The Black Card

Chapter 29: Fantasy and reality

Watching Sun Yiyi's panic, Shi Lei felt sensitive that something must be in it.

"One by one, where have you been?" Shi Lei asked.

An ordinary questioning made Sun Yiyi more and more flustered. She didn't know where to put her hands and feet, her eyes were full of dodge, she didn't even dare to look at Shi Lei.

Shi Shilei became more and more aware of something, and asked: "Are there any troubles? One by one, you tell me, no matter what troubles, I will help you!"

"Nothing, really nothing!" Sun Yiyi still dodged, and fumbled out the key to open the door, but the key in his hand fell to the ground.

Shi Lei picked up the key, but didn't rush to open the door. Instead, he looked at Sun Yiyi seriously, pulled her shoulder, and said more earnestly, "One by one, tell me the truth, we grew up together. I treat you like my own sister. No matter what, you have to tell me. Did you say that because of your aunt's illness, you asked someone to borrow money, and now someone else wants you to pay it back? "

Sun Yiyi quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no, I didn't borrow money."

"One by one, you tell me the truth!"

Sun Yiyi looked at Shi Lei uneasily, and finally couldn't hold back, crying wow.

Shi Lei also realized that his tone was a bit too heavy, so he softened his tone as much as possible, stroking Sun Yiyi's hair, and said, "Okay, one by one, it's not good for me, it's because I have too much tone. But, What ’s the matter, you have to tell me, you do n’t have to worry about your aunt ’s illness. I brought the money here, which is enough for you to pay the aunt ’s surgery ... ”

I didn't expect that when Sun Yiyi heard this, she cried pear flower with rain and plunged into Shi Lei's arms, tears quickly wet Shi Lei's front.

I was comforted for a long time, and Sun Yiyi finally stopped her tears, and Shi Lei said again, "One by one, would you like to tell Brother Shi to you? What did you just do?"

Sun Yiyi bit her lip, but she did n’t know how to talk to Shi Lei. Although she was simple, Wu Haoyuan was willing to give money to her mother to see a doctor, and it seemed to be a normal transaction. However, Sun Yiyi probably understood a little bit The "package | cultivation" mentioned above is not much different.

I just have a little luck in her heart. She hopes that Wu Haoyuan really likes her so that at least she can explain to herself.

But Shi Lei's appearance, even Shi Lei also said that she was ready to give her mother money for surgery, as if in an instant, pulled her back from reality to reality. There are not so many fairy tales in this world, some are just bare money transactions, and Sun Yiyi finally understands how wrong a decision she almost made.

Shi Lei in front of her eyes is the only person she can trust except her mother. She can no longer control her emotions, and the whole person seems to be hollowed out.

"Brother Stone, I ... I ..." Sun Yiyi said a few times and stopped, and Shi Lei stroked her head in pain.

"Stone brother, shall we go over there for a while?" Sun Yiyi took Shi Lei's arm and pointed to the old-fashioned community where the elderly would exercise. At this time, there was no one there.

Shi Lei nodded. The two walked to a seesaw and sat down separately. Shi Lei squatted gently and stood up again, letting Sun Yiyi rise and fall naturally on the seesaw.

"We used to be on a seesaw like this when we were young. Do you remember?" Shi Lei knew something must be happening, but Sun Yiyi didn't dare to say it now, so he hoped to relax Sun Yiyi's mood as much as possible.

Sun Yiyi's face was a little indifferent, and she seemed to remember the scene of playing with Shi Lei when she was a child.

"Brother Stone, I just ... just now ... Actually, there is a boy who is a student of the same school as you and this year is also a senior. He chased me last year, but my mother said that my task is good I ignored him during my studies. He kept looking for me and I ignored him. But now that my mother is ill, I originally thought that selling beer at the bar would quickly raise enough money for my mother's medical treatment, but what happened last night, let I know that if you want to make money in that kind of place, you have to be an unclean woman first. I do n’t want to be like that ... you won't allow me to go to work there again ... "

Sun Yiyi's voice was getting lower and lower, as if she knew she had done something wrong.

"I think of that guy. Not long ago, I happened to meet him when I was a waiter at KTV. He knew what was happening in my house and said that he could pay for my mother's medical expenses, but there was a condition that I had to do it. His girlfriend. He said that even if he is only a girlfriend of one year, when he graduates from college, if I don't want to continue, it can be over. "

When I heard this, Shi Lei was furious.

"One by one! Did you just meet him just now? You promised him? He didn't want you to be his girlfriend, he just wanted to ... want ..." Shi Lei hesitated, he didn't want to say that dirty word.

Sun Yiyi wasn't flustered by Shi Lei's reprimand. Instead, a pale smile appeared on her face, but she calmed down.

"Brother Stone, I did call him just now to meet with KFC who was near him at the school, but I haven't seen him yet, your call came."

"One by one, I understand you want to see your aunt, but how can you promise such a thing, this is basically ..."

"Bag | raise, right?"

Seeing Sun Yiyi calmly say this sentence, Shi Lei was holding back instead.

"Actually, from the time he started to talk about the conditions for seeing his mother ~ ~, I already understood it. However, he pursued me for half a year and waited for me to leave school almost every day at the school gate. He is really sincere. Although the conditions he proposed are not good, but what can I do? Mom's disease, can I not care? I want to have a happy family like other girls, and be happy I went to school in college. However, I did n’t have any of these. I can only lie to myself and lie to myself that Wu Haoyuan really likes me, so that I can fall in love with him in peace, and then use his money to see my mother. but……"

Sun Yiyi raised her head, wiped away the tears on her face, and said to Shi Lei, "Brother Stone, am I a bad girl?"

Shi Lei was silent. He stood up silently, walked to Sun Yiyi on the other side of the seesaw, held her in his arms, and said softly, "No, one by one is a good girl, one by one is a very filial one. Girl. I blame you, I shouldn't say that to you. "

Gently pulled Sun Yiyi off the seesaw, Shi Lei faced Sun Yiyi and said, "One by one, you remember, no matter how difficult the situation, you should not be your reason for being cheap. I have helped you with the medical expenses. Solved, what Wu Haoyuan, you do n’t care about him in the future, even if you accidentally see him in the future, you can hide away. Rest assured, everything now will pass, you will still have it after your aunt ’s surgery is finished A happy family, you can definitely go back to school next year. Don't worry about money, I will help you in the future. "

"But Brother Shi, your mother's medical expenses are at least 60,000 yuan, and your family's conditions are very ordinary. Why do you have so much money?"

Ji Shilei rubbed Sun Yiyi's hair and said, "I have been doing a part-time job at the university for the past few years, and I have saved tens of thousands of dollars in recent years ..."

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