The Black Card

Chapter 931: 1 draw per day

The scepter is almost insane, it no longer even rotates gracefully in the screen, but instead jumps like a irritable child, a violent look.

"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Twenty-seven, what do you want? A fourth-level manager, do you really want to be killed by the supreme black card? Your extortion is enough to be killed by the black card. ! "

Shi Lei smiled: "Why isn't it possible? Shouldn't this be your simplest logic and algorithm? One piece of art represents a reward, 27 pieces of art, of course, 27 pieces of reward."

"No, one piece of art corresponds to one reward. This is not false. But in the past, your task was to get that piece of art, but this time you just borrowed it."

Shi Lei shrugged and said, "This is different for me, but is it different for you? What you need is nothing more than analysis and research of works of art. In addition, the tasks completed in the past, each task is the object of object. In the end, you wo n’t get it, do you have to return it to me after a while? ”

"I'll give it back to you. That's a period of at least 30 days and a maximum of 60 days. Now, you just show us those artworks for three days."

Shi Lei smiled, heart said, noble scepter, this is not three days, it is five days.

However, I don't need to tell you the facts for five days.

Shi Lei continued: "Dear scepter, you should know that since my quota cycle has changed, you can no longer use the quota cycle to talk to me about art."

"That would take at least thirty days!"

Shi Lei shrugged his shoulders again and said with a smile, "Twenty-seven pieces, three days each, added together, is equivalent to eighty-one days. Honorable scepter, don't tell me that the black card is single-threaded Ah, there are no differences between processing 27 pieces of art and processing one at the same time? "

"Even if there are twenty-seven, three days each, there will be no three rewards."

Shi Lei smiled, and this was the answer he needed.

He calmly said, "So what if it's five days?"

Shi Lei seemed calm, but in fact he also regretted it. He knew that he had been arrogant with the Duke of Scola, and must have asked for seven days.

After thinking about it, he added: "Or maybe, seven days?"

The scepter answered angrily: "Five days are only 135 days, less than five rewards, and seven days are only 189 days, less than seven rewards."

Shi Lei smiled and said, "However, there is no such thing as a reward. I ask for a higher match. Is this all right?"

The scepter was still angry and irresistible, saying, "You fight for five days before you say it!"

"No, let's say first. How many rewards can I get for the twenty-seven works of art if I can study the black card for five days? And if it is seven days?"

"Cunning yellow wolf mouse, you mean, shameless gray mouse! If you allow the supreme black card to study those artworks for five days, you can get five rewards, seven days, you can get seven rewards. But, You should never expect that you will receive the specified rewards directly. All rewards must be obtained through lottery! "

Shi Lei breathed a long sigh of relief, and this was the answer he wanted.

It seems that he needs to negotiate well with Duke Scola, and must extend the time to seven days.

Seven lucky draw opportunities, I can always draw something that he can use.

However, Shi Lei was not satisfied. He also had to make a final attempt and also worked hard.

"I will try to make this longer, but I request that no matter if I get three chances, five times, or seven times, at least every time I draw, my intuition card must stay On the disc. "

"It's impossible!" The scepter vetoed flatly.

After thinking about it, the scepter didn't seem right, and it added: "The prizes on the lottery disk are random ..."

Shi Lei shrugged and said, "You can't meet such a small requirement, then I can only declare that the mission has failed. Honorable scepter, I believe that even if you can't get 36 options on the draw disk Appear exactly as you intended, at least one or two of them are absolutely fine. So this is a prerequisite for my task! "

The scepter did not continue to scold, but was completely silent.

Obviously, in its algorithmic weights, completing tasks is far more important than Shi Lei's request. The meaning of those artworks for them, even though Shi Lei still does not know why, it is still very important.

This is even related to the mission of the black card.

Yes, the black card is carrying a certain mission, and it is also completing a certain mission. It gives everything to Shi Lei, everything it gives to this world, everything it does, it is for that mission .

Shi Lei firmly believes that among the black card algorithms, this mission has the highest authority.

All the people who got the black card existed for the mission shouldered by the black card, and the pupils of the night also existed for the mission shouldered by the black card.

The black card spares no effort to let people get the black card and get the credit for consumption, just for that mission.

Regardless of whether Bebela comes from another universe, she can control the pupil of the night, and under her leadership, the pupil of the night has become an organization that aims at art. All of this is just for that. mission.

Heika did everything for that, and Shi Lei didn't know its mission.

And this mission is extremely important to the black card, which is its ultimate purpose.

Therefore, Shi Lei is convinced that such a small request will eventually be accepted by the black card.

He decided to add fire to Black Card's decision.

He said: "The stronger I am, the more I can help you, not all of you started from 10,000 yuan to 100 million yuan now, just for me to grow and have enough ability to help you? So ~ www. ~ Under the circumstances that your permissions allow, make some small modifications, why not do it? The result of this incident will not cause any damage to the black card. On the contrary, It will only benefit them. At the same time, I am also benefiting. This kind of win-win situation, the supreme black card, and the noble scepter, why do you have any objection? Or maybe you can directly count the intuition card as One of the rewards ... "

"Don't even think about it!" The scepter finally spoke, and it said, "The supreme black card and the noble like me can promise you that after you complete this task, no matter how many times you can get a lottery chance, the lottery disk There will be intuition cards on it. However, you never want to get an intuition card directly. If you ca n’t get it, it ’s up to you. ”

Shi Lei smiled slightly. He was satisfied enough. He said, "Let's finally confirm the number of draws."

"The number of draws will be based on the number of days in which the Scola family can allow the supreme black card research based on these twenty-seven works of art. Every day, you can get a chance to draw. God, treat your mission as a failure. "

Shi Lei snapped his fingers and said happily, "A deal!"

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