The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 4 Is the widow of a brave man considered a holy relic?

Darkness is no longer fear and unknown, but has become a protective color.

The sound of iron hooves echoed in the woods. Wherever it passed, the chirping of insects and owls were muted. Only the whistling of the wind in his ears stimulated Hardy's adrenaline, making his heart beat faster and he felt extremely stimulated.

Abilities require training to become stronger. What are the main abilities of the Nightmare Knight?

Riding, control and use of magic.

To summon nightmares and transform into dark heavy armor, you need to use magic power.

Running wildly on a nightmare is training your riding skills.

So Hardy is not simply riding a horse in search of excitement, but is actually carrying out his own training.

He didn't want to be like his original self, who had all the talent and all the talent, but ended up living a useless life.

Nightmares live in the demon world and are good at absorbing dark magic elements. They perform better at night... but they only last ten minutes longer than during the day.

About half an hour later, Hardy released the riding state, and the nightmare returned to the demon world.

He held on to the tree trunk on the side of the road and gasped for air.

Without the 'gathering' of the nightmare, the dark clouds gradually dispersed and the stars and moon reappeared.

Scattered spots of light brightened in front of them. They were waves moving in the night wind, and the moon was reflected in the lake water, rippling leisurely.

In front of Hardy, there was a woman standing barefoot in the shallow water, holding up her black skirt, looking at him with a smile.

"Looks like you've gotten over your grief, kid."

She has long brown braids and green eyes full of tenderness.

Hardy stood up straight and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a while, Aunt Sophie."

"Call sister."


Sophie rolled her eyes at Hadi angrily. She slowly walked up from the shallow water, her milky white feet extremely conspicuous in the night.

She found a piece of bluestone and sat down gracefully, then looked at Hadi and asked, "It would be bad to scare people by running around so late."

Hardy understood that she should have seen the way he summoned the Nightmare Knight to run around just now.

"It probably didn't scare Aunt Sophie."

Sophie shook her head and said amusedly: "After all, I am also the wife of a former warrior, and my ability to protect myself is pretty good."

Sophie Linde, Ryan's mother and the wife of the former Warrior.

I heard that he fought and adventured with the former hero and had great strength.

Of course, you can't tell from the appearance alone. Sophie is very beautiful, with a tall and plump figure, but her temperament is weak, her body does not have large muscles, and there is no fluctuation of magic power.

Hardy reckons her profession is related to assassins.

"It's so late, what is Aunt Sophie doing here?"

"I was confused and couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk." Sophie sighed, and then emphasized: "You can either call me sister, or just call me by my name. If you add 'aunt', do you think I am very old?"

With skin as white as snow, without a trace of wrinkles, and a face as smooth as a peeled egg, Sophie looks like she is only in her early twenties no matter how you look at it.

But she is indeed Ryan's biological mother.

His real age is at least thirty-two years old.

But she still looked so young. Hardy estimated that she must have the blood of a long-lived race, but she couldn't tell from her appearance.

Hardy found a piece of bluestone to sit next to him and asked, "Is it because of Ryan's incident that you can't sleep?"

"Of course, he will go out for training in two days. As a mother, how can I feel relieved?"

"Forbid him to go out, that's all."

Sophie played with her long side braid with her left hand and sighed quietly: "No one can control or suppress the nature of the brave bloodline."

This was the reason why Ryan had to go out for training at the age of fifteen. The bloodline instinct of the brave was at work.

Hardy had a lot of contact with Sophie. Ever since he could remember, he, Ryan, and Karina had been together every day. They often went to Ryan's house to play, and naturally he met Sophie often.

In his 'impression', Sophie was cold, not to mention aloof, but also someone who rarely spoke, and even her expression rarely changed.

She seemed unhappy every day.

It seems normal when you think about it carefully. Her husband died at a young age. She worked hard to raise her son. In the future, her son will have to follow her husband's old path again. How sad.

"It's time for me to go back." Sophie stood up, put on her shoes, and said with a smile: "Lian will be worried if I stay out for too long. Thank you for chatting with me, Hardy."

Then she left slowly.

Hardy looked at Sophie's slender back and admired in his heart.

I have to say that the former brave man has a good sense of aesthetics. Not only is Sophie tall, she is also the kind of 'slightly fat' that men like most. Her whole body exudes a charming aura.

It fits Hardy’s aesthetic very well.

It's a pity that my body is still too young, just over fifteen years old, and the other party probably doesn't like a kid like me.

Hardy shook his head helplessly and walked home.

In the manor, the red-haired maid Lillian was still waiting at the door. When she saw her master coming back, she bent down to greet him, her eyes flashing with scales.

Hardy knew that this light in a woman's eyes was called 'adoration'.

This kind of look has never been seen before, and I have never experienced it before.

But Hardy can do it easily now because he is already a professional.

From then on, he became an extraordinary person, no longer an ordinary person.

Most women in the world are Mu Qiang, not to mention Hadi is still her master.

Back in the castle, under the service of the maids, I took a shower and dressed, and then had a good sleep.

The next morning, he was woken up by Lillian. After having breakfast, he and Jack took a carriage together, took gifts, and walked to the center of the town.

The carriage rumbled and the body swayed slightly.

While driving the carriage, the steward Jack turned around and asked: "Little master, if you give away the blacksmith shop, our remaining industry will not make much money. Should we fire some of the tenants and replace them with gray-skinned orcs?" live."

"Are gray-skinned orcs very cheap now, and are they very efficient in farming?"

"I heard it's very useful, very cheap, and you eat less. I'm even better at growing melons and kapok, both of which are more valuable than food." There was a touch of excitement in Jack's voice: "When called upon , they are also excellent soldiers."

"There are many gray-skinned orc slaves in the country now?"

"I heard that some time ago, there were slave traders from the Aikajia Kingdom. They shipped a large number of slaves over by sea and concentrated them in the royal city. They were very cheap and affordable."

Hardy thought for a while and said: "Let's forget it. If those tenants are replaced, where will they go to beg for food in the future? It will be strange if they don't starve to death."

The family now has a lot of fertile farmland, which is cultivated by long-term tenants.

"You are really a kind-hearted master." Jack sincerely flattered Hardy, and then said: "Master, you have arrived at the gate of the Virginia City Lord's castle, and you have to go in by yourself."

Ordinary people were not allowed to enter the residences of nobles without being summoned.

Hardy loaded up the beautiful wooden box and jumped out of the carriage.

In front of him was a castle many times larger than Hardy's house. Several soldiers in full armor were guarding the entrance.

"I am Hadi, and I am here to meet the lord."

The soldier studied him carefully for a moment, and then the castle door opened slowly, as if a giant beast had opened its mouth.

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