrible had happened in China.

"Sir, do you really not know?" Yao Er's voice seemed to be filled with question marks.

Shi Lei frowned, and said, "Directly, what the **** is it related to Dai Zhenxing?"

"Dai Zhenxing is dead."

Shi Lei froze and said, "Dead?" Immediately, after meeting with him, Dai Zhenxing seemed to evaporate, the phone could not be reached, and no one could contact him.

Shi Lei immediately asked, "Died on the day I met him?"

With the medicine IQ, he certainly would not suspect that Dai Zhenxing was killed by Shi Lei. Shi Lei would never be so stupid. Even if he really wanted to kill people, he would not leave so many clues. He is the same.

Even if Shi Lei guessed Dai Zhenxing's death time, Yao Er would not think that Dai Zhenxing was killed by Shi Lei.

The reason why he asked that before was because he was not sure whether Shi Lei knew that Dai Zhenxing was dead.

"Yes, according to the autopsy report of the police, the death of Dai Zhenxing was within two hours after you met him. At the same time, there were two female stars who died in that villa, one was Momo in China, The other is that Australia has been very popular in the last two years ... "

Shi Lei directly took the words of Yao Er, saying, "Teff, a female singer."

"It seems that my husband really knows the existence of these two female stars, so it is similar to what I thought. Dai Zhenxing wants to use these two female stars to achieve the purpose of letting you cooperate with him on electric bicycles."

Shi Lei nodded, suddenly thinking that the other party was completely invisible, and asked, "How do you know that I live in this hotel?"

Yao Er said with a bitter smile: "Not only I know, the police also know. But they don't have the patience I have, and they won't find out that you have just experienced a life and death. If it wasn't for what you encountered in Rio, let The Brazilian government and police must keep it strictly confidential, I'm afraid they are now at the door of your room. You go directly to Spring from Spring City, and then fly directly to Rio. These itineraries are very easy to check. When you arrive in Rio, check in to the hotel I didn't conceal my identity. It's too easy to find out where you live. "

Shi Lei silently, he already understood that the police found the suite where he lived in this hotel, but after searching, he found no trace of Shi Lei's stay. And they thought that Shi Lei was the murderer who killed Dai Zhenxing and the two female stars, and believed that Shi Lei was only in transit to Rio. After arriving here, he would definitely change his status and leave. So, now at the Huaxia police, Shi Lei is probably on the wanted list.

It's just that their clues can only be broken in Rio, because what happened to Shi Lei ~ ~ Rio police will never cooperate to tell the domestic police.

The domestic police will naturally not tell the Rio police what they are looking for. This is probably the end of the Rio police's senior management. The police who contacted Shi Lei did not know that the Huaxia police were looking for Shi Lei.

Medicine two is different.

He has his source of information, such as Yao Keji, who must have his own intelligence network, otherwise, how can he give others white gloves?

These information networks must be equally controllable for Yao Er, so it is not too difficult for Yao Er to understand what happened that night.

Yao Er did not think that Shi Lei might kill Dai Zhenxing. This must be a shameful marriage. In addition, he knew what happened in Rio, and then he kept calling Shi Lei's room. After all, once Shi Lei He will definitely return to the hotel.

"What's happening in China now?" Shi Lei asked.

Yaoer said: "Sorry, sir, I have transferred all the shares of Qixuan in your name to me without your permission."

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