The Black Card

Chapter 816: Relatives start to fall

What surprised Shi Lei was that after he went downstairs, he saw Hu Xiaohua driving in the car and waiting for him downstairs.

Relatives certainly didn't know Hu Xiaohua, but when they saw Hu Xiaohua's over one million cars, he naturally knew his identity.

Saying goodbye to Shi Lei, relatives hurried away, Shi Lei pulled the door of the car and got into the car.

Hu Xiaohua already knew why Shi Lei behaved so strangely on the phone at the moment. He smiled at Shi Lei and said, "Developed, so all relatives come to the door to fight the autumn wind?"

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "I didn't mention anything, but I was embarrassed. Sitting among several elders, I didn't know what to talk to them. I can only trouble you."

Hu Xiaohua said: "You are also developing too fast. When you came back that year ago, you were at least not short of money. Now, less than a year, I earn less than a billion dollars. Relatives have ghosts if they have no idea. "

"There are no more than a billion properties. Now it is just a valuation. Who knows what tomorrow is?"

"Pretend! You pretend!" Hu Xiaohua rolled his eyes frantically, and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Just find a place to sit for a while. I must have dinner with my parents at night, and I will harass you tomorrow."

Hu Xiaohua nodded, which is also human nature, and he can certainly understand.

They went to the tea house by the river, or even the private room that day. The two sat down and drank new tea this fall.

"Those relatives in your family must still look for you. Now that you are in a different position, they dare not speak easily. But they will certainly not give up."

Hu Xiaohua took a sip of tea and lowered the cup and said, "You have to explain to your parents about this, don't turn your face away and refuse, otherwise you are in trouble."

Shi Lei smiled and said, "If you don't ask too much, I will help you. If you just want to eat for nothing, then it is definitely impossible."

"What is the problem? If they ask you to arrange work for your children, that is, your cousins ​​and cousins, anyway, in a company as big as yours, it is not natural to think of raising a few idle people."

Shi Lei scratched his head, thinking that this was really a problem.

"I have a suggestion, do you want to hear it? The operation is good, and it can solve all the problems here."

Shi Lei's eyes lit up and he said, "Speak and listen."

However, Hu Xiaohua sold Guanzi. He tilted Erlang's legs, and said with a smile, "It's not okay to listen to such white-mouthed ones, my brother and me. This is not a plan."

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "Brother Xiaohua, don't do this. I'll set up a big table for Minger. In the best place in Runzhou, I will give you seven for one person, so that you can return to Wei Xiaobao."

Hu Xiaohua rolled his eyes and said, "How am I confused you as Yuan Chao? If I want to be Wei Xiaobao, do you need to arrange for me?"

"Then what do you want in the end?"

"I want a point for the Qixuan round C. Regardless of who leads, you have to let me in."

Shi Lei thought about it. Qixuan's B round is worth 2.6 billion. The C round's inconsistent insurance requires four times the valuation of close to 10 billion. The conservative point is estimated to be three times 7 billion.

He said, "Are you sure? The C-round Kaixuan went straight to the 10 billion valuation."

"I've prepared a hundred million, and the old man gave me a call, depending on when I can get on your ride. Even if your C-wheel is slightly over, my side should be fine."

Shi Lei smiled, and said, "We are so optimistic about Qixuan?"

"In fact, I hope you can have a B + round so that either I save a little money or I can take more shares."

Shi Lei nodded and said: "Okay, no matter whether it's round B + or round C, the next financing will definitely give you a copy. But you took the shares, Yuan Chao's side ..."

Hu Xiaohua waved his hand and said, "My brother is still paying the bill. If you arrange it, you can take him in the car, but the arrangement is not enough. But Yuanchao's family may not have that much cash, don't look at us. It ’s not bad to say that my family ’s volume is good. In fact, my cash flow is limited. If it ’s not my father who plans to transform, I think real estate will be more and more difficult in the next few years. The best upswing period has passed, and we need to invest. It ’s also difficult to directly give me a hundred million. "

Shi Lei nodded again and said, "Then you should hide Brother Yuanchao for the time being, not that I don't want to play with my brothers. I don't bother to talk about the company. If I give it to others, I have to pay. It ’s like a shot. It ’s really impossible for me to transfer it to you. ”

Hu Xiaohua smiled with satisfaction. He said, "Then I will tell you how to solve the problems of relatives at home in a package."

Shi Lei sat up straight and listened.

Hu Xiaohua took a sip of water, as if a storyteller moistened his throat and coughed, and said, "Actually, my dad also encountered this situation in the past. At that time, my old man came out and started a business with bare hands and fists from Yangcheng The 100,000 yuan earned from the shirt and jeans was obtained from the government. Before the land was received, the bank approved a loan of 1.5 million yuan and gave it 100,000 yuan on the spot. The hard work of money then built the first house of my life. "

Shi Lei rolled his eyes, only feeling that Hu Xiaohua was too long at the door, and even started to talk about his father's entrepreneurial history.

Hu Xiaohua continued: "Father, I have good luck. The house is half-built. Seeing that there is no money, he is thinking about how to get a loan. As a result, he encountered a public institution to raise funds to build a dormitory. He managed to win the list and received With a prepayment, the house was finally built. Then it was sold to that institution and it was the first bucket of gold to be dug out. More than one million is of course nothing now, but in that year, it was a millionaire. It's scary. "

Shi Lei still rolled his eyes, so to continue, when it comes to business matters, the Spring Festival next year?

Hu Xiaohua saw his dissatisfaction ~ ~ smiled and speeded up the process: "Then the relationship that the institution united him with, he even got him a government transformation project. After a year of toss and worth It has already exceeded five million, and his contractor has been worth hundreds of thousands. At that time, relatives at home began to come frequently. At first, like your relatives, I was embarrassed to speak, but for a long time, After a lot of times, no matter how embarrassed, I also opened up. I even talked about what you are such a big construction company. Where is the last foreman who is not in use? Do n’t worry about using your own relatives. But those relatives, They do n’t know the budget, they do n’t know the engineering, they do n’t know the building materials, how can they get them into the company? Finally, guess what happened to my dad? ”

Shi Lei knew that these words were finally coming to the show, and he hurriedly asked, "How did Uncle Hu solve it?"

"He, just put down a sentence and said that he is going to set up a decoration company soon, so that my relatives can quickly learn to decorate. When the company is established, he will pass the assessment by himself. I can say sorry. At first, most of my relatives did n’t take it seriously, and I felt my dad was too ruthless. But my cousin listened to it, and really went to learn how to apply tiles, and then my dad ’s decoration company just recruited My cousin. In addition to his normal salary, he was given five points of shares. "

Shi Lei said for a moment, then immediately understood what Hu Xiaohua said.

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