The Black Card

Chapter 978: Changes in Shi Lei

Someone knocked on the door outside.

General Kense yelled, "What knock? Don't you know I'm talking to a guest?"

There was a voice outside: "Report the general, the tires are coming!"

General Kense laughed and said, "Okay, bring me that dog thing!"

Gutei didn't know what General Kense's man was doing. He asked all the way, but the two did not say anything.

But when he opened the door, Gu Teyi saw Shi Lei, his face was astonished, his legs softened involuntarily, and he knelt in front of Shi Lei.

Seeing Gu Teyi's behavior, General Kense and Fan Dong did not even have to ask, and knew that this Gu Teyi was the inferior guy who tried to rob Shi Lei and later sold them to those in black Guy.

Shi Lei sank when he saw Gu Teyi.

"Mr. Shi, forgive me, forgive me. I am compelled to do so. Those people threatened me. If I don't tell you where they are, they will kill me ..."

Shi Lei stood up and kicked on Gu Teyi's shoulder. He struck twice on the ground.

"Those people in black are superb. You didn't say anything, they knew you were with me. But since they knew you were with me, they just came to search for your motorcycle. Still need it? You betrayed me? They had to, you said so last night ... "

Shi Lei kicked again, and struck Gu Teyi's face.

Gutei knew that it was impossible to lie to anyone. He could only keep hoeing at Shi Lei and begging for mercy.

Seeing that Shi Lei was unmoved, Gu Teyi knelt again before climbing to the front of General Kense, crying and shouting, "General Kense, please forgive me, please let me go, my fortune-teller, I will I dare not ... "

General Kense sank into the water and said, "Last night, who are you looking for?"

Gutei looked at General Kense and said several names in a hurry. General Kense became even more furious when he heard it. He walked outside the door and said a few words to the outsider. The man left immediately without any notice. In doubt, the people Gutyi looked for last night were General Kense's men, and their actions obviously violated General Kense's usual style.

"General, please forgive me, please forgive me." Gutei continued to scratch his head and tried to hold General Kense's thigh with both hands.

General Kense kicked him open, then he pulled the pistol out of his waist and clicked into the load, scaring Gut to urinate, and there was a smell of urine in the room. The crotch of the guy was completely wet Already.

"Forgive me, General, please forgive me ... Mr. Shi, you can help me, I'm really wrong, I really know I'm wrong, I will never dare!"

Gutter shouted desperately on the ground, and General Kense said, "It's just you and the name of my brother? I should kill you by myself. But this is Mr. Shi after all. "... said, he turned his pistol and turned the handle to Shi Lei, and said," Mr. Shi, you decide. "

Shi Lei took the pistol, and looked at Gu Teyi with a playful look on his face. Gu Teyi was desperate, and his mouth just shouted for mercy.

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "You go."

The people in the room were all stunned, and General Kensell looked blankly at Shi Lei.

Fan Dongliu also frowned. You must know that the first thing Gu Teyi did before is nothing more than that of making money. But for the second time, those people in black will never let Shi Lei continue to live. It is impossible for Gutei to not know this, but he still actively offered high density to those people, and betrayed Shi Lei, which was fatal.

In Fan Dongliu's opinion, Shi Lei has a reason, and even has to kill Gu Teyi.

Regarding Shi Lei's decision, both General Kense and Fan Dongliu were somewhat disappointed.

But, as General Kense said before, this is Shi Le's own business, and they are not in a position to intervene.

Gu Teyi was even more confused. He even thought that he would die in Shi Lei's hands, but he did not expect that Shi Lei let him go.

"If you don't leave, I might change my mind." Shi Lei said with a salty pistol.

Gutei finally reacted, and he got up and rushed to the door. In a short distance of three or four meters, he stumbled three or four times before he finally touched the doorknob.

After running out of the house, Gut Yi ran to the highway, but when his foot just stepped on the road ground, he heard a gunshot from behind.

It only felt like his head had been punched hard in the back, Gut fell to the ground, kicked his legs, and died of anger.

Before he was dying, he saw that at the door of the room he had just ran out of, Shi Lei held General Kense's pistol in his hand.

Gu Teyi did not understand, Shi Lei had obviously let him go, how could he shoot from behind him?

General Kense and Fan Dongliu also did not understand, they looked at Shi Lei in puzzlement.

Shi Lei smiled and looked calm. He said, "I just don't want his blood, and I'm dirty Brother Dongliu's house."

General Kense froze, and suddenly Haha laughed. He said, "Hahaha, I thought you were a scammer who didn't dare to shoot. I didn't expect that you were because of this! Good! Dongliu when you are friends Right! From now on, you are my friend of Kense! "

Shi Lei returned the gun to General Kense with both hands and said, "It's an honor to make General Kense a friend."

Fan Dongliu also shook his head and said, "I thought you would really let him go. In fact, I was ready to make a call and let him get rid of him. It is a waste of food to live."

Shi Lei said: "He was just making money last night, so I am willing to give him a chance. If he can help me find a ship to leave today, I will never treat him badly. However, if he betrays me today, he wants me When he was rolling on the ground just now, I saw that he was bulging in his pockets, and it must be that those people gave him enough benefits. He was disregarding my life for the sake of greed, and now he fell into my hands, Of course I have to fight back. "

When he said these words, Shi Lei was surprised to find out that he did not know when his personality had changed considerably.

"Hahaha, well said! Come on, let's drink!" General Kense was very happy, took the bottle of wine that Fan Dongliu had just drank, took a big sip and handed it to Shi Lei.

Although Shi Lei didn't like this wine very much ~ ~, he took a big sip.

Someone came outside, and they had brought those people from last night.

General Kense looked at the hands of those kneeling in front of himself, and said with a grimace, "Do you know why I called you over?"

When those people entered the door, they saw Gu Teyi beside the highway. How can they not know why? They shouted together, "General, for the sake of our birth and death with you in the past, spare us our lives! "

General Kense looked at Shi Lei and asked, "Mr. Shi, what do you say?"

Those people were unknown, and they looked at Shi Lei, and soon realized that this is probably the Huaxia person Gu Teyi was going to take them to last night, his face suddenly died, and he thought to himself: Since you know Kense General, come here, why not find him directly ...

Shi Lei looked at those people and said, "General Kense, you have your rules, but a few of them are just for money. It's up to you to make small penalties."

Small punishments and great commandments mean that life is saved. 8)

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