The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 342: Night demon

Reinhardt breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Nikolai's promise, so he held the teacup on the table and toasted a cup to Nikolai: "Then I hope that our cooperation will go well."

"The cooperation went smoothly." Nikolai also raised his cup and laughed.

Reinhardt considered that the annual operating expenses of more than 30 billion can be borne. He now has more sources of funds. In addition to the huge profits of the heroes from all over the world, there are many other industries to support them, and three years later , Tezolo’s investment back then should have reached a huge return.

That's why he has the courage to fully undertake the sea train project.

The moment the two ended their negotiations, the lights in the room were suddenly turned off, and the eyes were completely dark.

"Wh...what's the matter?" Nikolai exclaimed.

"Sit there and don't move."

Reinhardt immediately reminded that the sudden darkness was not accidental. Although his vision would not be completely blocked by the dark night, he still felt a very unusual breath at the moment he had just plunged into the darkness.

"Don't worry about Master Nicholas, as long as Reinhardt is there, no one can hurt you."

Reinhardt's words made Nikolai feel a little relieved. After all, what Reinhardt did on the water island is not a secret. He, known as the [Nightmare], possesses powerful strength.

Da... Da... Da...

At this time, steady and crisp footsteps sounded from the dark corridor. These three footsteps sounded like a knife that squeezed the heart and passed into Nicholas’ ears. He was shocked and sweaty, and he remembered. The bodyguard I brought before was still outside, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. If there is an attacker, the bodyguard I brought will be able to kill outside."

"No, your bodyguard was killed before you could speak." Reinhardt pressed his left hand on [Karachizun]. After he finished speaking, his eyes turned to the door of the room, as if waiting for the attack. The person opened the door and came in.


A slight vibration sounded in the darkness, and the time in the secluded room seemed to be still. After the door of the room was opened, a light breeze suddenly blew, and a mysterious man in a black windbreaker walked in.

"Sure enough, it's you!" In the darkness, Reinhardt saw the mysterious man stepping into the room. He was the guy with the mysterious mask that Reinhardt saw before.

"Unexpectedly, the dark night will not be able to cover your sight. It seems that it is not an accident that the Gyro Pirate Group was planted in your hands." The mysterious man standing at the door opened his voice, his voice very penetrating and a little magnetic.

"With the domineering sense of seeing and hearing, it is no wonder that the fantasy fruit can't trap you, [Mr. Nightmare]!"

Hearing these words, he seemed to know the battle between Reinhardt and Condon, the person with the ability of fantasy fruits.

"Who are you?" Reinhardt stood in the dark staring at the mysterious masked man. After speaking, he took a step forward and protected Nikolai behind him.

"I am a traveler who shuttles in the dark!!!"

The other party’s voice was a little weird, but what he said made Reinhardt's head scratching his head, but Nicholas behind him was shocked and said intermittently, "He...Is he..."

"Who is he?" Reinhardt narrowed his eyes and stared at the mysterious masked man not far away.

It seems that Nikolai knew the identity of this guy, wearing a mask so mysterious, especially the guy who can shock the world government officials, it seems that the background is not small.

"Night demon!!!" Nikolai's voice trembled a little, as if he was terribly afraid of this guy.

"In the dark world in the first half of the great route, he is the king of assassination, strangely like a demon, every time he appears is the night, so he is called the night demon." Nikolai explained with trembling lips, "this guy Never miss a shot."

"Is that so?" After hearing Nikolai's words, Reinhardt smiled at the opposite night demon, "It seems to be the bounty killer in the dark world."

"No." The night demon shook his head calmly, "I missed it once, the captain of the [Top] Pirate Group was killed by you in advance."

"Did you come here for this reason?"

"I'm not that boring," the night demon said slowly, "The killer is paid to do things. Of course, this time I came here to invite Mr. Nicholas to go to hell."

Reinhardt sighed: "In that case, this will be your second miss."

"Then try it." The Night Demon's voice became cold and severe, and with a flick of his right hand, a weapon appeared in his hand, and he rushed over.

Sha... Reinhardt held down the hilt with his left hand, and [Gallo Chizun] came out of the sheath. At this moment, the night demon's figure floated by like a shadow in the dark, and the target was Nikolai.

Clang... A metal sound shook away, and the night demon held a short metal rod nearly one meter long in his hand. The top was thinner, and the roots were so thick that two thumbs combined, and a metallic luster flashed on the short rod.

Reinhardt held the knife in his left hand and directly blocked the attack. He didn't feel much strength, but the speed was extremely and there was a sharp air at the top of the short stick.

Ye Yao held the short stick in his right hand and shocked, his body couldn't help backing a few steps, he felt a huge force penetrated through the blade, this force could hardly be resisted, and instantly penetrated into the right shoulder through the palm of his hand.

"It seems that only by killing you, the bounty hunter, can I earn this bounty." The night demon seemed to recognize the current situation and said slowly.

"You can't earn the bounty this time." Reinhardt snorted coldly.

The night demon held the short stick in his right hand tightly. Reinhardt seemed to feel that the night in the entire room was shaking like a tide, and then he saw the night demon sprinting towards him, and the short stick exuded Sharp air light.

The speed is so fast, the movements are so secretive, only the afterimages can be seen.

Reinhardt was very surprised. He saw that the color domineering had reached its limit at this moment, and he finally saw the night demon's figure clearly. It was as if he had escaped into the dark night, leaving only a few afterimages on his body.

The night demon saw the reality, a trembling blasted from the short rod, and it darted straight forward.

Dark Concerto·Yemeiming! ! !

Facing this lightning-fast advance, Reinhardt's blade rolled up and slammed directly into it, but the moment the opponent's short rod pierced it, it suddenly changed its direction, and at the same time the body disappeared in the night.


Reinhardt reacted, and the blade swept across.

Bang bang bang bang...

There were countless metal collisions in the darkened room. Reinhardt stood on the spot without changing his footsteps. With his left hand, he swung [Karachizun] with great flexibility, and all the attacks of the night demon hit the blade. on.

Facing the night monster's rapid and continuous advance, Reinhardt resisted with ease.

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