The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 241 This is really a tactical retreat

The hanging red moon illuminated the entire world inside the barrier in a tragic red color.

The huge black knight stood in the middle of the road, looking to his left.

A phalanx came out of the woods.

Very neat.

Hardy counted sixty people.

This is the top-level replica configuration.

Is your salary so high?

Hardy felt a little incredible.

Generally speaking, a small five-player dungeon is easier to implement.

As long as you receive the mission, go to the system mall and buy a very cheap 'Boundary Stone'.

The more people who can enter the dungeon, the more conditions are required and the more stringent they are.

For example, the BOSS needs to be strong enough, and then the BOSS needs to be popular enough.

Moreover, you have to buy the highest level barrier stone, which is very expensive. Players need a gold coin to buy one.

Generally speaking, ordinary players would not pay for this. Only the leaders of large guilds would have the courage to use this thing.

As soon as these players appeared, Hardy rushed over without any hesitation.

The ground was shaking, and the huge black knight, covered in red moonlight, swept over like a landslide.

Most of the netizens before the live broadcast swallowed their saliva subconsciously when they saw this terrifying scene from a first-person perspective, while a few players felt that the weight of the charge was really exciting.

Jialan Guild's side was divided into six rows, and the ten people in the front row were all wearing heavy armor and shields.

That shield is bigger and taller than a human being.

This is the branch profession after Guardian LV5, Heavy Shield Warrior.

The main focus is a front line defense.

This kind of warrior can theoretically withstand a high-speed impact of about five tons.

In theory...!

But with Hardy's man and horse integrated, the net weight has now exceeded six tons, and the running speed has reached 57 kilometers per hour.

It stands to reason that such an impact cannot be blocked by ordinary shield warriors.

But the other party still did it. Is he mentally ill?

Hardy doesn't think so.

He continued to charge forward, very quickly.

The players reacted quickly. Beiyouyu shouted: "Go to DEBUFF first and focus the fire remotely!"

In an instant, spells of various colors enveloped his body, and he was able to avoid almost all of them.

Only the 'blinding technique' of the light system had a certain impact on his vision, but it was not a big problem.

Then arrows and small spells hit Hardy's body.

All the bow arrows were deflected, but they still seemed to leave scratches on the armor.

The spell caused a small-scale explosion, with a burst of crackling noises.

Hardy felt that these things were just tickling and there was no feeling at all.

But from the perspective of the players and the live broadcast room, these attacks hit Hardy, and dozens of numbers appeared, ranging from single digits to double digits.

"It's effective, it's effective!" Beiyouyu shouted, "It can break the defense and rub the blood on the skin. Grind him to death, and the shields in the front row are ready to shoot."

Amidst such shouts, Hardy rushed ten meters in front of the players' phalanx, and then made a sharp left turn, passing horizontally about six meters away from the phalanx.

When facing each other, he stretched out his right hand, holding the lance in his right hand and making a sweeping sweep.

Because of his huge stature, extremely long wingspan, and long lance, this sweep swept out an arc with a radius of about seven meters.

It was also at this time that the shield warriors suddenly threw their big shields to the ground, and took out a giant spear from the system backpack with both hands.

This long gun is made entirely of steel. The diameter of the gun body should be about six centimeters and the length should be slightly more than four meters.

Ten terrifying spears were pointed at Hardy, but fortunately Hardy had already turned his horse.

Not only were they not hit by the ten spears, the lance swung out with their right hand even directly hit the five shield warriors, sending them flying.

However, the vitality of the shield warriors was too tenacious, and the players' pain coefficient was low. After they were knocked away, they immediately got up again, picked up their spears and returned to the front of the formation.

Even though they had vomited blood and even vomited out pieces of internal organs.

The healing professions among the players immediately treated these players, and there were even several special professions that used magic to repair armor for them from a distance.

This is normal. There are many special professions among players.

For example, a land craftsman, a sculpture master, etc.

Hardy's turn made him further away from the players' square, and then he suffered another wave of long-range attacks.


"Okay, that's it. The BOSS can't kill us directly, so we have a chance. Focus the fire for the second time, and hit another wave of blood skin." Beiyouyu shouted at the top of his lungs: "We consume it slowly, and the BOSS must be consumed to death." of."

In the live broadcast room, the players were mesmerized.

"Let me go, just from this one round of confrontation, you can see that both sides are old."

"Damn it, there is a hidden spear in the Jialan Guild. It's not a good thing. Such a long and thick iron spear must have been specially made for Hardy."

"No matter how thick your armor is, it's probably going to be uncomfortable if you bump into it."

"Hardy is so smart, he actually knows how to feint. He directly revealed the Jialan Guild's trump card."

Then Hardy turned around a little further away and walked slowly and quickly.

Just now Hardy felt something was wrong, and he really tried out the enemy's dirty tricks.

To be honest, the opponent's dense formation looked so powerful that Hardy didn't dare to charge randomly.

But Hardy actually has at least three ways to kill them.

Now is not the time to find a way to find their resurrection point so that they can be solved once and for all.

Because normally, with such a large-scale dungeon barrier and the top BOSS to be conquered, they would definitely set the resurrection point within the barrier.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to consume the BOSS. The resurrection will be outside the dungeon barrier, with only one chance to fight, and the fault tolerance is too low.

By the way, after dying in the dungeon, if you are not rescued within one minute, you will be forced to resurrect at the resurrection point.

At the same time, the weakness time after resurrection in the dungeon is greatly reduced to only one minute.

Moreover, the experience dropped upon death will also be greatly increased.

There are gains and losses in playing the main one.

It’s just a setting that makes it easier for players to play dungeons.

Hardy began to swim around them.

Ignore the long-range attacks hitting you.

This scene made those remote players even more excited, and their hands moved faster.

Hardy was obviously looking for an opportunity to attack the enemy, but he was actually using his perception to look for the resurrection point set by the players.

If nothing else goes wrong, in order to reorganize their formation, their resurrection points should be set up in the same place.

As long as they are found... it will be their death.

I benefited from learning the basic magic theory of E.P.R before, especially about perception.

Soon, he scanned the vicinity and found no player's resurrection point.

That should be closer to the edge of the copy.

So Hardy pretended to run away and ran towards the edge of the copy.

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