The Black Card

Chapter 790: Nervous Ding Yu

Shi Lei ignored him and washed the dishes with tea, then walked to the window and poured the tea into the trash under the window sill.

Back at the table, Shi Lei looked at Ding Yu, and Ding Yu showed an awkward smile.

Obviously, Shi Lei rejected Ding Yu's words with action. The reason why he didn't say it directly was that the rejection he said would surely appear stiff, which would make Ding Yu even more embarrassed.

"The auction will start at 8 pm on the 7th, because there is only one lot, which is the salvage right of this shipwreck, so the entire auction process is likely to end in fifteen minutes. And because of this The second lot actually involves two countries, so ... "

Shi Lei waved his hand and said, "Mr. Ding, you should know who the shipwreck was eventually photographed or the auction process. In principle, I do n’t care. If it proves that the shipwreck is worth salvaging, I think, your organization This shipwreck will be photographed at any cost, and I do n’t think anyone will be your true potential competitor. So, do n’t waste time on unnecessary introductions, let ’s keep it simple, and say directly how to achieve it .If I think the implementation of this identification is acceptable to me, I will consider taking this list. "

Ding Yu took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Sorry, I'm a little nervous, so I want to make the context clear."

Shi Lei picked up the wipes on the table, wiped his hands, and then stared at Ding Yu intently.

Ding Yu settled himself and asked tentatively: "Mr. Shi, shall we first talk about this reward?"

Shi Lei sighed and said, "Indeed, I can also see Mr. Ding's nervousness. I don't know the specific reason. However, I still want to know how the identification is realized first."

Ding Yu wiped his sweat again.

The air-conditioning in the private room is sufficient, and it should not be sweating at all, but Ding Yu's movements to wipe sweat are not only to cover up the inner tension. Shi Lei can clearly see that his forehead is really sweaty. Even because of a lot of sweat, Ding Yu's hair was soaked and clung to his scalp.

Sighing, Ding Yu still said honestly: "Identification needs to be carried out through a video connection ..."

Shi Lei frowned, and said, "Don't look at the real thing? And, the shipwreck is still in the sea, do you want to tell me, let me pass a camera on a screen, facing the dark and deep bottom of the sea, on the entire wreck. Identification of the item? "

Ding Yu's sweat on his head increased a lot, and even began to tick down.

He nodded and said, "That's about it. If Mr. Shi is willing to take a shot, our people have already arranged. There will be four people at the same time dive into the bottom of the sea and onto the shipwreck. Then use the HD camera to carry out the wreckless The shooting of the dead end. The entire shooting process is connected on the spot, that is, Mr. Shi can conduct the command on the spot ... "

Shi Lei interrupted Ding Yu's words without hesitation. He said, "Aren't you kidding me? I won't say that the identification of antique art must be started, and it must be carried out under sufficient light conditions. It's just me. The rule that no one is present at the time of the appraisal is unacceptable to me. "

Ding Yu sighed again, holding the handkerchief and wiping the sweat on his forehead, the handkerchief was about to drip water.

Opening his mouth, his mouth became dry and sticky. Ding Yu had to pick up the tea cup, but found that the tea cup was empty.

He hurriedly poured himself a glass of water, but spilled a lot of tea on himself, and he didn't care about the water and was still hot. He drank a full glass in one breath.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, of course we know your rules ... No, no, this is the rule that Mr. X set in the first place. When you identify, you are absolutely not allowed to be present and no one is allowed to watch. However, this time the situation is really special, so please think twice and don't refuse so quickly. "

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "Can you tell me why you are so nervous? After all, this is just a task, and it is one of the many tasks you usually do. And the initiative is with me, whether it is successful or not. Responsibility. It's impossible for your organization to think that you are doing a bad job because of such a thing? "

Ding Yu hurriedly said, "No, no, Mr. Shi, don't get me wrong. I'm nervous because I have to complete this task and I don't have much time."

Shi Lei was very strange, he said puzzledly: "In my opinion, the most stressful person in this task is Zhang Xiyue, because she can get out of your organization after completing this task. Then why are you? And, What does it mean that time is running out? Don't tell me that you have terminal illness. Only by completing this task will your organization give you some medicine for terminal illness ... This kind of stalk can't really deceive people. "

Ding Yu shook his head again and said, "No, not Mr. Shi, as you imagine, we can never use this old stalk to insult Mr. Shi's IQ."

Shi Lei smiled, he said, "Well then, tell me, what do you mean when time is running out?"

"I have one in my head ..."

"Hey ..." Shi Lei was very dissatisfied.

Just said don't play me with a Korean drama terrier like terminal illness, now you tell me that you have a tumor in your head?

Ding Yu was not interrupted by Shi Lei's dissatisfied "feed", but continued to say, "I have a good entrepreneurial plan in my mind ..."

Shi Lei nodded when he heard this. He said that Hong Kong people speak Mandarin. It really worked hard. ~ If you have a business plan, you talk about the business plan. Why do you have to say something in your head?

"But this entrepreneurial plan is very difficult to achieve. Only if I can accomplish this task will the organization help me complete ..."

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and felt that this excuse was not much better than terminal illness. He said directly: "Not to mention what exactly your business plan is, but in any case, starting a business is nothing more than starting capital. Need money, you find a venture capital. Why do you have to organize to get it done? I am an angel investor. You give me the plan and I can see if I can do it. If you can do it, no matter how much money, I will help you find a way to make an angel investment. . "

Ding Yu waved his hand and said, "It's not a matter of money. If this venture plan is in front of any venture capitalist, I bet I will get the highest angel round investment in history. No, no, there is no angel round, direct A round, The A round will not be less than $ 100 million. "

Shi Lei took a breath of air, and he began to doubt the IQ of this man named Ding Yu.

"I know Mr. Shi won't believe it, but this is true. My entrepreneurial plan is a prerequisite for me to join the pupils of the night."

Shi Lei frowns. This looks very cramped, and a bit dumb Ding Yu, completely different from Shi Lei's imagination.

The people in the pupils of the night are very calm and calm, because they have the most advanced power in the world, and they have no reason to behave like Ding Yu. Even if Zhang Xiyue had made a mistake, she must seek Shi Lei's understanding, she is not like Ding Yu.

"I joined Night Eye because they can help me. For my research, I signed a one-year work contract with Night Eye ..."

"Wait ..." Shi Lei interrupted him and said, "Research? How did it become research again? Didn't you just talk about the business plan?"

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