The Black Card

Chapter 1219: Deal with Night Eye

The "elevator" rises higher and higher, and the statue of the goddess Athena has already landed in the palace .. lā

With the rise of the "elevator", the torches quietly went out, but a new torch was lit above Shi Lei's head, which made Shi Lei once again feel the powerful handwriting of the ancient Greeks.

When the "elevator" finally stopped, Shi Lei saw that the top of his head, at most three or four meters, was the top of the palace.

And here, it is already much smaller than the bottom, there is only about a dozen square spaces around, most of which are also covered by those institutions.

Just when the "elevator" stopped, Shi Lei saw a wrench-like thing.

He knew that this must be the mechanism that opened the passage above his head, and at this moment, there was only one torch remaining above his side and still burning, and the light was not enough, just enough for Shi Lei to see the position near the wrench.

Shi Lei quickly turned on the flashlight and looked around, making sure there was no danger, and he also found a stone ladder that he saw when he entered here at the Temple of Hephaestus.

Shi Lei no longer hesitated and pulled down the wrench. He saw that the surrounding organs started to operate, and those clicks were still in his ears, and then, ample light came in from the top of his head, which made Shi Lei close for a moment Eyes, he has not been exposed to natural light for several hours, and his eyes are really not used to it at this moment.

Raise your wrist and look at your watch. The time is 7.40. In another 20 minutes, the Parthenon temple will open its doors to welcome tourists from all over the world.

Shi Lei climbed up along the stone ladder, and when he just pressed his hands on the ground above the stone ladder, he heard a clicking sound from the machine again.

Looking down, the previously sinking stones are slowly rising. It seems that the slate near the exit ground, like the slate at the entrance to the palace, is the authority that closes the entrance.

It is also impossible to care whether there will be guards patrolling the hall. At this time, if you don't go out, you will never go out again.

Shi Lei used both hands and feet to leave the underground palace, and soon after he climbed up, the ground returned to its original appearance.

In addition, the surrounding sand and stones are slowly converging towards this place, filling the gap at the entrance, making people not see the exit of a passage here.

Footsteps came from not far away. After Shi Lei hurriedly hiding in a stone pillar, he saw two guards doing the final inspection before the open tour. Fortunately, the two guards did not find Shi Lei's presence.

Soon after, the guards left, and Shi Lei sat down behind the pillar.

He sorted out all the information that came along this way, and he was so excited that he found the original statue of Athena by accident.

Although this thing is obviously not possible for him to take away, Shi Lei believes that if there is anyone in the world who can hide the statue from the Greek government, it can only be a pupil of the night.

After a while, the Parthenon temple opened its doors, and tourists entered one after another. Shi Lei mixed with the tourists and left calmly.

Back at the hotel, Shi Lei made up for a sleep first. After getting up in the afternoon, he directly dialed Wei Bodhi's phone.

"You really have a bad sense of smell. We just found out that the last consortium of the ferryman is indeed in the United States. So you called?"

Shi Lei ignored Wei Bodhi's uncle, and said in a very good mood, "I'm not here to ferry people, but I have a major discovery."

Wei Bodi asked for a moment, then asked, "What was found?"

"The statue of the goddess Athena, I know where it is, and the absolute guarantee is the original."

Of course, Wei Boti couldn't understand for a while, there were more statues of the goddess Athena. How could she know which one Shi Lei was talking about?

"What statue of Athena?"

Shi Lei explained with a smile: "It is the statue of Athena in the Parthenon temple built in BC."

Wei Bodhi froze again. She didn't know much about these, and immediately instructed the people around her to inquire about the statue.

When she saw the information about the statue, she was also shocked.

"Isn't that thing damaged long ago?"

"No, of course, it can only be considered damaged in the history book. However, I found its existence. In fact, I accidentally hit it by mistake. I thought I had just discovered a small secret. I didn't expect this secret to be so big. . Moreover, the valuable is not only the statue itself, but the place where the statue is hidden is definitely of great research value. "


"On the Acropolis Hill in Athens, I'm afraid archaeologists around the world can't think of breaking their heads. They think that the statue of Athena, who has been damaged in the long river of history, is hidden under the Parthenon."

Wei Bodhi was also shocked and incredible. Of course she understood that even the statue of Christ of Rio de Janeiro, which is not many years away now, has attracted the leader of the night pupil Bebera so much. If you can really find the Parthenon What an amazing discovery of the original statue of the goddess Athena.

She asked eagerly: "What the **** is going on, tell me in detail!"

Shi Lei laughed and said, "You want to be beautiful, I found this thing, why should I tell you so for free? Go to your leader Bebera to report it, and see what price she is willing to pay in exchange for This statue. "

"Hey! This statue is so big that you didn't have the ability to take it?"

"It's not wrong if I can't leave, but if I don't tell you how to get under the Parthenon, you can't blow up the Acropolis Hill in Athens? And here is how no matter how rich you are, Where it might be bought. So entrance and exit are very important ~ ~ You go to report first, the price is right, I will sell the details to you! "

Wei Boti apparently wanted to say something more, but Shi Lei simply hung up the phone.

Checked the ticket, there was another flight back to London that night, Shi Lei immediately booked, and then went straight to the airport.

By the time he got off the plane, Bodhi had also called. She said that Bebera was very interested in the statue and said that she would let Shi Lei make her own price, which means that no matter what the price, she must get This statue.

Shi Lei said with a smile: "To be honest, there is little possibility to get this thing, there is almost no possibility that it can be taken away. But anyway, you just want to study this kind of thing, this thing is there, no one can get it, Your leader wants to study for a hundred years.

Wei Bodhi groaned a little, and said, "You can make an offer."

"Raise my membership to the same level as Mr. X." Shi Lei offered his own psychological price without hesitation.

Wei Bodhi took a breath, and said, "It's almost impossible! Bebera has already announced that the organization will never again have the same level of members as Mr. X."

Shi Lei smiled and said in a hurry: "It was before. Bebera used to be constrained by some people, such as your elders and the ferrymen who rose up later. But now, she has no restrictions. All the forces that may have opposed her have been cleared up recently. So do n’t tell me it ’s impossible. Bodhi, I do n’t understand now. Where are you from? You really adapt to the dark night. The identity of Hitomi! "

Hearing this, Wei Bodhi couldn't help but blush slightly, Shi Lei was right, she seemed to have mistaken her role. ) !!

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