The moment Hardy pressed the escape button, the space began to collapse at a strange speed.

But it is different from ordinary collapse.

It was more like a black egg shell that suddenly shrank, and then all these soul fragments attached to Hardy's body.

In an instant, countless memories were reflected in Hardy's soul.

But Hardy immediately deleted all these memories.

If you accept too much memory, it will affect your character.

The reason why people are independent people is that they have their own individual memories.

It is not good to receive too many memories from others.

This is what Hardy recently learned from the E.P.R trio.

The fragments of life's short soul wrapped around Hardy's soul, and then pulled it into a winding 'wormhole'.

And Hardy traveled through this wormhole.

This feeling was very familiar to him. It was an experience he had when entering and exiting the game.

Hardy used to think that this was just a 'cut scene' to enhance the sense of substitution, but now it seems that this is a 'wormhole' through the plane wall.

He felt the power around the wormhole carefully. Although he was still far from the legendary level, he really felt a strange power.

This soul can act directly on his spirit and soul.

It was as if a lot of esoteric knowledge had been stuffed directly into his brain.

It's just that this kind of knowledge entered quickly, but it seemed to disappear, or it was lurking. Hardy couldn't remember what he had been 'instilled' just now.

The wormhole pulled him forward.

Then a few seconds later, he felt his soul enter a body.

It's just that this body extremely rejects his soul.

At this time, Hardy saw that the whole world was broken.

There is no way, this is the soul world where life is short, and it is also in his body.

There were memory fragments floating everywhere. Hardy began to use his soul power to crush the surrounding memory fragments that belonged to the short life of life, and used them as materials to rebuild this soul world.

Pieces of memory fragments turned into light dust and flew into the 'sky', rebuilding the entire world.

But this was far from enough. Hardy felt that even if all the memory fragments were used, he could not rebuild the shell of the short-lived soul world.

And if the soul world cannot be reconstructed, then Hardy will not be able to truly enter this body that belongs to the short life.

The most important thing is that there is no magic power in the 'real' world. Otherwise, if Hardy's soul can call on external magic power and cooperate with the memory fragments, it can barely repair the soul shell.

Hardy looked at the empty soul world, then looked at the 'half-broken' soul shell, and sighed helplessly.

This soul world is about to collapse because it is incomplete.

He opened the system interface and prepared to 'enter' the game world.

He had a feeling that if he couldn't rebuild the soul of this world and didn't return to the 'game' before the soul world collapsed.

He will die.

He found the system interface and was about to press it when he looked at the word 'enter'.

But suddenly he discovered that a gray beam of light poured in from outside the broken soul world and fell directly on Hardy's body.

Replenishing the missing magic power in his soul world at an extremely fast speed.

Hardy was stunned for a moment and looked up at the sky.

The light beam at this time has disappeared.

But Hardy still felt that someone seemed to be watching him.

But there is no malice.

Hardy already guessed who it was.

He called on the magic power of his soul and began to fill the missing soul space.

And outside his 'soul', a scene with the effect of a horror movie was taking place.

Life is short. Lying in the virtual cabin, his body suddenly turned into pieces, including his internal organs and bones.

The tiniest bit of dust.

These red minced flesh and blood quickly formed a calm pool of water in the virtual cabin.

The water in this pool is quickly losing its red color and turning into a milky white color.

Then it gained hardness and toughness, and as time went by, it slowly deformed little by little.

First there is the rough outline of the human body, then there are the five limbs, then there is the face, there is the face.

And its body is also undergoing changes, producing flesh, blood vessels, internal organs and other organs.

Finally, a complete Hardy appeared in the virtual cabin.

About three hours later, 'Hardy' opened his eyes.

After a creak, the virtual hatch opened, and Hardy sat out naked.

He looked at his hands, then at his body, then held the edge of the virtual cabin with his hands, and reluctantly stood up from inside.

He didn't know why, but he felt extremely weak all over his body.

The exuberant and abundant physical strength in the ‘game’ was gone.

Now he feels like a soft little chicken, the kind that anyone can bully.

He finally climbed out of the virtual cabin and sat down. After resting for a while, he regained some strength.

Then he began to look around... This place was a bit familiar to him, just like what he had seen in the soul world before, it was a home where life was short.

He raised his eyes to the big counter, and sure enough he saw a large photo frame with a photo of a girl who looked very much like Gui Wenir.

Hardy looked next to him and found some snacks there. He suddenly felt hungry.

Almost crawling over, he tore open the bag with trembling hands and stuffed the potato chips inside into his mouth.

