The Black Card

Chapter 1223: Extortionate scammer

In this regard, Shi Lei is relieved, so he has not been too entangled in this issue.

Shi Lei nodded and said, "Okay, I can still trust you. Then, let's talk about the general situation of the task level. It's like the first time you assigned me a task, that is, you went to Sydney What was the level of Huo Chengdong's purchase of that blue and white porcelain bottle? "

The scepter quickly gave the answer: "The funds are provided by the supreme black card, and the time, place, person, and subject matter are all clear indicators. That task was at the E level."

Shi Lei nodded again. This was to his surprise. In all calculations, the tasks assigned by all the black cards were heavy. In fact, Huo Chengdong's task was the easiest to complete.

"So, this time, what's the task level of looking for those twenty-three calligraphy and painting works?"

"Because of the huge number of tasks this time, all conditions are hidden targets except the subject is clearly pointed. Therefore, this task level is S level."

Is this even an S-Class? Shi Lei originally thought that the S-Class would be a more difficult mode.

"Well, since this task has not been completed, when we complete the transaction today, I think this task will also be regarded as a rewarding task?"

The scepter was stunned, and then said angrily: "You shameless blackmailer, this task has been released for a long time, you have no right to ask us for compensation!"

Shi Lei shrugged and said, "Well, as you wish."

The scepter did not seem to expect Shi Lei to give up so easily, but it soon found itself wrong, and it was ridiculous.

Because Shi Lei added: "Then I can only give up this task, anyway, it won't cause me any loss, right?"

The scepter was silent again, and soon it re-voiced: "The shameless scammer, you are simply the dirtiest representative of humankind. However, the supreme black card has decided to be tolerant of your extortionist. One point. If you complete this task within the agreed period, you will get 30,000 reputation. If you complete it outside the agreed period, you will only get 20,000 reputation. "

Shi Lei happily snapped his fingers and said, "Okay, the deal!"

"Now, the fourth-level manager, you should change the ownership of the goddess Athena to noble like me!"

Shi Lei shook his finger and said, "No, no, not ownership, but as before, all artworks can only be left in your hands for a month. I can't really make these human art treasures truly It ’s up to you. Since it is a treasure of our humanity, it should still be preserved by human beings. So, noble scepter, please do n’t ask me to carry out this logical concept of stealing. Okay? ”

The scepter said depressedly: "Fourth-level manager, I really hope you can support it for a longer period of time. Noble as I am more and more optimistic about you. You must not easily violate the black card rule, and end up in a fate that can only be killed . Level 4 manager, you should remember, how did your ex died? Those blood mists are the ultimate destination of you black card holders. "

Shi Lei smiled slightly. He didn't care about the weak threat of the scepter. He also knew that the scepter was just disgusting him.

However, Shi Lei still remembers the blood mist that appeared when he saw his hair and some parts disappeared.

He gazed at the scepter in his own brain and said, "Respectable scepter, you can rest assured that I will stick to it for as long as possible. Moreover, I hope that I will not only stick to the longest and The one who insists on the maximum amount is the first person to play your black card game to the level. You also can not have endless wealth. Therefore, although this game is a perverted mode from the beginning, but always There is a day to end. "

"Good luck, then!" The scepter was discouraged and ended the conversation on his own.

Shi Lei lay on the sofa and breathed a long breath. In the process, although he has always shown Zhizhu holding, in fact, he also squeezed a sweat.

Anyway, it's a bit risky.

He wasn't worried that the scepter or the black card would become so embarrassed that he would kill him directly. After all, he already knew that the black card rule was a two-way restriction.

What Shi Lei was worried about was that the scepter and black card would break the jar, which would make the statue that Shi Lei held in his hand became useless.

After all, they can also choose not to make any transactions.

In addition, Shi Lei also has a concern that if the black card is shameless enough, he can find ways to increase the difficulty of his consumption without violating his own procedures and logic. Or, simply help Shi Lei speed up the upgrade, and let Shi Lei advance to the next level when he is not ready for the next level.

Fortunately, all this has not happened. It seems that in another higher-dimensional universe, the makers of black cards have sufficient restrictions on black cards, which is a bit like human beings in science fiction movies , The first line of code written by an artificial intelligence robot that may appear in the future.

The first article of the so-called robot law ~ ~ must not hurt humans.

In that higher-dimensional universe, of course, the restriction mechanism of the black card maker on the black card cannot be such a simple one. Shi Lei has reason to believe that it is a very complicated set of restrictions.

Anyway, this time the black card extortion, he succeeded, and he found a more perfect way for him to gain popularity faster and more conveniently in the future.

Since Black Card will issue any tasks to Shi Lei in the future, he must give corresponding rewards according to the level of the task. Then, if Shi Lei actively finds some artworks that Black Card has not owned, Black Card should also be happy to follow He made a similar deal.

Next time, of course, Shi Lei will not have too much requirements for the black card. He just wants to switch the obtained one into a reputation value, so that he can unlock all the exchange items in the reputation system as much as possible.

Shi Lei believes that both the consumption level and the prestige system are crucial points for unlocking the contract with the black card.

If the consumption level is lock, then the exchange items in the prestige system are the keys.

Only when the consumption level is sufficient and enough cards are redeemed can Shi Lei be truly close to the high-latitude universe where the black card used to be, and be closer to the makers of the black card.

Only in this way can Shi Lei surpass the black card and thus get rid of the black card's restraint on him.

Shi Lei firmly believes that, in the universe where Hei Ka used to be, it is just like a supercomputer on earth, just a tool for humanity.

However, the dimension of that universe is higher, and it is more omnipotent with black cards.

Shi Lei slowly closed his eyes, and his mouth murmured: "The extortionate scammer, this title seems to be good." 898) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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