The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 32 It’s hard to wash away the reputation of being a dog licker

In the end, Hardy only recruited more than 80 people here in the Mountain People, not even breaking 100.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Hardy discovered that the mountain people were more unruly than he thought.

As long as a large number of people gather together, they will think about "profit".

That young man, do you think it was Leng Touqing who jumped out to cause trouble on his own?

If the mountain people did not have such thoughts, he would not have similar thoughts.

You know, young people are most susceptible to the influence of the atmosphere and the most susceptible to provocation.

The reason why he jumped out was because the mountain people had such thoughts.

The benefits of the Hardy family can only be 'distributed' to the mountain people, and no one else can get it. This is probably what it means.

And the more this happens, the more we must suppress this kind of thinking.

In the original plan, the mountain people should account for about 50% of his initial army, but now it seems that this is not possible, and he still has to endure it!

Stay until their wild nature is no longer so strong.

Hardy then spent more than ten days recruiting more than 200 people from the villages and towns around Hexi City.

Together with the mountain people, a small army of more than 340 people was formed.

More than 40 of them are responsible for logistics, and there are only 300 real soldiers.

It's not that he doesn't want to build a larger army, but the resources of River City and his own family are enough to supply such an army on the surface.

The family has a lot of money, but that cannot be revealed casually now.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause trouble.

After the army is established, the focus is naturally training, followed by logistical support.

More than half of the apparent capital flow will be used in this army.

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. all cost money, equipment also costs money, maintenance and repairs, etc., everything costs money.

Lillian looked at the "water" on the bill and felt so distressed that she wanted to cry.

Hardy smiled and said: "It's actually not bad, and you have another income that is not included in the statistics."

"Which one?"

Hardy smiled and said, "Taxes from the mountain people."

"Our tenant farmers can only provide food, but the mountain people can provide goods." Hadi took the bill in his hand and patted it: "The dried meat, fur, animals collected and placed in the warehouse Materials such as teeth and animal bones are not included in the calculation. We happen to have our own fur shop and processing shop, so if we calculate it carefully, we can make a lot of money."

Raw materials are generally not very valuable, but if you have processing capabilities, profits will skyrocket.

Jack nodded, but Old Hardy had always been in charge of this aspect, so he didn't know much about it.

Hardy continued: "Link, I'll leave this matter to you. You have full authority to handle the tax materials from the mountain people. How much money your family can make depends on your ability."

Link nodded vigorously, his young face full of excitement.

He has been at Hardy's house for more than three months and is familiar with many things at home. It's just that he has been learning from Jack and Lillian before, and now it's time to do things independently.

Jack was excited too.

Link is here to take over from him. The sooner Hardy lets Link become independent, the more he trusts them.

Jack is not going to 'retire' so soon, because now that the Hardy family is a noble, it is normal to have an extra deputy butler.

After explaining some trivial matters about the military camp, Hadi went to the city.

In the tavern, Little Tompson was entertaining a few drunkards. When he saw Hardy, he asked the bartender to do the work, and he took Hardy up to the study on the second floor.

"How is the recovery of the intelligence organization?" Hardy asked with a smile.

Little Tompson shook his head: "It's difficult. My family has been running the pub for five generations before it reached its scale. Now it's almost completely ruined by that guy Stan. If we want to rebuild it to its original level in a short time, it will take at least one or two. Year."

Hardy nodded in understanding.

"But we are not all just freeloading and doing nothing." Little Tompson walked to his bookcase, took out a piece of parchment and put it on the table in front of Hardy: "This is what we recently found The news may be useful to you."

Hardy picked up the parchment and looked at it for a while, his expression slightly solemn.

"Is it confirmed to be true?"

Little Tompson shook his head: "Our tavern has sent someone to the Royal City before, but the manpower is indeed insufficient. Therefore, the news is authentic, but we cannot guarantee it to be true."

Hardy said he understood.

Then he asked: "But why are you giving this news to me? Shouldn't it be given to the Minter family?"

"You, Ryan, and Karina have never distinguished each other." Little Tompson asked with some surprise: "Now something has happened at Karina's grandma's house, aren't you going to take care of it?"

Hardy smiled: "How can I care?"

Although his army has been built, there are only about 300 people and there is still little training.

He can barely protect himself, let alone go to the royal city to cause trouble.

"I thought you were willing to do anything for Karina." Little Tompson smiled.

Hardy sighed. It seems that his predecessor's reputation as a dog licker should be well known in River City.

"Besides, this is not what happened to Karina."

Hardy rolled his eyes angrily.

After hearing this, Little Tompson shook his head and said with a smile: "It seems that you are really not like before. You only think about Karina in everything. Then I will burn this information?"

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Send it to the Minte family. Although we can't help, it is still necessary to tell him."

"You are the master now and you have the final say."

Afterwards, Hardy came out of the tavern and bought a few more 'intermediate' magic theory books.

After returning home, I started studying.

He can understand the basic theory of magic, it's very simple.

But this intermediate magic theory is a bit profound.

It was hard to watch.

There is a lot of content in it that is very counter-intuitive.

For example, in the macroscopic world, magical phenomena also follow the law of conservation of energy.

How much magic power you can use mentally will determine how "strong" the output or auxiliary effect can be.

The same giant power spell, used by senior magicians and apprentices, has two completely dimensional effects.

The main reason is the high-level magician, who can release a large amount of magic power in an instant and use it to form magic spells.

Then within a small area, part of the magic power will disappear, creating a so-called magic vacuum.

Because the magic power is converted into other energy or matter.

This is conservation theory.

But this intermediate magic theory book says that in terms of the amount of magic power, the more it is used, the more it is used.

Every time magic is used, there will be a little more magic energy in the whole world.

Although this amount of growth is extremely rare, it is so small that even a magician cannot detect it without the help of special props.

But it did increase.

This is the result of rigorous experiments conducted by the author of the book on a large space.

Although there is a vacuum of magic power in a small area, the amount of magic power suddenly increases in other places within a larger area.

In other words, with the emergence of a large number of magicians in the future, the amount of magic elements in the entire world will slowly increase exponentially.

If what this book says is true, it does not seem to be in compliance with the rules of energy conservation.

Wait, that’s weird... Is this what an intermediate magic theory should contain?

Hardy subconsciously looked at the author of this book.

Only three letters are seen.


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