The Black Card

Chapter 1337: Human treasure

Strictly speaking, this is not a drawer. After being opened, it is simply a big bucket with a depth exceeding 80 cm.

In this bucket, a large number of wooden sticks are placed diagonally, ranging from high to short, of varying lengths. The thickness is very close, basically the diameter looks like seven or eight centimeters.

Shi Leixin took one out of his hand and glanced, he found that it was not a wooden stick, but rather a wooden barrel.

The wood is golden yellow, and there are grains on it. Shi Lei, who already has a good understanding of the wood, can see at a glance that this is the wood of Jin Sinan.

The reason why it is a wooden barrel, not a wooden stick, is because about one third of this thing in Shi Lei's hands obviously has an interface.

Shi Lei pulled out the upper half without moving, then Shi Lei tried to turn it again, and quickly turned the upper half of the tube down.

Inside, it was a scroll, Shi Lei pressed the excitement and took the scroll out.

By the light of the flashlight, Shi Lei saw that the scroll was slightly yellowish. He almost immediately called out the identification card from his brain and used it once. Then, he saw the scroll in his hand and it bloomed in an instant.

A bunch of radiance lingered around that scroll. Even if it hasn't been unrolled yet, Shi Lei can already see that this scroll is an object of the Tang Dynasty, and its value, judging from its brilliance, is at least hundreds of millions of soft sister coins .

After all, it's too dark here, and Shi Lei can't take a closer look.

And these scrolls are too old. If they are hurriedly unfolded in such a place, the irregularities will cause some damage to themselves.

So Shi Lei didn't hesitate to plug the scroll back into the wooden barrels of golden phoenix wood, looked at those wooden barrels, and the number was really twenty-three. This can almost confirm that this is the target of the task issued by the black card .

Shi Lei suppressed his inner excitement and tried to pick up the wooden barrels, but thinking that there is still a long way to go, he hesitated, and bowed again to Taichung, saying in the mouth: "Senior, I have offended me, I This bucket needs to be brought up. When I put these calligraphy and paintings down, I will come back and hope not to blame. "

After all, Shi Lei directly pumped out all the buckets, which was part of the coffin, after all, it was normal for Shi Lei to apologize to those two tablets.

Returning the same way, Shi Lei no longer hesitated.

Holding the huge bucket, Shi Lei returned to the ground. Then, he immediately entered the study and emptied the desk measuring one by four by two and three meters before taking out all the painting tubes in the bucket.

It was already dark, and the natural golden silk of the golden silk nanmu did not look so dazzling, but Shi Lei couldn't take care of it, and eagerly took out a wooden painting tube and took out the scroll inside.

Lay the scroll carefully on the table, Shi Lei put on a pair of cotton white gloves very carefully, and then slowly rolled out the scroll.

The effectiveness of the appraisal card has not passed yet. Shi Lei saw that this painting was indeed a fine one among the fine works. This is another Wu Daozi's painting. There is a statue of Buddha on the top, but his appearance is closer to humans.

Shi Lei knows that this is because many of Wu Daozi ’s paintings of the Buddha were actually based on the appearance of the emperor at the time, or based on the portrait of the emperor at the time.

Carefully put away the painting, Shi Lei returned it to the painting tube as it is.

I took a second painting tube and placed the scroll inside it on the desk.

Above the scrolls, the brightness is extremely strong, which means that the paintings in this scroll are extremely valuable, even surpassing Wu Daozi's painting.

Shi Lei was a little surprised, whose work is this? Can it even surpass the price of Wu Daozi's paintings?

The color on the scroll, however, shows that this piece of work is from the Jin Dynasty. Shi Lei was a little surprised, and then realized that during the Jin Dynasty? Is this the work of Wang Xizhi?

I am afraid that only Wang Xizhi's works can surpass Wu Daozi's paintings in value.

With excitement, Shi Lei unfolded the painting axis slowly.

Sure enough, this is not a painting, but a word. The flowing book is simply pleasing to the eye.

Don't look at the paragraph, Shi Lei also knows that this word is definitely the work of Wang Shengzhi.

After all unfolding, it really turned out that the pendant in the lower right corner was Wang Xizhi, and Shi Lei was really excited.

The third picture, Wang Xianzhi, although worse than his father, is definitely a national treasure.

Fourth, Da Vinci.

Fifth, Van Gogh.

The sixth picture, Mi.

The seventh ...

The eighth ...


Shi Lei has become numb. These works, which can be called gems in history, now all appear in his eyes. What's more, it's 100% authentic, which is simply dazzling.

Works that were supposed to have been lost to the world, even when they saw the sky again, Shi Lei was about to cast his ground on the five-body admired by Black Card. If there is no black card, I am afraid these calligraphy and paintings will really be buried underground. Even if Mr. Zheng told Shi Lei that there was an antique collected by his ancestor in the house, who could have thought that this antique would be so valuable?

This is no longer something that money can measure, but it is directly related to the art history of human beings.

It took Shi Lei a long time to calm down, even if he had already obtained the list of these calligraphy and paintings from Heka, but there was no shock in the list of these 23 works.

In fact, Shi Lei is not a person who is too enthusiastic about art. Compared with Crawford's enthusiasm for painting and calligraphy, Shi Lei is actually a layman who knows the best. He always holds the simplest price for these artworks. Measurement method.

But today, with his understanding of the art of calligraphy and painting can be regarded as the most profound person on the earth, he is indeed shocked by the pearl of the top of these art palaces ~ ~ This is almost a masterpiece of human art thing.

Pouring himself a glass of wine, Shi Lei forcibly suppressed the excitement.

He did not forget to return the bucket, and then he exited the chamber, returned to the ground, went down to the well, and restored the brick to its original state.

As the bricks were put back into the distance, there was a lot of movement in the well. Shi Lei hurriedly returned to the ground. He saw the floor tile that had fallen into the ground by the well and slowly restored its original shape.

Except for some gaps, the rest did not see that this brick could be moved.

However, Shi Lei knew that if external force was used to destroy this brick, it would definitely cause the entire chamber to collapse. The ancestors of the Zheng family would rather destroy their coffin corpses, and would never allow these things to fall into the hands of outsiders.

He tried to press down the brick, but the brick remained motionless, which fully shows that even if Shi Lei knew that the brick was the institution, he couldn't open the secret chamber smoothly.

If you want to start the organization, there must be other tricks.

Shi Lei directly bypassed these tricks and found a direct way to trigger the organ from the middle of the organ, and finally found the place of the secret room.

After researching around the well for a long time, Shi Lei probably judged that the floor tiles around the well were well-known. Otherwise, the well is usually carved from a whole piece of rock, and it is rarely made into a floor tile. But around the well, But paved a circle of floor tiles.

Shi Lei estimates that these floor tiles need to be stepped on in a special order to touch the organs under the well platform, so that the bricks fall into the ground, completely open the organs in the well, and open the secret room under the pillar.

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