The Black Card

Chapter 1194: Chief Executive's thanks

Shi Lei looked at the time and said that he couldn't delay anymore, and that reporter and photographer had already got all the breaking news he wanted.

It turned out that Yao Er quietly resigned from Qixuan, not because of any decision-making contradiction between him and Qixuan, but because Shi Lei sent him to help Ding Yu complete the final research and development and promote this research and development to the market. , And eventually helped him set up Hong Kong Gene.

Many media have their own speculations about Yao Er's resignation. Of course, some media think that this is just an adjustment in the strategy of enlightenment, especially for managers as successful as Yao Er. Join any business dynamic.

The Imperial Capital Evening News undoubtedly stands on this stand.

And it turned out that only their guesses were the closest to reality.

Their positive propaganda and support for Qi Xuan finally got rewarded in an accidental opportunity, and they won the exclusive news of Hong Kong Gene.

The two of them thanked Shi Lei again and again, excitedly found a coffee shop on the street, and hurriedly wrote a report to the newspaper.

After watching the report, the editor-in-chief was also shocked by such fierce news, and immediately called reporters and photographers to confirm the correctness of the message.

Later, he made a decision to publish an exclusive news on the newspaper's website and public media platform. However, I don't see anything about this fierce content. The Emperor Evening News only stated that it had interviewed investors from Hong Kong Polygene, and mysteriously stated that it was related to a new Internet company in the Mainland.

What followed was the fermentation of this news. On the one hand, everyone was anxiously waiting for the official report in the afternoon page of the Didu Evening News. At the same time, they were constantly making various speculations, hoping to know in advance what the news would be.

Of course, the most important thing is who this mysterious investor is.

Among the hundreds of thousands of comments and reposts, naturally, many people guessed that it was Shi Lei, but no one could give a positive answer, and everyone was still just at the guessing stage.

However, this news quickly occupied the top spot on Weibo's hot search list.

The Didu Evening Post that disclosed the blog post in advance was also commented more than four million times and reposted more than one million times. The reading volume was even more amazing in just four or five hours, reaching over 60 million.

Therefore, the Royal Capital Evening News rose more than 700,000 fans, and with just one blog post, it ranked among the top V million fans. Although the millions of fans are nothing compared to the stars who are tens of millions of fans, this is already a valuable victory for a local media. The most important thing is that this is just a microblog drive!

There is no doubt that on this day, the Didu Evening News ushered in their hottest day on the Internet.

At the same time, Shi Lei also saw the chief executive.

The chief executive shook hands with him in apology, thanking him repeatedly for his support for Hong Kong Island's local technology.

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Hong Kong Island is an inseparable part of Huaxia. I just did my part as a Chinese investor."

Chief Executive said: "Dr. Ding Yu said previously that Gangju Gene will not attract any foreign capital. To invest in Gangpoly, it must be complete domestic capital. Mr. Shi, have you continued to invest in Gangpoly? intend?"

Shi Lei shrugged and said, "If possible, I would like to inject all my funds into Hong Kong Polygene. However, I think Ding Yu would not agree. Because I have already received 11% The shares in his hands are intended to be used for financing. By the day Hong Kong Gene is ready to go public, the shares in his hands should not exceed 10%. This means that I will then It is the largest shareholder of Hong Kong Gene. Ding Yu will feel dangerous if he increases his holdings. "

The chief executive laughed. From these words, he also realized Shi Lei's confidence in Hong Kong Polygene.

Yao Er stepped in steadily. He said, "In principle, in addition to accepting pure domestic capital, in the future direction of our financing, in addition, Dr. Ding Yu and I have a preliminary consensus. Our future The financing will try to prevent any company or individual from holding more shares than Dr. Ding Yu, and must ensure that Mr. Shi Lei and Dr. Ding Yu's share in the first and second shareholders of Hong Kong Gene. Be prepared. After all, most of the profits we make in the future, as well as the investments we get, will probably be invested in continuous research and development, rather than operating as a purely commercial organization. "

The chief executive froze slightly, and soon realized that he said, "It seems that Dr. Ding Yu has a lot of trust in Mr. Shi Lei."

Ding Yu said with a bit of restraint: "This is based on Mr. Shi ’s unpaid donation at the beginning. The shares he got are the reward that I and the rest of the scientists agreed must be given to entrepreneurs who donate scientific research, not what Mr. Shi Lei asked Yes. From the beginning, he did not treat our research and development as a business. Therefore, I believe that Mr. Shi Lei will never interfere in our operation methods. But other capitals, I do not have such confidence. "

The chief executive fully understood, he looked at Shi Lei and nodded his head: "Very good, Mr. Shi, if the entrepreneurs in our country can be like you, then I think the economic level and technological level of our country will I soon caught up with the world's most advanced level, and even exceeded it. I thank you for the people of Hong Kong Island, and thank you for the descendants of Huaxia. "

"Extraordinarily serious, the social return from society is what we should do."

After the inauguration ceremony, the chief executive also intentionally stayed, and had a lunch at the company and scientists and staff ~ ~ and Shi Lei can finally sit alone with Yao Er, Yao Er The news he received about the Indian consortium was given to Shi Lei.

After reading it, there was nothing good to say, and I couldn't see any special changes in the consortium in recent times.

The phone is always muted, after all, the chief executive is present.

Shi Lei took out his mobile phone and found that Wei Boti sent himself a WeChat message, indicating that the information had been collected, and the analysis results showed that Xu Zhida was indeed in India.

Detailed analysis, Wei Boti gave Shi Lei a website address, of course it is not convenient to see now, Shi Lei will ignore it for the time being.

After sending the chief executive away, Shi Lei also left Gangju.

It was only then that he found that the enthusiasm for Hong Kong's polygenes on the Internet had reached an astonishing level.

However, the Royal Capital Evening News has not released the final report, which will not be published until around 4 pm before their newspapers are fully distributed.

Thinking that this might have a great impact on Qi Xuan, Shi Lei called Shi Qiang.

A brief explanation of the situation here, Shi Qiang naturally knew that in the next situation, when various media could not find Shi Lei and could not access the interior of Hong Kong Poly Gene, he would definitely continue to bombard him and Qi Xuan. .

Many of the original promotional strategies can now be changed.

The time has just arrived at the end of April. Shi Qiang decided to take advantage of this heat to make a good wave of publicity for Qixuan bicycles.

He immediately convened a meeting and confirmed that in May, Qixuan will launch a free cycling event for the entire month. You only need to register for the APP or pay a deposit on any day in May, and you can free unlimited times before the end of May The use of Kaixuan bicycles. ) Download Free Reader !!

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