The Black Card

Chapter 966: Self-introduction

As he ran, Shi Lei looked back. Sure enough, a single lamp post shot over and hit Shi Lei's face, making his eyes a little bit flowery.

It seems that it is really Gonda's person, otherwise, the equipment will not be so complete, and there are even two-wheeled motorcycles in the car.

Shi Lei knew that he couldn't run away anymore. He had to step aside and got into the dense bush.

In China, it is not spring yet, but in Myanmar, a subtropical country, summer is almost all year round.

The bushes can still hide Shi Lei's figure. He ran out a few steps and put his body in the bushes.

Looking behind you, there are only three motorcycles, which means that the number should not exceed six.

Shi Lei simply unwrapped the box from his wrist, carrying twenty or thirty kilograms of things, and he was really overwhelmed.

When the motorcycle drove to where Shi Lei disappeared, he stopped. By the light of the motorcycle's front, Shi Lei clearly saw that all of them were wearing camouflage clothes. It seemed that it was really Gonda who had not run away.

Gunda, you still want to start with me, but you still pretended to tell me that it will protect me, *!

Shi Lei secretly cursed, staring at the few people.

One, two, three, four, five, only five, but Shi Lei noticed that these people were carrying guns on their bodies.

Quietly squatting among the trees, Shi Lei watched five people parting, and two of them rode a motorcycle and continued to move forward. The other three people ran quickly to the side, while the remaining two people left. , Is slowly walking towards Shi Lei's direction.

"Mr. Shi, we just want the box in your hand, it won't hurt your life. You also saw it, you can't run away, let's go out." One of them said a half-familiar Chinese, the muzzle in their hands , But they have been pointed forward.

Shi Lei's eyes were faint, and the fool would go out at this time. You came just right, I was worried that I didn't have a weapon in my hand.

Secretly retrieved the ancient martial arts card, Shi Lei selected an ancient martial arts master, but did not click the OK button on the pop-up dialog box.

At this time, any time is extremely precious, and Shi Lei must be more cautious.

The two people saw that there was less than three meters away from Shi Lei. The bright flashlight in their hands stabbed Shi Lei's eyes and Shi Lei had to lower his head slightly to avoid the strong light in their hands.

It seems that Shi Lei has also been seen, and the man who just spoke said: "Mr. Shi, we have seen you, don't hide."

Shi Lei clicked the OK button in his head, and then, kicking his legs **** the ground, the whole person rushed out like a leopard.

According to the body's instinct, Shi Lei hit his shoulder on the chest of the person who spoke, and in a hurry, the man blocked his gun in his hand. In this case, Shi Lei's shoulder hurt him.

However, the man apparently couldn't carry the powerful force that suddenly broke out of Shi Lei. The whole person was knocked out and wailed in the air, at least three ribs were broken.

"Stop by the mountain! This time it turned out to be a master of octopus fist." Shi Lei thought to himself that although he was not stable, taking advantage of the muzzle of the person who just turned around, Shi Lei held the gun while Taking advantage of the situation, his wrist was forced forward, and he grasped the man's wrist again.

With a click, Shi Lei made a force, and the man's wrist broke off.

Shi Lei's hands did not stay in the slightest, two consecutive boxing hit the man's face, and the soles of his feet also stepped on the man's knee.

There was still a click, the man's knee had been broken, and his face had fallen into two pieces. Shi Lei's two punches had even broken his cheekbones.

Under this powerful attack, the man passed out without a doubt.

Shi Lei added a foot, stepped on the knee of his other foot, and suffered a comminuted fracture again. Even if he woke up, this person was completely dead.

In the night sky, there were two gunshots. It was the guy who was knocked out by Shi Lei before. He barely held up the gun in his hand and fired two random shots.

Shi Lei stepped forward with the sound of the gun. The man eagerly aimed his muzzle at Shi Lei, but his ribs broke and he hurt a little. Before the muzzle had time to point at Shi Lei, Shi Lei was punched at his shoulder socket.

The arm dropped softly, and the gun in his hand could no longer be held.

However, that guy's finger pulled the trigger, and two bullets shot out, but the direction was not good, the muzzle had been lowered, and he shot on his own thigh.

Shi Lei stole the gun without a word, and kicked his leg to kick the man's head.

This kick made the guy fainted, and life and death were not clear.

Shi Lei couldn't take care of that much. He had heard that the motorcycle that had traveled far away returned, apparently after hearing the gunshot, the guy who had left before ran back again.

Unloading the bullet from that gun, Shi Lei carried the previous gun on his body again, picked up the suitcase that was set aside, stepped on the motorcycle next to the parked side, and Shi Lei rushed towards himself. road.

It didn't take long to get out, Shi Lei turned around and shot at random with the gun in his hand.

At this time, of course, before using the magic card, Shi Lei just shot at random.

However, luck was good. Shi Lei heard a scream, at least indicating that one of them was hit, and then he heard a sound of someone turning back, and finally a loud noise. Don't look back, Shi Lei also knows that the motorcycle must have hit a certain tree.

The danger should be temporarily lifted, Shi Lei returned to the road, and continued to gallop towards the place where Gonda placed the plane.

But ~ ~ Shi Lei returned to the highway, and before he drove far, he found out that he needed to go in the direction that the highway had disappeared and replaced by a dirt road that stretched into the darkness.

Regardless, Shi Lei drove forward directly on his motorcycle.

Suddenly, Shi Lei was a little aggressive, and suddenly there was an extremely dazzling light in front of him. Shi Lei avoided the front and looked sideways. It was a tall dirt truck and stopped on the road.

"Crouch! How do you know where I am going?"

Shi Lei flew up from the motorcycle with his strong hand, and rolled into the trees next to him.

When rolling, Shi Lei saw a lot of people standing on the dirt truck, most of whom had guns in his hands. Shi Lei felt unreasonable. Did Gonda know that he was going to grab his plane? Otherwise, how can there be obstacles on the road so cleverly?

Of course Shi Lei would not know. In addition to the Gonda plane there, it is also the most convenient way to the border.

Of course, you can also follow the highway just now, but from there to the border, if you want to reach the territory of China, at least 70 to 80 kilometers more.

That's why they set up an ambush here, and Shi Lei is also throwing himself into the net.

At this moment, it is too late to think about it, Shi Lei saw that the people on the dump truck have jumped off the car and chased himself.

While the cat was running forward, Shi Lei drew a shot card.

At this time, facing so many enemies, it is not enough to use the magic card.

With the magic card, Shi Lei's shooting accuracy is startling.

He was still running, but as long as he turned back and fired a shot, someone must have fallen to the ground, and those who chased him were a little embarrassed. Nima, so dark, you are so accurate? !!

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