The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 684: Krokdal's Wrath

   Krokdal looked gloomy, and the constantly collapsing rocks above seemed to have consumed his last bit of patience.

   "You are looking for death!"

However, Krokdal did not act on the man sitting on the ground, but continued to smile and said: "In three minutes, this palace will collapse, the square will explode, and all the guys who get in the way will be destroyed in an instant. !"

   "At that time, this country will be mine..."

   "Wow ha ha ha ha... you are going to sacrifice for nothing, Korab!"

   Krokdal laughed arrogantly.

   But at this moment, a figure rushed into the palace.

   The stones on the top of the palace kept falling, so the noisy environment did not attract Krokdal's attention.

   The man came to the square stone and took out a piece of rubbing paper and video phone bug from his arms. Not long after, rubbing and video shooting were completed in sequence.

   "Really arrogant guy..."

   Krokdal was stunned, following this voice, he finally noticed the mysterious man in front of the [historical text]. The man was wearing a mask and could not see the specific identity.

  The collapse of the palace continued, Krokdal sneered coldly: "Who are you?"

   Krokdal was very surprised at the masked man who appeared suddenly, and he didn't even notice his trace.

   "A man who strayed into the underground palace." The man said with a smile, "You continue, I won't disturb you..."

   As he said, he was about to walk outside, but Krokdal turned into a touch of quicksand and rolled directly towards the man.

   No one would believe that this masked man just entered here by mistake, and the guy holding it in his hand is obviously rubbing paper.

   "Dare to rub the [historical text] under my eyelids." The moment Krokdal turned into sand and rolled over, he directly used the golden hook of his left hand to draw at the mysterious masked man.


   A silver short spear suddenly appeared in the hand of the masked man, and it collided with Krokdal's poisonous hook. Under the momentum, there was a slight vibration around it, but the continuous collapse did not cause much movement.

"Uncover your mask!" Krokdal sneered and looked at the man in front of him. With a slight force in his hand, the masked man felt the strong pressure on his arm holding the short gun, so he took a step back and the short gun shook again and moved towards Krokdal Stabbed.

   "Hehe, Sand Crocodile, if you have this kind of ability, then come and unmask my mask yourself."

   The mysterious man with the mask also sneered. After the bang, the short spear collided with Krokdal's sting again, but this time it was only a touch.

   "Then I will uncover your mask..."

   Krokdal condensed sand in his hands, turned into a huge blade and rushed over, very fast.

   Sand Blade!


   The big knife made of sand was chopped down, and the masked man's heart trembled, and he felt the strong pressure. It was indeed the King Qiwuhai.

   But he didn't panic. The short spear spun crazily in his hand, and before the sand blade was about to fall on his body, the short spear pierced out.

   With a snorting sound, the short gun penetrated the sand blade.

Suddenly, a dangerous breath dissipated, but when he reacted, he found that Krokdal's body turned into half of sand had appeared behind him, and the golden poisonous hook with shining bright luster was about to fall. In the heart position.

   Not good... The short spear that pierced the sand blade was too late to defend.

   In an emergency, his body turned abruptly and his right knee was raised. With this force, his knee directly kicked towards the poisonous hook.


The sting hook was blocked by his knee for three-tenths of a breath. After the two hits, a huge sound wave erupted. Krokdal's body shook slightly, his body retreated a few steps, but the masked man flew out directly. Hit the wall of the palace.

"Hahaha... the strength of the Seven Martial Seas under the King is really different." The masked man stood up from the ruins of the palace, breathing a little bit quickly. In the few battles in a short period of time, there is no doubt that he was completely downwind. Therefore, it takes a lot of physical strength.

   "Since you know my strength, and dare to rub the [historical text] in front of me, you are very courageous." Krokdal said with a sneer, and the killing intent in his eyes was very strong.

   "Hehe, just a perfunctory compliment, you really take it seriously..."

   The masked man disappeared instantly, and there was a violent stepping sound in the air. Even in the palace where the rubble was constantly collapsing, Krokdal could clearly feel the stepping sound.


   The masked man appeared behind Krokdal, but the stabbing shotgun was blocked by Krokdal with a poison hook.

   "Shave..." Krokdahl stared at the mask man. He knew that the physical technique used by the mask man just disappeared in place was the shave in the six navy styles.

   "Are you... from CP?"

   Klockdal seems to have guessed the identity of the masked man through this silver short gun.

   "Hehe, there are more than CP talents in this world..."

  The person who used the six-style-shaved mask immediately withdrew from Jimmy. Of course he would not admit that he belonged to CP.

   At this time, the collapse in the palace gradually began to rush, and countless rubbles fell down and burst into rumbling noises.


  A huge roar poured into the underground The sound of anger completely overwhelmed the sound of the palace collapsing. A teenager rushed in without talking nonsense, and rushed directly towards Krokdal.

   The boy who jumped into the air suddenly raised his right leg and kicked it towards Krokdal in the air.

   In Krokdal’s startled eyes, the boy’s right leg suddenly grew to more than 20 meters in length, and hit Krokdal’s cheek directly.


   Sha crocodile's pupils shrank slightly, and his body flew out directly.

"Using blood as water, he is really a smart and stubborn young man." The masked man smiled after seeing this scene. He was unarmed and domineering, unable to attack the body of the natural element, but the natural element itself has attributes to restrain it, Water naturally restrains sand.

   He did not rush to leave, but calmly watched the battle between the boy and Krokdal.

   This masked man is naturally the current CP0 member SilverCrown Brady. He followed Reinhardt’s order to find the underground palace in Alabastan to print historical texts.

   The young man who rushed into the palace without saying anything, directly approached Krokdal and started the fight. He was the new pirate rookie, Straw Hat Luffy, who had just entered the great sea route.

   "Krokdal, are you already weak to this point?"

   Looking at Klockdale who was knocked out, Brady couldn't help but mocked, "Even the kid who just entered the great route can't solve it smoothly."

   "It seems that you, the king, Qiwuhai, will be deprived soon. The world government doesn't need your weak Qiwuhai..."



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