The Black Card

Chapter 1434: Decentralization of technology

Through more careful and meticulous screening, Shi Lei finally found a good investment project. This investment cost nearly 60 million yuan, and the remaining 20 million yuan. Shi Lei invested in another project.

The latter project, after half a year or even a year, can only bring more regular investment returns.

However, in the previous project, Shi Lei could get nearly ten times the return after half a year, and one year later, it would get more than thirty times the return.

Half a year later, the profits made by Shi Lei's ordinary investment and the profits from the deferral effect add up to just over 700 million, which increased his profit pool to 6 billion. However, according to the total amount of the profit pool, all the black card credits obtained by Shi Lei are calculated. He has gone through seven credit cycle at the fifth level. The total amount obtained has exceeded 7.5 billion, and the gap is still 15 Billion or more.

However, Shi Lei is not worried, because the part of this investment that is close to 60 million will reach more than 1.8 billion in one fell swoop on the next settlement day. After deducting more than 500 million profits in this quota cycle, After deducting the basic profit point of 80 million yuan, at least 1.2 billion yuan of profits will be obtained.

At the same time, the investment in the early 20 million will also have a profit of more than 500 million on the next settlement day.

At least 1.7 billion and even 1.8 billion can be counted into the profit pool. By then, Shi Lei's profit pool will reach about 7.8 billion. By the next settlement date, the final goal of Shi Lei's profit pool is not An accident will be a little over 8.5 billion.

As long as Shi Lei is able to grasp the investment in this quota cycle, and the investment of 80 million yuan will make a profit of 700 million yuan, then Shi Lei is likely to complete the goal of the profit pool in this quota cycle.

Shi Lei finally completed the 80 million investment, and the investment cheat card shows that this investment will get at least 600 million profits for him after half a year.

It may not be enough, but it may be exceeded. After all, the money invested before may still bring a little return, and Shi Lei is only a hundred million away from his goal of profit pool.

The profit pool is likely to be filled in this quota cycle, and Shi Lei has to consider another condition for the termination of the contract, which is to rise to the sixth level.

The academy acquired earlier, after more than three years of research and development, still failed to complete the final breakthrough, and now the scientists are a little embarrassed to see Shi Lei.

For the past three years, Shi Lei has invested 300 million yuan in research and development funds every six months. In the past three years, he has failed to form a breakthrough.

Shi Lei didn't say anything. Instead, after seeing these scientists, he was very polite about the progress of research and development, and was concerned about where the research and development was trapped.

Although these scientists are ashamed, they don't think that Shi Lei can really understand them. They just think of Shi Lei's concern as an investor's business value.

At the same time, they even started to worry. After all, gold masters like Shi Lei are too difficult to find, and this project continues so long. I am afraid that even if Lei is rich again, he will consider quitting the investment and even want to research Sell ​​again.

Under this contradictory psychology, scientists have introduced their projects honestly, and said in great detail that they did not avoid the professional terms.

They were surprised to find that Shi Lei not only understood, but also talked to them about the technology itself, and the opinions they put forward really made these scientists shine.

Scientists look at Shi Lei completely differently. Although he has never seen Shi Lei's hands-on ability, as far as his understanding of this project is concerned, he is an absolute professional.

In this regard, Shi Lei only modestly stated that in the past three years, because he took over the entire academy, he has also conducted systematic learning and research in the direction of this project.

"I'm an idler, and I usually have nothing to do. I dare not disturb the scientists in research and development, so I found a university by myself and systematically studied the relevant courses of this project. It should appear to be effective in three years? "

Shi Lei can be humble, but those scientists dare not pretend to compare. They have said, "This is more than effective? To be honest, Mr. Shi, at your level, it is enough to apply for a doctorate. Many of your opinions, even We haven't considered it in such detail. "

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Since this is the case, then I have a suggestion ... I came here today because I had an idea some time ago, and then I spent almost three months checking and deducing it, and established it. More than ten models finally reached a relatively complete conclusion. Of course, the amount of checking is too large, and I may not be perfect enough. So, I want to share this idea with scientists. If everyone thinks that I This suggestion is feasible, so it may be helpful to try it in this direction for a more complete check. "

Scientists have long been afraid of enlarging with Shi Lei, and have asked Shi Lei to hurry up, so Shi Lei is like a professor, standing in front of the blackboard, forming his own opinions and suggestions on the project into a formula, written On the blackboard.

Throughout the description, the laboratory was silent, and the scientists were shocked. Shi Lei almost caught all of these people's attention when she spoke.

By the time Shi Lei has finished his thoughts, the scientists are about to collapse, because the idea put forward by Shi Lei is the direction in which they have not been able to find a suitable point to break through.

Shi Lei's formula perfectly solves this technical difficulty.

And if the formula proposed by Shi Lei is really verified ~ ~, it can be said that this will be the key to determine the success of this project.

The leader of the scientists said: "Mr. Shi, you have spent three years studying, but your level has reached a level stronger than ours. The idea you put forward is simply too important. I think It's not too late, we will complete and systematically check your calculations. If they pass, I will put a word, this project will inevitably appear in three months. We can achieve mass production within six months. "

Shi Lei nodded with a smile and said, "It's helpful, I just have a sudden imagination. It may be because you have been too long on this project and your ideas have been limited. But I am an outsider, so I dare to go wild Think about it. Then, I won't bother you, I'm waiting for the good news from you. "

A week later, the institute sent a message telling Shi Lei that Shi Lei's formula was fully established, and they have continued the next work by using Shi Lei's formula.

Of course, Shi Lei would not be surprised, because this is the card that he extracted with the reputation value, and then sorted the results. If he doesn't want to be too shocking, he can even let those scientists continue to develop according to this formula, instead of requiring them to continue to check. Shi Lei had already checked.

Three months later, the research institute announced the completion of research and development.

After the R & D results were released and a patent was applied for, this research institute, which was acquired by Shi Lei at a cost of 2 billion yuan, and successively invested more than 2.5 billion yuan, finally achieved a major breakthrough.

Two months later, a new company was established for this product, and mass production was announced. After evaluation, various investment funds have given the new company a valuation of 13 billion yuan.

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