The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 563 It’s time for us to atone for our sins

The purple ball of light landed in a pit on the top of a mountain.

There are several tents and some emergency food reserves arranged here.

When several people walked out of the teleportation magic circle, the magician girl collapsed to the ground.

Teleportation magic consumes a lot of magic power.

Not even the E.P.R trio can teleport such a long distance and teleport so many people at once.

But the magician girl can do it. One can imagine how talented he is in this area.

Tianma looked around and said with a smile: "You have done a good job in preparing. There are all kinds of things."

Everyone in the brave team smiled bitterly.

They have been dealing with demons for more than two years. From being rookies at the beginning to being demon killers now, they have experienced many dangers.

After more actual combat, you will know what preparations you should make.

"It's time for me to go back now." Pegasus flapped its wings gently: "By the way, leave the blue battle flag to Karina. Her strength is more suitable for this battle flag."

Hardy naturally had no objections.

The Pegasus looked at Hardy and explained: "If Karina were to summon it, it would not be my Pegasus that would come down, but my spirit body and at least ten or so angels of light."

Karina's eyes lit up: "Can you beat the evil god?"

"Of course you can't beat it." Tianma showed an expression of 'You are overthinking', and then said to Hardy: "You still have the blessing of the goddess of light. Before the power is exhausted, most people are not you. Your opponent, but you must not provoke the evil god, do you understand?"

Hardy nodded.

"I am leaving."

The Pegasus flapped its wings and flew into the dark clouds in a beam of light.

Hardy walked up and out of the pit. He looked north and frowned.

Karina also walked up, next to his body, and asked: "Don't worry about anything, our Goddess of Light, the Church of the God of Light will solve everything."

Logically speaking, this should indeed be the case.

But Hardy didn't see it that way. When he had a 'conversation' with Aya before, he could clearly feel that Aya was already anxious and anxious.

Now that the evil god has become a god, he can feel the terrifying magic power fluctuations coming from the north even from such a distance.

Every fluctuation makes people feel uneasy and nauseated.

At this time, Ryan also walked up.

Hardy heard the footsteps and turned to ask him: "What are your plans next?"

"Activate outside the evil god and see if you can find an opportunity..."

Hardy shook his head and said: "The evil god is not something you can deal with. Ordinary people cannot deal with something that was sacrificed by hundreds of thousands of people."

Ryan was silent.

When Hardy was about to say something, he suddenly let out a sigh.

Because he felt four disgusting forces moving.

And the direction of movement seems to be towards the southwest.

"What are they doing there?"

Karina and Ryan naturally felt it too.

To the southwest is just the sea, and beyond the sea are the elves... clan.

Their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

The target of the evil god is the elves?

Yggdrasil to be exact?

Hardy took a deep breath, turned his head and said, "You go back to Liwan country first, Sophie is also there, escort them back to France first."


When he heard that his mother was in a small southern country not far away, Ryan became anxious: "She hasn't retreated yet. No, I have to go and watch her."

Karina looked at Hardy: "What about you?"

"I'm going to the elves." Hardy opened his collar and took out the wooden carved pendant inside: "There are my friends there, and I have to help."

Karina pursed her lips. She didn't want Hadi to leave, but she didn't know how to persuade him to stay.

Because she knew very well that Hardy was a person who valued friendship very much.

"Then you must be careful." Karina's eyes were red.

Hardy nodded, patted Ryan on the shoulder next to him, and then turned into a purple chain of light and disappeared into the sky.

Karina wiped her wet eyes and said, "Let's help Hadi escort his army back home."

Ryan nodded: "Okay."

The other three members of the brave team also breathed a sigh of relief.

After fighting the demons on the front line for so long, they were tired and it was time to rest for a while.

At the same time, the northeastern area of ​​the Elf Forest.

There is a huge herringbone canyon here, where the Evil Eye tribe now lives.

There are mountains, water, lakes and land here.

The temperature is suitable and the products are abundant.

There are also a large amount of metal ores in the mountains, which is enough for their daily life and development.

It can be said that the elves gave them a good area for their use.

In the past, they did not dare to leave their outer bodies. The harsh environment of the demon world was fatal to them.

They live under layers of 'filtered' underground, keeping company with darkness and enduring cold and hunger.

I don’t even dare to have children.

But things are different now. With warm sunshine, clean water and abundant supplies, they gave birth to more than 40 children in just half a year.

Watching these 'balls' that haven't grown into adults yet, rolling on the grass, playing in the water by the lake, and jumping on the trees, the eyes of those old evil eyes are full of love.

The life in front of me is too beautiful to be true, like in a dream.

But at this time, they suddenly felt the power of evil.

This power makes them tremble and scare them.

They are not afraid of this power, but this power awakens their collective memory that they have almost forgotten.

The memory of killing gods.

The Old Evil Eyes immediately held a meeting. More than a hundred white humanoids sat together in the cave dug half a year ago, and in front of them stood a taller white humanoid.

It's just that his body is obviously a little yellowish, which is a sign of aging.

"Our souls are connected and our emotions are the same, so we always remember the ancient memories." The oldest Xieyan, the leader of the Xieyan clan, sighed: "The evil god is coming towards the elves, but why? It’s not for us. It’s our destiny and our coming atonement.”

None of the more than a hundred humanoids spoke.

"We finally have a real home, and we finally have a happy life." Lao Xie looked at the sunshine outside the cave and smiled: "Even if our entire clan is destroyed next, we should be content. The elves need We, the World Tree, also need us. As the leader of the clan, I now order that the whole clan enters a state of war and defend the World Tree to the death."

More than a hundred humanoids said nothing. They all stood up with firm eyes.

"Young people under a hundred years old, take the children and take refuge in the Elf Forest." Old Evil Eye walked out and shouted: "Others, follow me to fight, go to the beach to stop the evil god, and buy time for our allies .”

The white humanoids didn't speak, but followed Old Xieyan firmly.

Soon after, more than a hundred huge eyeballs flew up and flew towards the seaside in the northeast direction. (End of chapter)

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