The Black Card

: Give me another day

I tried it very seriously. The shoulder of my right arm was still sore and unsustainable. I could only type with my left hand. The speed was too slow to keep up with my mind. I wrote it and forgot my previous idea.

Dislocation is easy for children, just go up. It is not easy for an adult, especially an old arm with three dislocations in the same area, whether it is a reduction or a postoperative recovery.

I slept on the sofa the day before yesterday and yesterday. I couldn't bear lying down on my shoulders. I could only sit and sleep until I could lie down this morning.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, it hurts. Today is sore. In my experience, tomorrow will be much better.

It should be possible to restore normal codewords tomorrow, but I really can't hold on today.

So take another day off. Updates will resume tomorrow. Three days, 12 chapters owed, I will find time to pay back, but please don't rush.

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