The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 211 Let him get some benefits first

The late autumn morning was a bit cold.

The breath exhaled from the mouth can turn into white mist.

Naché Blanche's face was full of disappointment. He looked at the rising sun on the horizon and didn't feel a trace of warmth.

If the plan succeeds, and the command is obtained, and the combat power of France and Kaldo are used to complete the feat of stopping the Northern Army from moving south, what will be the consequences?

If the command is successful, Naché Blanche will no longer be the so-called 'Imperial Rising Star', but a true Imperial Eagle.

Nache Blanche has been celebrated in the South since he was twelve years old.

Almost everyone said that he was a future high-ranking member of the empire, and almost everyone believed that his future was bright and that he would eventually succeed Dracula Teutonic.

But only Nache Blanche himself knows that he is actually a vase.

A vase placed on the countertop for display to the North.

From the age of twelve, he was able to lead 300 guards everywhere, but when he was 22, he could only lead 500 guards around for 'exhibitions' for people to 'visit'.

The people at the bottom think he is a rising star.

But no one at the top of the Southern faction really took him seriously.

The relatives of the 'Blanche' family were also happy to see him like this and did not provide him with any help.

It can not only add public prestige to one's own family, but will not actually affect the inheritance rights of the eldest son in the family. Everyone is happy.

Nache Blanche had already resigned himself to his fate.

I think this is pretty good.

After all, he has quite a reputation and can pull off a tiger's skin to frighten the unsuspecting lower class people.

Quite a stress reliever.

Until he met Hardy.

Young, handsome, powerful, and personally powerful.

There are almost no downsides.

It was simply the ideal version of myself that came out of the dream and stood on the opposite side of itself.

What Hardy can do, I can do too!

The blazing fire of ambition began to burn, which was the most important reason why he hid the appointment letter in the first place.

After all, small risk, big reward.

Even if he is discovered, he will at most be looked down upon, so what?

How much worse can it be than now?

What if it succeeds...the benefits will be too great to refuse.

But the result...failed.

Hardy is smarter, more determined, and more self-centered than Nach imagined.

He sat on the carpet of the tent, looking at the roof above, quietly lost in thought.

At this time, the guard outside the door came in and said: "Master, Mr. Hardy invites you to come to the city to discuss matters."


He actually invited me over?

Didn't he realize that I hid the appointment letter?

Or are you letting me pass just for the sake of ridicule?

But no matter what it is, Naqie has to go there.

After all, Hadi is now the temporary commander-in-chief of the entire front line.

He has the authority to direct himself.

Nache-Blanche could only enter the city of Kexilan with two guards.

In the temporary command room of the city lord's palace, Naqie not only met Hardy and Carter's Andrew Spencer, but also met Madam Sissi.

Nache Blanche originally only liked innocent girls, but after meeting Madam Sissi, he felt that this kind of fleshy, mature and beautiful woman was also very attractive.

It's just a pity...the other party doesn't see him at all.

When Hardy saw Nache Blanche, he said: "Now that everyone is here, let's start the formal meeting."

Naqie suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and felt very uncomfortable inside.

If Hadi directly attacked him for hiding the appointment letter yesterday, he would at most be a little unhappy, instead of feeling slighted like he is now, and the other party could not see him at all, which made him very awkward.

Why can’t everyone see my strength and my strengths?

But he endured his inner discomfort and continued to listen to Hardy's speech.

From Nache's point of view, Hadi is indeed very capable. Not only did he unite with the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Kaldor to establish a vertical defensive line on the west side, but he also defended the city of Kexilan despite a huge disadvantage.

Even though he was jealous of Hardy, he had to admit that such military exploits and abilities were indeed rare.

After Hadi talked about the current situation for a while, he said: "Our current goal now is to eliminate the effective forces of the enemy near Kexilan City, especially the scouts."

At this time, Hardy suddenly looked at Naqie and said, "Sir Blanche, I heard that the five hundred people you brought are all cavalry?"

Nache-Blanche nodded.

"Then you go to this location and contact a person named 'Bing Xixi'. He will help you eliminate the small groups of enemies around you."

Naqie felt that Hardy had ulterior motives for doing this and might harm himself.

He couldn't help but ask: "Why isn't Mr. Hardy's team clearing out the scouts?"

"It's already being done." Hadi said calmly: "If you don't want to, I can exercise the power of temporary commander and transfer you to logistics to be responsible for supply and security matters."


Hardy nodded: "I will appoint you now."

"Wait, Sir Hardy, I am willing to cooperate with that enemy scout to eliminate the enemy scouts day and night." Naqie just didn't want Hardy to get his wish, and he had a very twisted mentality.

"I have no strict requirements for you. If you feel there is danger, you can retreat at will." Hardy still had the same calm expression.


"I don't lie." Hardy said with a smile: "And I won't falsely report other people's military exploits or occupy other people's things. After all, I have a good family background and there are no criminals among my ancestors."

Andrew Spencer smiled.

Madam Sissi covered her mouth and arched her eyebrows.

When Naqie heard this, although he was a little angry on the surface, he was really relieved in his heart.

If Hardy didn't say anything and didn't even feel angry, he would really suspect that the other party wanted to kill him immediately.

"Then I'll leave immediately."

Naqie didn't want to stay in this temporary command post for a moment longer.

There were only four people in the room, and the three of them were in a group.

Just being an outsider.

He left the city of Kexilan and came to the place designated by Hadi, and then he saw a group of very strange people, probably more than two hundred people, wearing inconsistent clothes, and some were even eye-catching.

These people were sitting loosely on a hillside, making a lot of noise.

Naché Blanche was a little disdainful at first, thinking that the special force formed by Hardy was just that, not like an elite force.

But after the formal contact between the two parties, Naqie was surprised for a while.

Because he found that more than two hundred people were all professionals.

There are almost all professions, and it is not easy to assemble such a lineup.

In addition, he also found that these people seemed to be careless, but once they were ordered to take action, their actions would become extremely smart and capable.

Xixi had already taken out the map and said to a high ground above: "Our scouts found a small group of enemies here. We initially judged that it was the enemy's secret sentinel. They were preparing to go over and take it away. You have to follow are you coming?"

"How many enemies are there?" Nache-Blanche asked.

"Preliminary judgment, hundreds of people."

After thinking for a few seconds, Naqie said, "Let's go and see it together."

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