The Black Card

Chapter 1190: News from Ding Yu

Ding Yu heard this and nodded.

"I have talked with Mr. Yao about this. Originally I meant that the company's startup capital is now sufficient, and the Series A financing is imminent, so it does n’t matter if you do n’t give the remaining part of your capital, Mr. Shi. What's more, when you discussed this matter with Mr. Shi, the exchange rate of the US dollar was not so high. I didn't want it. But Mr. Yao said that in the business talk, since I am going to get rid of a scientist Status, but to transform into a businessman, then, whether at the exchange rate we agreed originally or at the current exchange rate, we must always pay. Otherwise, his CEO is also uneasy. In the end, I accepted Mr. Yao Opinion, but this money is not in a hurry, it is convenient for you to see Mr. Shi. "

Shi Lei also nodded and said, "I did not have much cash recently. I just bought a house for my parents. Qixuan will soon melt the D round. The money that I should cash out before, I promised to Kaixuan D No cash was paid before the round. However, D round saw that it was going to be operated, and I was ready to cash out that money. After I cashed out, I would make up the rest. "

Ding Yu also said, "But I think you are a bit unfair to Mr. Shi at the current exchange rate. I mean, it ’s calculated based on the exchange rate when you first paid. I checked, and you gave me the first On the day of the three million pen, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the soft sister currency was 6.26, so you still need to make up 5.86 million. "

Shi Lei didn't say much, after all, it was a matter of more than 2 million, and promised to come down.

Taking a look at Yao Er, Yao Er immediately understood that Shi Lei had something to say to Ding Yu alone.

"You guys, I'll book a restaurant. It's worth celebrating today anyway."

Ding Yu also said busyly: "Yes, yes, I'm here to treat guests, and I should welcome Mr. Shi to invest in Hong Kong Polygene."

After Yao Er went out, Shi Lei lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Ding, do you remember about the contact person?"

Ding Yu has not been contacted for a long time, and Shi Lei is not sure at this time whether he is still the liaison person on Hong Kong Island. When Shi Lei gave him money, the contract between him and Night's Eye should still be a while.

Although the time should be over now, due to the recent incident of Dark Night's Eyes, Shi Lei really can't determine whether Ding Yu has got rid of Dark Night's Eyes.

Ding Yuwen said with a bitter smile: "I should have handed over the work to the organization two months ago, but I do n’t know why, the organization did not send a new contact person. I was working on this project at the time. I did n’t have the energy to worry about it. After the vulgar things were solved a while ago, I resigned with the organization, but I was told above that some problems have arisen within the organization recently, and I am a person they can completely trust, so , They hope that I can serve for a longer period of time, until they find a suitable contact person to take over the work on Hong Kong Island ... "

Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "To be honest, before I asked, I was really a bit worried that you have been deleted. Since it hasn't been there yet, that's fine. Did the ferryman contact you recently?"

Ding Yu shook his head and said, "I haven't been in contact. Since the last incident, I haven't heard from him anymore. Mr. Shi, as a contact person in the organization, I shouldn't have asked more questions. , But I want to know, is it because of the ferry? "

Shi Lei did not hide Ding Yu, anyway, he is also a member of the pupil of the night, at least for now, the sidewalk: "Yes, it is a matter of ferrying people. Because the ferrying people launched a challenge to the leader, his power was completely Clear. I wo n’t tell you more about it specifically, I can know it ’s because it is directly related to me. Since you do n’t know, your organization has n’t told you, so keep it like this. Remember, Don't make any further contact with the ferryman. If he contacts you, you must remember to notify me as soon as possible. "

Ding Yu nodded his head vigorously, and said, "Okay, Mr. Shi, I understand. So what happened to you in the Mainland some time ago, is the ferryman targeting you?"

Shi Lei nodded and said, "It's him, but he's completely missing now, and your organization can't find him. Do you have any information you want to tell me?"

After carefully recalling Ding Yu, he said, "You asked me this, but I remembered one thing. The ferryman mentioned to me at the beginning that he controlled several consortia personally in addition to his organizational work. He He said that if my project has developed results and he is unwilling to cooperate with the organization, he can also use the private name to let those consortia cooperate with me. This is also helping me get rid of the organization. But I got to know his consortium. I found that all of them are foreign capital, and I personally don't want any foreign capital involved in this project. I hope Gangju Gene is a company constructed with complete national capital. Therefore, I rejected him. "

When Shi Lei listened, his eyes brightened. This was an unexpected gain. Ding Yu actually knew the consortium controlled by the ferryman.

He laughed: "What are the consortiums controlled by the ferryman, Mr. Ding should not have forgotten?"

Ding Yu slightly bowed his head ~ ~: "They are all very famous consortiums, and it is not easy to forget them. But he said he had four consortiums and only told me two. Because I heard It was foreign capital, and it was directly rejected. One was from a European consortium, and the other was from India. He first said the Indian consortium, and I directly rejected it. Then he said the European consortium, saying The consortium has a very good relationship with the British royal family. I think that Hong Kong Island has been ruled by the British for so long. I will have a close relationship with the British royal family. "

Shi Lei frowned. The European consortium, of course, is the one that has been in contact with Shi Lei recently.

And Indian ...

He suddenly remembered that one of Xu Zhida's possible planes at that time was flying to India's capital, New Delhi. Will this be related?

Ding Yu is still talking.

"Although I don't know the remaining two consortiums, the ferryman said that his four consortiums belong to different continents, one in Europe and India in Asia. Then there are North America, South America, and Africa and Australia. . "

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile and said, "No, without Australia, Australia is still attached to Britain after all. To say, Australians are more slavery than Hong Kong Island. They still use the British royal family as their own royal family. , Implement a constitutional monarchy. "

Ding Yu thought for a while and said, "This is also, since the European consortium has maintained a very good relationship with the British royal family, then Australia does not need to deploy, anyway, the British royal family has a great influence on them."

Shi Lei nodded with a smile, and said that this was really an unintentional gain. I never thought that when I was reminded to ask Ding Yu, I got such an unexpected gain. ) Download Free Reader !!

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