The Black Card

Chapter 845: The whole story

Two hours ago.

Shi Lei stepped out of the bank and carried a cashier's check for that 30 million soft sister coin.

A taxi slowly stopped at the bank entrance, and Shi Leila drove in and got in.

At this time, a crown parked on the side of the road also started almost at the same time, and quietly followed the taxi.

As Crown passed the gate of the bank, the co-pilot poked his head out the window and glanced. A woman in professional attire in the bank gently nodded at the person in the car. The crown suddenly accelerated and hung from the rental. The rear of the car.

Shi Lei didn't care about this. If he could look back at this time, he would find that the woman in the bank is the lobby manager who received him.

Crown followed the taxi to the summit of Victoria Peak, Shi Lei got out of the car, and they found a parking space to stop the car.

When Shi Lei entered the restaurant and saw Shi Lei handing the envelope to Ding Yu, the two left the restaurant and made a phone call while sitting in the car.

When Ding Yu and Shi Lei left the restaurant seat, one of the two men immediately started the car and drove down the mountain.

After a while, they caught up with their accomplices who had already come to meet on the mountain road.

An accomplice drove a broken car from an abandoned car factory. Two cars were parked on the side of the road with a corner in front. It was just a blind spot for traffic and there was no monitoring nearby. The closest monitoring is a hundred meters away. At this distance, as long as they pay a little attention, the monitoring probes cannot capture their faces.

Soon, a friend at the top of the mountain called and said that Ding Yu, who got the promissory note, had driven down the mountain.

The people in the two cars calculated their time and put on the shape of a car accident scene, waiting for Ding Yu's arrival.

Just after noon, there were almost no other vehicles on the road. After seeing Ding Yu's car appeared, the person in the car pretended to call for help, and then everything that Ding Yu described on the phone happened.

After fainting Ding Yu, the two cars quickly left. The broken car was abandoned under the Victoria Peak. Crown came all the way to the bank. With the help of the lobby manager, it quickly cashed 30 million cashier's checks and deposited them on average. Into four different accounts.

These four accounts were all foreign banks. Even after Ding Yu reported to the police, although the police wanted to freeze the accounts for the first time, foreign banks could be involved. The other bank's strict security measures directly caused the money. It is difficult to recover.

This is a major case worth nearly 40 million Hong Kong dollars. Of course, the police attaches great importance to it. It is directly under the command of a deputy director of the General Police Department and is detected within a time limit.

However, on the hillside of Victoria Peak is a high-end residential area where Hong Kong Island rich people gather. In order to protect the privacy of these rich people, the density of surveillance probes is much lower than other places in the city.

The police called for surveillance near the place of the incident. The probe captured the two robbers, but the distance was too far and the screen was too blurred. Coupled with the obvious experience of the two men, they deliberately avoided surveillance throughout the process. Probe, the police were unable to obtain the appearance of the two men.

The internal monitoring of the bank was also grasped by the police for the first time. However, the person holding the cashier's check for cashing was wearing a baseball cap and the brim was very low. No monitoring probe was able to photograph him. Full face.

Because Shi Lei had already made it clear when he issued the promissory note before, this promissory note would soon be cashed, and he did not confirm who came to the bank to cash the promissory note, he would just hand the promissory note to Ding Yu, the robbed person in this case, also stated afterwards that this promissory note could not be cashed by him, but would be given to a colleague in the institute who is responsible for this business.

This resulted in the bank not paying too much attention, but helping the holder to cash as quickly as possible and remit the money to the four designated bank accounts.

The whole process took less than ten minutes, and the director of the bank responsible for this business did not even take the other party seriously.

The lobby manager in charge also said that he did not pay much attention to the appearance of the bearer.

Both the director and the lobby manager were invited to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. In addition, Ding Yu himself, through the oral narration of the three, the police did draw a picture of one of the suspects.

However, the three individuals had different descriptions in some details, which directly led to the police's belief that the portrait of the suspect was not too accurate.

After receiving the report and confirming the occurrence of the case, the police immediately controlled the ports of entry and exit. However, until the case occurred nearly 24 hours later, the Hong Kong Island Police could not find and Similar portraits of the suspect.

Shi Lei, the person who issued the bill, was also called to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.

When it was known that Shi Lei issued this promissory note of 30 million soft sister coins to support the research institutes of several scientists, the police paid more attention to this case.

However, paying attention does not mean that the case can be solved, especially in this case. The robbers' methods of committing crimes are too sophisticated. At first glance, they are extremely experienced robbers.

The whole process of crime was extremely concise and actionable. Each link was handled extremely well. The clues left to the police were almost only the crown car and the broken car.

The broken car was stolen from an abandoned depot, and the clue broke when it reached the old depot.

The crown became the last clue.

After tracking the crown car, the police found that the crown was unexpectedly a deck car with a license plate belonging to a Jaguar, and the owner of that car was not even on Hong Kong Island on the day of the incident and was on vacation in Hawaii. It's been three days.

Since the issuance of this promissory note was a temporary act, the deck crown obviously did not have anything to do with Jaguar owners.

It took time to track the running trajectory of the Crown, and by the time police tracked these, nearly twenty hours had passed.

The car was eventually found near the Shekou Port, which allowed the police to determine that the robbers had probably left Hong Kong Island through some sneak channels. Even, because the control time of the police over the port is not early enough, they may leave Hong Kong Island through normal channels and enter Bao'an.

Once you enter Baoan ~ ~, then it can really be said that the sky is high and the birds are flying by the sea. It is difficult to find these people again.

The only good news is that the foreign banks to which the four accounts belong promised to freeze the four accounts for 72 hours, but only 72 hours. Therefore, the Hong Kong Island Police requested police officers to solve the case within 72 hours.

But now, almost twenty-four hours have passed.

Ding Yu was the victim, and he was a scientist. The police investigation into him ended 24 hours later, and it was basically determined that he could not be a robber's accomplice.

Shi Lei, because of his status in the mainland and his personal wealth, the 30 million is the scientific research expenses he donated to the institute. The police only asked him routinely, but expressed his hope that Shi Lei could stay on Hong Kong Island more Two or three days.

Of course, the police will suspect that there are internal ghosts in the bank. Therefore, the bank's deputy governor, lobby manager, and the director who later handled the cashing operations for the robbers, as well as the two security guards who sent Shi Lei to the taxi knowing the inside story. Became the key suspect of the police.

Although it was not an official arrest, it was clear that it was difficult for them to leave the police station until the case came to an end.

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