The Black Card

Chapter 911: Descendants of Li Zhongtang

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During teatime, Jenny's grandfather was still resting. The old man in his eighties was able to go down to the ground, and it was already commendable. No matter how valuable his status was, his body and age were already unwilling to forgive.

Jenny's father is also busy in the government, and maybe there is nothing to do, but this time has not yet come to work.

Therefore, in the afternoon, it was actually a gathering of several young people. There were also a few young people coming from Jenny's house. Naturally, they were introduced one by one. Jenny basically touched the rain and dew, but she did nothing to color Li Qianhaocheng.

Li Qianhaocheng was left out in the cold, and replaced with someone else. He must have been sitting unhappy and no longer gathered inside.

However, Li Qianhaocheng is obviously not such a person. Even if no one cares about him, he still has a lot of interest in the crowd. From time to time, he expresses his affectionate confession to Jenny, which really makes everyone's chat quite a bit. Don't go on.

Shi Lei did n’t really get into the conversation. After all, they were brothers and sisters, and Xiaodie was also very familiar with the family. They had their common topics. Zhao Di had to accompany his girlfriend, Shi Lei. Gradually, they went aside and flipped the phone bored.

Fluttershy noticed Shi Lei's embarrassment and took Zhao Di to Shi Lei's side.

"Shi Shao, why did you sit here alone?"

Shi Lei looked up and said with a smile, "You guys are talking about some European customs, and I don't know much about it. It's good to sit alone."

When Jenny saw that the three of them were sitting aside, she also came over, but Li Qianhaocheng held her aside.

"Jenny, why are you always so indifferent to me, you should know that my mother is also a devout Christian, but I did not accompany her on a day like Christmas, and I flew over from home deliberately today. You see, yesterday I did n’t attend any classmates ... "

Jenny looked at him helplessly, and probably felt that this was not the way to treat guests. She had to sit down again, but her eyes kept looking at Shi Lei's side.

At this time, a 30-year-old man from the Scola family said, "Money, it's not just Jenny who is cold to you, all of us are cold to you. If it's not time is too late, we even want to persuade you It ’s better to go back to Huaxia and spend the holidays with Ms. Qian. In such a grand festival, you, as your son, the only son, did not accompany her. This is really not good ... "

Li Qianhaocheng was kind to Jenny, but not so kind to others.

He stared and said, "Philip, it looks like you didn't lose enough last time. How much are you going to lose today?"

Philip's face changed and he no longer held his breath. It seemed that he had lost a lot last time.

"Are you indifferent to me, do you think I care? I just need Jenny's favor."

The crowd turned their heads and couldn't listen anymore. Even if Westerners didn't mind putting emotions on their mouths, this Li Qianhaocheng was a bit too much.

Shi Lei saw this scene and smiled again on his face.

Fluttersaw noticed this and said with a smile: "His name is Li Qianhaocheng, his father's last name is Li, and his mother's last name is Qian. So he was given such a name. His grandfather was a diplomat and was formerly based in the UK. It is said that when Hong Kong Island returned, his grandfather worked a lot in the middle. But even so, his relationship with the royal family remained very good, and his personal relationship with Jenny's grandfather was quite good. His mother and Jenny's mother I grew up together, oh, by the way, Jenny's mother is also a member of the royal family. When they were young, they often made trouble in the palace ... "

Shi Lei understood, nodded, and smiled: "This is the real good of the whole family. Just now he was at the door and asked me to call him Mr. Qian, probably because his mother's family is stronger?"

"That's not true. In fact, his mother respects his father very much, even his mother's house, and thinks that his mother can marry his father. That is a kind of high climb. His father's family is a real intellectual. Shuxiangmendi .In the Qing Dynasty, their Li family had achieved the highest hall ... "

Shi Lei froze and immediately said, "Li Hongzhang?"

Fluttershy shook her head and said, "The outside world is so legendary, but it is not. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, their family had few high ranks. However, even Li Hongzhang had to make a good show with their family and voted for the students. Great difference Not bad, anyway, it is the real scholarship. In the history of writing on the bus, their Li family is absolutely clear. "

Shi Lei didn't particularly understand these things, but he said a few things from hearsay. To sum it up, it was basically a sentence. The Li family is a family with deep inside information.

"Children of the family, it's no wonder that the acting sword is leaning."

Fluttershy laughed and said, "Shi Shao, you are very polite, and only use the word Zong Zongfeng. His grandfather's evaluation of him is the four words of apostasy."

"So he doesn't like reading?"

"He does n’t just love reading, he just does n’t read at all. But after all, it is from the Shuxiang family. No matter how much he does n’t like reading, he is still a school bully. When he graduated from junior high school, his mother was sent to the British Embassy. My father is a kind of old-fashioned university professor, so he took him to London. The education in the UK is different from that in the country. Generally, after international students are born, they must read IGCSE for one year and then A-level for two years. But After entering the school, he flipped through the books casually, and went home to tell his mother that the broken book could not be read ~ ~ His mother asked him why, and he said it was simple and outrageous. So his mother I arranged an exam for him with full marks. After entering the class at A-level, he got bored within two days and said that it was still too simple. Because he just caught up with the October exam, he went directly to take the AS exam. Naturally, it was a full mark. So he saved two years. Of course, the Scola family also helped. He went directly to the A2 school year. It is said that it was still mixed for a year and then passed the same test with us. School . Strictly speaking, he is not our classmate. He is studying at the same school level. He is studying economics. Therefore, he is two years younger than me and Jenny, but he graduated from college with us the same year. "

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile. The world of Psychology is really hard to understand. Although it is not as good as Medicine Two, it is not far away.

"His father was a university professor and spent most of his time in academic research. He had little education and care for him. He grew up with people from his mother's side. He was too favored, so he raised him. Become such a character. However, in fact, others are good, it is exaggerated to be unbearable. Jenny and I do not really hate him, but there is no way to communicate with him normally. His apostasy is also because he He doesn't want to inherit the Li Xiang's scholarship, and he doesn't want to follow the path of his mother's family to continue diplomacy. He has been thinking about starting a business and being the richest man in the world ... "

Shi Lei laughed and asked, "So, what has he done in the past few years?"

"I have a foreign trade company that does a good job, and my net worth should be over 100 million. He is thinking of going public this year. But this year is almost over. His listing plan is estimated to be next year. He is boastful and capable. It ’s still pretty strong. The parents ’genes are so good. It ’s not easy to inherit an idiot."

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