The Black Card

Chapter 1217: Perfect organ

Shi Lei must leave as soon as possible.

At eight in the morning, it was the time to open the door of the Parthenon. At that time, there must be a large number of tourists coming in, but Shi Lei did not know if the exit of the underground palace was opened, which would cause a lot of external movement.

If there is no movement, of course, the best of both worlds, but if a large pit suddenly appears on the ground, as in the Temple of Hephaestus, then it will be a big deal.

He must open the exit connecting the ground palace to the ground before the tourists enter at 8 o'clock, and then hide in the Parthenon temple. After the tourists enter and mix with the tourists, they can leave smoothly.

Or, Shi Lei must wait until 8 pm to close the Parthenon before leaving. He cannot open the passage from the underground palace to the Parthenon within these twelve hours, otherwise only the road will be seized.

However, the oxygen here is obviously not enough for Shi Lei to support it for twelve hours.

And all of this must be based on opening the door here to the palace.

Only by opening the door of the underground palace, he can find the way to leave, and even if he ca n’t find the way out of the underground palace before 8 o’clock, in terms of the size of the underground palace, Shi Lei only needs to be as careful as possible. After eight in the evening.

He forced himself to calm down.

Shi Lei carefully analyzed the entire discovery in this chamber.

The pattern on the wall is the key to opening the door of the palace.

The four potholes must be where the organs are located. Only by finding a way to get these four potholes can it be possible to open this stone gate, enter the underground palace below the Parthenon temple, and then find the exit.

However, inside these four potholes, there were no buttons or anything else. Shi Lei observed it several times, but he only saw below the round potholes that there seemed to be a very small small channel connecting the interior of the stone gate. ...


Is it going to be filled with liquid?

Shi Lei suddenly stood up, he remembered those kerosene.

According to common sense, the lamp oil has passed through a long period of time, and the air here is kept in circulation, and it should have been evaporated.

Why, for hundreds of years, these kerosene have always existed in the container under the lamp.

Moreover, when Shi Lei looked at the oils with a flashlight just now, he found that the degree of reflection was quite high. At the beginning, Shi Lei almost instantly thought that the container under the oil lamp was solid, and those oils looked like metal luster at first glance. . However, he soon saw that the kerosene was shaking in the container, and it was determined that it was kerosene.

And now, the more I think about Shi Lei, the more I feel wrong. Those oils don't seem to be oil.

He walked to the wall on the right, took the container under the oil lamp, and carefully drew it with a flashlight. The more the liquid looked more like metal, the consistency was not as simple as ordinary kerosene.

Shi Lei stretched out his finger and was stained with a little "lamp oil". This time, he suddenly realized that it was not a lamp oil at all, but mercury.

This is really Shi Lei has little experience. He hasn't seen much mercury. In addition, the room is too dark. Except for the electric energy in his hand, there is no light at all.

Moreover, there is lamp oil under the oil lamp, which is almost an inconvenient habitual thinking. Shi Lei never imagined that the container under the oil lamp would contain mercury.

He went to the other side of the wall and took off the container, which was also filled with mercury.

An idea appeared in Shi Lei's brain, and injecting this mercury into the pits on the four corners of the front wall might open the door.

Anyway, time is running out, Shi Lei must give it a try.

He immediately held a container containing mercury, and poured the mercury in it into the two pits on the left side of the front wall as evenly as possible.

Then, he quickly injected the mercury from another container into the upper and lower potholes on the right side of the front wall.

However, after the mercury was injected, there was still no movement in the chamber, and Shi Lei's attempt seemed to have failed.

This makes Shi Lei very puzzled. Under the oil lamp is mercury. Obviously, mercury cannot light the oil lamp. This seems to indicate that this mercury must be a means to open the organs. Otherwise, why do you want this mercury?

Now that mercury has been poured into the pothole, there is still no movement. What is wrong with this?

While Shi Lei was waiting for the changes in the chamber, he suddenly realized that the mercury was obviously not a consumable, otherwise the mercury would not always exist in this container.

He turned around abruptly, the flashlight in his hand shone towards the oil lamp on the left, and he saw that mercury had started to drip under the lamp.

Shi Lei rushed forward and lifted the container in his hand to catch the dripping mercury. Then, he quickly mounted the container to the lower part of the oil lamp, and quickly moved to the right, and restored the container.

With the elapse of time one minute and one second, Shi Lei finally heard the familiar clicking sound, which was the sound of the institution being opened and starting.

Shi Lei was relieved, he understood.

Among the three walls, there is some special device. Only when a liquid with a high density of mercury flows through it can the organ be triggered. Otherwise, even if the liquid is filled in these pits, the organ cannot be activated .

Moreover, there is a condition for the institution to start, that is, all the mercury contained in the container must be returned to the container ~ ~ that is, the person who enters here must refill the container to carry it. Those mercury.

The organ was completely touched when mercury returned to the container through all the channels.

At this time, Shi Lei had seen that he took it out on the wall in front of him and followed the pattern of the pattern. The stone gate slowly moved upwards. A gate-shaped opening appeared in front of Shi Lei.

When everything stopped completely, Shi Lei returned to the oil lamp, took a container and looked at it, and it was full of mercury again.

And, based on Shi Lei ’s sense of weight, he can tell that the mercury in this container is almost exactly the same as before.

Not dare to stop, Shi Lei quickly passed Shimen.

And when he passed Shimen completely, there was a rattling sound behind him, and Shimen dropped down slowly and recovered.

Shi Lei glanced down at his feet, he was stepping on a huge stone slab almost identical to the carved pattern on the stone door.

This stone slab is about the same size as the stone gate. It is ten meters long and five or six meters wide. As long as it is a normal person, after crossing the stone gate, it is almost impossible to step on other positions. on.

Shi Lei couldn't help feeling the ingenuity of the institutions here.

First, the mercury is poured into the channel, and then the mercury must be completely returned to the container before the mechanism can be started and the stone door can be opened.

Passing through Shimen will inevitably cause the organs to be touched again and let Shimen fall.

Shi Lei simply figured it out. At just the speed, probably after three or four people passed here, the stone door was completely closed.

When the first person walks on the stone slab, the mechanism that closes the stone gate will be triggered. After that, the person must pass quickly, otherwise, they can only reopen the stone gate. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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