The Black Card

Chapter 777: 4-star consumption

Up to the third level, Shi Lei has gone through three quota cycles.

According to the lowest score of six points each time, excluding today, Shi Lei has received a basic score of at least twelve points.

The additional score is six points before that, which means that the basic score must be added to at least six points.

That is to say, Shi Lei's basic score should actually have reached eighteen points or higher.

This quota cycle received an additional score of 30 out of 30, and the basic score was basically 30. So Shi Lei ’s three-level basic score has reached 48 points, or even about 50.

In this way, even if Shi Lei controls it, he will still have at most two quota cycles and will be promoted to the fourth level.

Four levels means a quota of 100 million.

At present, in addition to buying planes and yachts, Shi Lei really does not have a good way to consume.

Is there only two months left?

Shi Lei was really worried and really worried.

To delay the upgrade, Shi Lei can only make garbage consumption, and this consumption must be garbage to an additional score of more than 35 points, before it can affect the basic score. This is obviously unlikely.

For a while, Shi Lei was a little lost.

Consumption has been too easy for Shi Lei in these three months.

It seems that the 10 million quota was actually reduced by half immediately after getting it. Shi Lei bought the villa and needed to return 5 million to Wei Qing's house every month.

Coupled with the decoration of the house, the addition of furniture and appliances, all of this, let Shi Lei spend money without pressure.

In the next two credit cycle, Shi Lei still needs to return 5 million to Wei Qing's family in each credit cycle. It is obvious that he will not have any difficulty in completing the consumption of these two credit cycles.

In particular, he still has the power of 10% for collection consumption and 5% for non-profit investments. Shi Lei has also fully figured out how to operate non-profit investments, which can help Shi Lei spend 100 500,000, but there are only 3.5 million per quota cycle, Shi Lei is still very sure to consume it.

It is just that there are only two months left for such a beautiful day.

Of course, when the quota has risen to 100 million, Shi Lei still has some ways to consume.

Shi Lei is no longer limited to the life of Wu Dong. His life footprint has at least expanded to places such as the Imperial Capital, the Magic Capital and Baoan Yangcheng.

In addition, Wei Xingyue, Song Miaomiao and Sun Yiyi have reached a closeness of 100% with Shi Lei, and Shi Lei can help each of them buy a suite.

The prices of these cities in the Imperial City are several times higher than those of Wu Dong. There are many tens of millions of luxury homes, plus the consumption of private jets and yachts. At the fourth level, Shi Lei should still be able to live safely.

However, after the fourth level is the fifth level, that is likely to be a billion-level quota.

This becomes a pretty fatal problem.

Level 3 has two months left, which is basically at most two months.

What about level four? No matter how carefully Lei completed it, it didn't produce any increased scores, which was at most ten months.

This means that Shi Lei has reached the limit of one billion years, and Shi Lei has only a maximum of one year left. In fact, it is almost impossible to operate for the longest time.

On the premise of not being able to repeat consumption on a large scale, let alone Shi Lei, even people like Yu Banzhi and Bai Prism, it is difficult to spend one billion yuan every month. Is it necessary to let Shi Lei buy a satellite? The key is what can I do if I buy a satellite? If it is used for commercial purposes, it will be regarded as investment and used for private life. Does Shi Lei have satellites to help him observe the universe?

Suddenly, Shi Lei felt like he wasn't staying.

This passage was too smooth and careless. I actually ignored the immediate safety and security issues, and I was getting more and more cheap in front of the scepter. This made Shi Lei somewhat proud of himself, almost forgetting the black card. And scepter can kill themselves at any time.


Seeing Shi Lei's face constantly changing, the scepter gave a strange laugh.

"Third-level commissioner, what are you thinking about? It looks like your looks are not very good. Are you uncomfortable? If you are uncomfortable, remember to see a doctor, even if you are not going to see a doctor Drink more water. "

Shi Lei's eyes rolled straight, this annoying scepter, actually took out this kind of long-term stalk to humiliate Shi Lei, Uncle Shi Lei could bear it ... well, also have to bear it.

Shi Lei realized that he must use the extremely limited time to get as much value as possible, and then get a lottery or other similar opportunities. In short, he needs to get more resources in the hands of the black card. Only by strengthening yourself can we face higher quotas more effectively.

Of course, it is best to understand the purpose and motivation of the black card, and that is even to find a way to get rid of the black card.

Shi Lei took a deep breath and said: "Honorable scepter, since it is a perfect score, then this is also equivalent to value consumption, shouldn't such a score give me some lucky draw opportunities or What about rewards like this? "

The good mood of the scepter was ended by Shi Lei's sentence. It snorted and said unpleasantly: "Although this is not a consumption, it is equivalent to a four-star consumption. A third-level commissioner can get ..."

Shi Lei immediately interrupted the scepter.

"and many more."

Four-star consumption? This is absolutely impossible.

The reward for three-star consumption is a lucky draw opportunity, and five-star consumption will get two lucky draw opportunities ~ ~ Shi Lei has not completed any four-star consumption, but according to five plus-star consumption and two-star consumption In the consumption experience, Shi Lei is convinced that four-star consumption will never be a chance to draw a lottery, because the chance of drawing a lottery cannot be one or five times.

However, Shi Lei never wants the black card to directly assign any reward to himself. The reward distributed by the black card is often accompanied by extremely complicated tasks.

Of course, from the perspective of the black card, that is not a task, it is just jealous of the shameless macro influence on the people that Shi Lei may encounter in the future, so that Shi Lei can use all the rewards received at least once.

But who wants the black card to affect themselves!

Shi Lei said, "Dear scepter, don't worry, I'd rather give up the reward of four-star consumption, and only need to get the reward of three-star consumption once, do you think?"

The scepter smiled strangely and said, "The treacherous Mickey Mouse, it seems that you really have touched some rules about rewards. Do you want to get a chance to draw a lottery, instead of letting the supreme black card directly award you? "

Shi Lei smiled suddenly, he already felt that the scepter would reject his request.

Sure enough, the scepter said, "Don't even think about it!"

"From my personal wishes, I even hope that the supreme black card will allow you to make such concessions. But ... four-star consumption is four-star consumption, and now zero has passed, even if you want to return some of the gifts The other party is too late. There is no room for bargaining. So, accept your reward honestly. "

Shi Lei knew that he was unable to make a scepter, or to be more precise, to change the mind of the black card. But the scepter actually said that it was willing to make concessions to Shi Lei, what does this mean?

He could only take a deep breath and said, "Well, let's talk about it, what exactly is the reward for four-star consumption?"

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