The Black Card

Chapter 947: Do not shame the mission

The disc, which is divided into thirty-six areas, rotates quickly in the screen, and its speed even blurs the entire screen.

your sister! After three turns, are you not tired at all? !!

Shi Lei stared at his eyes. He felt his eyelids a little bit sour, but the lottery disk turned as fast as before.

Of course Shi Lei knows that the disc is not tired. The disc is an electronic program. How can it feel tired? Shi Lei is just venting. The disc will never be tired, it will be tired, only Shi Lei.

With a slap, Shi Lei slaps on the screen, as if he wants to smash the screen with one palm.

"You are sick!" Shi Lei could not help but stun the scepter in the corner of the screen.

Shi Lei stared at the screen while scolding: "Do you have medicine?"

"How much do you eat?" The scepter scolded angrily.

Shi Lei also showed no regrets in return: "How many do you have?"

"I have as much as you eat!"

"How many Laozi do you eat!"

"Are you sick!"

"Do you have medicine!"


After seven or eight rounds of reciprocation in this way, the scepter closed his mouth consciously. This is basically a car talk, which can not be said at all, and Shi Lei is like an indomitable fighter, he will never compromise.

In fact, Shi Lei was easing his mood by fighting his mouth with a scepter and also shifting his attention, hoping to keep his eyelids from being so heavy.

"Ma Ma Laozi is here!" Shi Lei roared and gave the scepter a big leap again. He slapped him and shot it on the screen heavier than before.

"You are so strong that the screen will break you!" The scepter finally burst out.

"Lao Tzu is rich, Lao Tzu broke Lao Tzu's compensation, can you take care of it?" Shi Lei closed his eyes immediately after the photo was taken. Anyway, as soon as the photo was taken, the result would be presented and it could not be changed at the same time. What is selected is what is ready, and so on.

His eyes were a bit unbearable. Anyone who stared at the screen for ten minutes without blinking would also have sour eyelids, as if someone was piercing with a needle.

He must take a good break during the lottery, otherwise, if he hasn't won this time, the next time he draws, his vision will definitely not keep up.

As he closed his eyes, Shi Lei felt that tears had filled his eyes.

This tear, so affectionate, so touching, is just touching Huaxia's tears ...

"You can start the fifth draw!" Shi Lei's voice appeared in Shi Lei's ears, very impatient.

Listening to the impatience of the scepter, Shi Lei was slightly pleased.

Does he have a gut card? Why is the scepter so impatient? If Shi Lei passes by with the intuition card again, with the scepter's **** nature, she will surely be proud of it. This 250-degree scepter has appeared to Shi Lei since she appeared in front of Shi Lei. Thousands of years of hatred.

Shi Lei felt the movement of the eyeballs under his eyelids, and slowly opened his eyes.

Two drops of clear tears slipped from the corner of his eye, but Shi Lei couldn't care about rubbing it, and looked eagerly on the screen ...


Shi Lei laughs long!


Intuition card! !! !!

Finally * sucked!

Shi Lei was so excited that he almost jumped three feet high, and almost hit his head on the FRP tile covered by the cash dispenser.

"I *! I finally got it! Four times! It took Lao Tzu four times to get this **** intuition card in hand!" Shi Lei sighed in the sky, so excited that he couldn't wait to run around Xiaobian for three laps.

The scepter scolded impatiently: "Stupid marmot, you haven't seen a grey mouse in the world, you're almost enough! You know to control the people around you, and let them ignore what happens on the ATM. How much does it cost ?! "

Shi Lei stunned, but still laughing, he laughed and looked around. There were so few people walking around. Shi Lei also knew that he couldn't make the black card too much. He Converged with a smile, but in my heart it felt like San Futian ate a large piece of ice.

After setting up Shi Lei from God, he looked at the pointer on the screen again. He smiled and said to himself, "It's not so easy, Lao Tzu really got an intuition card. At this point, the sixth sense has arrived. Will I be able to open the Seventh Sense Universe like Saint Seiya? Ha ha ha ha, small universe, here I come! Pegasus Meteor Fist !!! "

With that said, he still waved his arms as if he had really become Seiya.

The scepter stared blankly at this middle-aged boy who was suffering from the sun. Only he thought that the holder of the black card this time was ultimately a fate of being wiped out, even if he has now become all previous black card holders. Here is the guy who has the longest survival time and is also the one who develops best!

When I just wanted to draw a lottery, Shi Lei's hand stopped at the moment he touched the screen.

Can't relax. If you can't draw the elementary jade mastery, Shi Lei now has no 800 reputation to redeem this card.

If you do n’t have intermediate jade mastery and advanced jade mastery in your hand, since you have it, and this **** mastery is not learning lower, you will not let you learn higher. Shi Lei can only work hard and try to be able to Whether to master elementary jade mastery is also available.

In this way, in terms of jade, he is a thorough expert. Whether it is jade materials or jade articles, as long as he touches the jade, Shi Lei will be a master-level, even the level that no one on the planet can reach.

Elementary jade proficient, D-level cards, if I have no reputation now, who would be willing to consume the lottery opportunities on you?

Shi Lei pressed the draw button lightly. He stared at the screen again intently, watching the disc turning.

Because Shi Lei was so devoted that he didn't find it at all, the scepter shrunk in the upper right corner of the screen was shaken twice in a weird posture. That posture was like a person without legs, only a body and a head Nodded ...

In the heart of the scepter, it was saying, "It seems that this guy can go further. In this case, he is not dazzled ~ ~ but can keep calm, Understand what you need, instead of taking photos of the lucky draw button. You are the second person to reach the fourth level manager, but noble as I hope you are the first to pass the fourth level and reach the fifth level. People at level 6 or above. Do n’t you really want to get rid of the supreme black card? At level 6, you will know how to get rid of the supreme black card. "

At this moment, Shi Lei has taken the draw button. This is the tenth time he has pressed this button.

The disc stopped slowly, and the pointer regretfully stayed in the area next to the mastery of elementary jade mastery. What Shi Lei got this time was the area where the plane was flying.

Hemp eggs! Flying a plane, buddies do n’t need it!

Shi Lei scolded himself, but his face remained calm. He photographed the draw button for the eleventh time.

The disc rotates at high speed, Shi Lei presses the draw button, the disc stops slowly ...

This time, Destiny did not joke with Shi Lei anymore, and the pointer stopped between the areas where elementary jade mastery was proficient!

Shi Lei breathed a long sigh of relief and shook his head: "It's not a shame on the mission!"

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