The Black Card

Chapter 1198: 1 crown

Based on Shi Lei's knowledge of genetic science, he is actually enough to give Ding Yu's group of scientists guidance.

However, he did not do so.

I just brought the data and data, and the next day, I gave people the results that are even more stubborn than they have studied for more than a decade. This is obviously too nonsense. Even Ding Yu has a deep understanding of the pupils of the night and knows This is never possible.

Shi Lei intends to wait until the next time he can use six more sensory cards, and use the knowledge gained from the second card of the gene science card to sort out enough of Ding Yu's results that they have eaten for several years, and then give it to him.

In this way, there is a buffer of ten days and a half months. Although it is still shocking, but there is a night in the back, which can basically be justified.

Moreover, those scientists are also on vacation. If these results are given to Ding Yu, I'm afraid that Ding Yu can't wait to enter the next stage of experiments.

We can't let those scientists always rotate in this way, we still have to rest.

Leaving Hong Kong Island and returning to Wu Dong, Shi Lei lived a life of idleness.

Ten days before the settlement date, Shi Lei still has more than 12 million in his hands, and he should think about his own problems.

Ten percent of collectible consumption does not have to be realized, but it is still a bit difficult for Shi Lei to spend more than 10 million yuan in ten days.

Therefore, it is more reliable to focus on the consumption of collectibles.

Shi Lei went through all the places where Wu Dong bought and sold antiques, but he couldn't find anything suitable. Either the value is not high, or it is simply Sibei goods. It is really difficult to find collectibles worth hundreds of millions in the ordinary market.

If not, you still have to find Yu Banzhi's help. The group of friends besides him is an investor in Xianyunyehe, everyone else is busy, and no one can help him.

Shi Lei drove his car and headed towards Yu Banzhi's Yuxiang Chenxiang Museum. Seeing that he was almost there, his phone rang.

Taking a look, Shi Lei felt a little surprised that it turned out to be Zhang of the Xicheng Cultural Bureau.

Shi Lei parked the car on the side of the road, answered the phone, and said politely, "Hello Director Zhang, I'm Shi Lei."

"Oh, Mr. Shi, don't bother you now?"

Shi Lei busyly said, "Director Zhang is polite. If you have any questions, just let me know."

In Shi Lei's view, he has almost nothing to do with this director Zhang, that is, the house of his parents.

After these days, the old man should be almost packed, it's time to prepare for delivery.

Director Zhang smiled and said, "Where are you now? You are a busy man and you shouldn't have bothered you. But Mr. Zheng said that he still hopes that this matter can be entrusted to you."

Shi Lei froze a little, Mr. Zheng, the original owner of the house. It was normal for him to find Shi Lei. But listening to Director Zhang's tone, it seems that this is something that has nothing to do with the house itself.

"I'm in Wudong. I should be busy. I've just taken a break recently. Director Zhang ... Oh, there is something about Mr. Zheng, let's talk straight."

"Mr. Zheng wants to entrust you with one thing. I hope you can help find a suitable buyer ..."

As soon as Shi Lei raised his brow, he intuitively knew that this must be a very valuable thing, and most of it was related to antique wenwan, otherwise, he didn't have to say to entrust such formal words.

Director Zhang still said, "You still have to look at this thing, and it's not easy to talk on the phone. Originally Mr. Zheng intentionally donated this thing to our cultural department, but this thing is more sensitive. Types, private collections are also okay, and handed over to the country, but it is easy to cause the views of the original country of belonging ... "

Shi Lei thoroughly confirmed that it must be an antique or something, otherwise it would not be so serious.

So he said, "Director Zhang, I probably understand that this kind of thing is not very easy to say on the phone, so let's go to Xicheng."

Director Zhang said busyly: "It's not necessary. You don't use it in Xicheng. Mr. Zheng and I are now in Wudong. Oh, you probably don't know yet? Mr. Zheng has given the house to your parents this morning They are already packing up, and I have specially sent the staff of the two cultural bureaus to assist them in the past to avoid unnecessary damage during the packing process. "

"Oh, have you handed in the house today? My parents haven't told me, maybe they're too busy. Since you are in Wu Dong, it's better. I'm fine now. Where are you? Don't I go there? "

"Then there is Mr. Lao Shi. I just came out of the museum and went to visit the dumb girl. I am going back to the hotel. We are staying at the Wudong Hotel."

"I'm not too far away here, it's about twenty minutes."

"Okay, see you in our hotel lobby."

Shi Lei hung up the phone, turned around, and went straight to Wudong Hotel.

After arriving, he called Director Zhang, who said he was preparing to get out of the car. After the two met, they went directly to the elevator.

After Mr. Zheng opened the door for them, he was slightly excited when he saw Shi Lei.

"Mr. Shi, meet again."

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Hello Mr. Zheng."

After entering the door and sitting down, Shi Lei went straight: "Mr. Zheng, the general situation, Director Zhang told me a bit, but what exactly is the situation?"

Mr. Zheng stood up and walked to the hotel safe. After pressing the password, he took out a small one-foot square box from the inside.

He put the box on the coffee table in front of Shi Lei, opened it gently, and then took out one of the velvet cloths, and carefully placed the contents inside.

Shi Lei took a closer look, this is a crown, extremely gorgeous, and it is studded with all kinds of gems ~ ~ Mr. Shi, since you are the righteous son of Chen Du's female teacher, you must be familiar with antiques, right? "

Shi Lei did not use the identification card, but just saw that the crown was very valuable, but he did not know the origin of the crown.

He smiled and said: "This crown, even if it is not antique, is already very valuable."

Mr. Zheng looked at Director Zhang and Director Zhang said, "This crown, which originated in France, is the crown of Louis Philip."

Shi Lei was shocked when he heard that Louis Philip, this can be said to be the last emperor in French history.

It was a brief restoration of the Bourbon dynasty after the Napoleonic Revolution. It only existed for more than thirty years and experienced three generations of emperors.

With the help of the bourgeoisie, Louis Philip overthrew his cousin Charlie Philip, and since he was the Duke of Orleans, he also stated that he would completely break with the Bourbon dynasty, and even the national flag was changed. It is also known as the Orleans dynasty during the ten years that he became emperor.

His end is almost the same as his cousin, except that the overthrowers are different.

Louis Philip saw that the February Revolution was unstoppable, and fled to Britain hurriedly.

"When Louis Philip fled to England, he also brought his crown on him, and he imagined that he would have a chance to make a comeback again, so this crown has always remained in Britain. In modern times, Britain will This crown was also given back to the French. However, it was stolen while being transported, and the whereabouts of this crown have been unknown. Two years ago, by chance, I saw this crown. In fact, I understand This kind of antique with great symbolic meaning is actually not suitable for collection, but it was bought by ghosts. ") Download a free reader !!

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