It was indeed a high-calorie food. After eating a bag of potato chips and resting for a while, he felt that his body was a little stronger.

At this time, he was still naked, so he got up and walked around the house for a while. He quickly found the wardrobe, took out the casual clothes and put them on.

It turned out that all the clothes were a bit too big for me!

Hardy couldn't help complaining: "How can I buy myself a bigger size of clothes in such a short life!"

But fortunately it's only a little bigger, so it's not too uncomfortable to wear.

Then he went to the refrigerator and found another cake and two kinds of fruits. After stuffing them all into his stomach, he felt that his body was completely alive.

It turns out I'm hungry.

"Life is too short. How long have you been playing games without eating anything?" ’

He walked around the suite and quickly got a feel for the house.

Then he found the cell phone of Life is Short on the table next to the virtual cabin, and picked it up.

Face unlock...failed.

Hardy recalled that he had unlocked his phone in front of him when he was communicating with Life is Short in the soul world.

After recalling it for a moment, I entered the number and the phone was indeed unlocked.

Hardy sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the dialing interface. He suddenly felt a thrill and entered a number that he was very, very familiar with.

"The number you entered is empty..."

After Hardy repeatedly confirmed that he had entered correctly, he logged into the communication software and entered the number he was familiar with.

The result is also empty!

Then enter your ID number on a special website. Although you do have this ID card, the person on it is not you!

"This world is without me..."

Hardy looked at the window with some loneliness, looking at the familiar world outside, and murmured to himself: "Although it is similar, this is not the world I am in."

He was silent for a while, then quickly returned to his room and picked up his mobile phone. He wanted to walk around the world and return to his 'hometown'.

Although this world is not my own, it is so similar that it can always comfort my homesickness.

He went to the bathroom, found the dressing mirror, and was about to straighten his appearance, but when he saw the picture in the mirror, he was shocked.

What’s in the mirror is not the face that is short in life, but your own.

To be honest, it looks like a fourteen-year-old Hardy, who is more childish than the Hardy in the game.


Hardy was stunned.

What's going on? If I didn't occupy the short body of my life, how could I become like myself?

He looked at himself in the mirror and stood blankly for a moment.

After a while, he touched his face and pinched it again.

The extremely beautiful young man in the mirror showed a pained expression.

"No wonder the face verification just now failed." Hardy rubbed his forehead with a funny expression: "It turns out to be his own body and his own face. Could it be that by taking over someone else's body, you can change the appearance and bloodline of someone else's body at the same time?"

"Wait a minute!" Hardy suddenly thought of the power he suddenly gained in the soul world: "Could it be a gift from that person?"

Why should it help itself?

There are more and more things that I can’t figure out.

Hardy returned to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling distressed again.

“If you can’t pass face verification, you won’t be able to use your short life’s money! It’s hard to move forward without money in this world.”

I don't have any acquaintances in this world from whom I can borrow money... Wait, there really are.

For example, Tiana and Dove.

Take Nicai and Aili for example.

Of course, Tiana and Dove are the most trustworthy.

And he also happens to know Tiana’s phone number.

At that time, Tiana was responsible for managing and taking over the Silver Moon Witch team, and several Silver Moon Witches exchanged phone numbers with her.

They thought Hardy didn't understand and didn't need it, so they reported their numbers in front of him.

He didn't remember the others, but Hardy remembered Tiana's number.

Because it’s easy to remember.

Hardy dialed the number, and soon the person on the other end answered the phone.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

It's Tiana's voice, but it's more mature than the one in the game.

Hardy nodded and said, "It's me, Hardy."

The person on the other side was silent for a while, and then hung up the phone without saying a word.

Hardy sighed helplessly and called again.

The other party quickly connected, and Tiana cursed: "You stupid liar, you actually dare to deceive people in this way! Do you think I am a fool? Or am I an acquaintance making a joke on me? I also have a very similar voice." …”

"You like to call me daddy!" Hardy interrupted her.

The person on the other side was silent for a while, then hung up again.

Hardy scratched his head, it was difficult to handle now, who would believe that an NPC in the game came to reality.

At this time, the phone in my hand rang. It was an unknown caller.

Hardy hesitated for a moment and then picked up.

As soon as the other party spoke, it was Tiana's voice: "Who are you, Dove's prank, or someone from the official game? You are invading privacy, do you understand?"

Tiana changed her mobile phone number and called.

Hardy smiled and said: "Tiana, let's video chat." (End of Chapter)

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