The Black Card

Chapter 922: Exaggerated everywhere

Crawford came over, and the situation changed so quickly that he was totally scratched.

It was mainly the conversation between Shi Lei and Li Qianhaocheng that they couldn't understand. Even Jenny really couldn't understand. Li Qianhaocheng spoke too fast.

Only Zhao Di and Xiaodie probably understood some of them. Of course, Zhao Di was more clear. This was related to the young lady.

"Stone, money, what the **** are you all doing?"

Before Shi Lei had spoken, Li Qianhaocheng quickly said, "Nothing, nothing. I had no eyes before, and I didn't recognize the idol. Shi Lei is my idol, and I will be the only leader in the future."

Shi Lei also laughed and said, "We have some friends in common. Li Qian always wanted to make friends with me, but he was confused and didn't know my name, so there was some misunderstanding. It's okay now, and we should know Are good friends. "

Li Qianhaocheng immediately said: "A must! That is definitely the best friend! Are you my idol! Hehe ..."

The first half of the sentence was decisive and determined, but the second half was very charming. For Li Qianhaocheng's exaggerated move, everyone can only look back at it.

Crawford certainly enjoyed such a situation. He smiled and said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, it's good to unravel it. Mr. Shi, Chen just said you ..."

Shi Lei knew what he was talking about, but today is obviously not the time to talk about conditions, and said, "It's too late today, I also drank a lot of wine. At this time, I'm afraid I have more than enough power to paint." Mr. Cora, please allow me to go back to rest and wait for my spirits to paint for you. "

Crawford nodded vigorously and said, "That's natural, that's natural, and painting requires the integration of energy and spirit. Mr. Shi must be very tired today. Tomorrow, tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow."

It can be seen that Crawford is very anxious. Although Shi Lei can draw a perfect Dingguang Rulai like this fact, it is not worth to believe too much, but Crawford believes in Chen Du, as long as Chen Du said, he There will never be any doubt.

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Let ’s do this tomorrow. I will contact Mr. Scola. If the spirit is good, tomorrow."

"Great, great ..." Crawford rubbed his hands excitedly.

Shi Lei smiled again and said, "It's getting late, then I'll leave first."

Jenny walked to Shi Lei and said, "What's the matter with you and money?"

Shi Lei smiled and said, "It's okay, he will never ask me for trouble in the future. However, to be honest, he should really like you, I think you can think about it."

Jenny blushed slightly and said, "He's too annoying. I like a gentle and restrained gentleman. He's not so grandiose."

Shi Lei turned back to Li Qianhaocheng with a smile and said, "Have you heard? People like funny and restrained gentlemen. Don't be so extravagant, I think you still have a chance!"

Li Qianhaocheng took a big step even more exaggeratedly, folded his hands with his fists, and offered a Han Dynasty worship at Shi Lei.

"I follow the teachings of idols, I will never be so exaggerated again!"

Shi Lei looked at him and shook his head, thinking that if you could not exaggerate, you would probably die.

With this Li Qian Haocheng, who respected Shi Lei as an idol, the Scola family naturally did not need to send a car to send them.

First sent Zhao Di and Kocho to the hotel, and Li Qianhaocheng returned Shi Lei to the hotel. Then he took the car for granted and went upstairs with Shi Lei.

"Are you still going back to rest?" Shi Lei asked.

Li Qianhao sincerely said, "Idol, do you think I can see you today, can I still fall asleep? I must know how you, Miss Wei and Shui Ye, how did you conquer Theirs? Too great, you are a legend in the Yangtze River Delta. These two, if anyone can subdue any of them, we will be regarded as idols, not to mention, you are hugging each other and sitting together Blessed! You must tell me tonight ... "

Shi Lei had no choice but to say, "I live in 1807. You go get some food and drink first. After so much tossing, I'm a bit hungry."

Li Qianhao turned without hesitation and left, exclaiming exaggeratedly: "Get orders! Come in the end! Idol you don't be impatient!"

Shi Lei shook her head and said, "I'm irritable to your sister. I just want to sleep now."

Back in the hotel room, Shi Lei took a shower first, and as soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he heard the doorbell ring.

Opening the door, Li Qianhaocheng held a lot of things in his hands.

Shi Lei frowned, and said, "Did you move the convenience store here?"

Li Qianhao smiled flatteringly, shoved things into the door, and took them out on the table one by one.

"Isn't it okay to know what kind of wine idols like to drink. Look, this dry white, dry red, Maotai, Wuliangye, beer, dark beer ... I can buy some in the supermarket anyway. I ate something. Also, this is potato chips, this is fried chicken, this is beef ... oh, I also ordered a takeaway, pizza and burger ... "

Shi Lei was completely speechless, saying, "Open a wine bar."

Li Qianhaocheng said nothing, found the bottle opener from the bag and immediately opened the red wine.

"Idol, let's talk!" Li Qianhaocheng handed the poured red wine to Shi Lei, saying infinitely.

Shi Lei took a sip of red wine, picked up a bag of Spanish ham, took it apart and ate a piece, and said, "Let's talk first. Why did you get tortured by Wei Xingyue and Song Miaomiao when you were a kid? First talk about you Unforgettable memories. "

Li Qianhao raised his wine glass high, shook the light above his head, and sighed suddenly ...

"Well ... this is really an embarrassing past ..." That way, if you owe as much as you owe, you owe as much as you want. Shi Lei can't stand his exaggerated performance.

"You can't get used to my virtue now? To be honest, I can't get used to it myself, but I can't change it. When I was young, I lived in Wu Dong. Miss Wei was two years older than me, and we lived there. At the same time, I really have a lot in common with idols. I am not saying that this state of exaggeration. When I was a kid, I was also a smart, cute, slightly naughty child. You see, Idols you have received Miss Wei When I saw Miss Wei at that time, I was also shocked. We are aesthetically identical to each other. I tried to pursue ... "

Shi Lei almost sipped a glass of red wine ~ ~ said, "How old were you then?"

"Eight years old!" Li Qianhao answered naturally.

Shi Lei resignedly put down his glass and said, "You were thinking of picking up girls when you were eight? You are really premature."

"Okay, some of our kids are carrying his daughter-in-law at the age of six, and even more, when they were six, they even hugged and said they were big rooms, and that was the second room ... "

Shi Lei waved his hand silently, saying, "It's good, you keep talking."

Li Qianhaocheng then said: "Miss Wei has a bad temper, but it is too beautiful. I must admit that Miss Wei's beauty can only match your demeanor."

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said, "Don't make a fuss, talk about business."

"There is nothing serious about it. I went after her and was fattened by her. Then, basically, she hit me once when she saw me. Hey, unbearable childhood, that was a sword-sword all the way, very For a long time, I ran and watched Miss Wei and ran, but I could n’t run her and was caught again. ”8)

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