The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 609 There is magic in this world too

But in the end the two men did not continue the war.

Because Hardy smiled and said: "I'm hungry. I want to eat something good."

Tiana nodded and said, "You don't have any money? Let me treat you."

Then she got up, went to the bathroom, washed herself casually, put on her clothes, and went out with Hardy.

She held Hardy's arm the whole time, but Hardy was obviously lowering her head. This combination seemed quite strange.

When the two of them arrived on the street, they attracted the attention of the surrounding pedestrians.

After all, both of them are too good-looking. It is instinct for people to like to see handsome men and beautiful women. In addition... many lesbians want to call the police.

After all, Hardy's face is too young, and he doesn't appear to be underage at first glance.

And the two looked like a sticky couple.

They were very jealous.

Neither of them were familiar with Me City, so they randomly found a decent restaurant, went in, and found a private room.

As soon as Hardy sat down, he looked around and then lay back.

And Tiana habitually served him first.

Help him tear open the packaging of tableware and help him use tea to scald bowls and chopsticks.

At this time, Tiana's cell phone rang, and it was Dove who opened the video call.


Dove's careless voice came from the phone: "I heard from Xiaowen that you ran away in a hurry this morning, and then you didn't come to work all day. What happened?"

Tiana showed a happy smile: "I am now here in Baa City."

Dove asked curiously: "Why are you going to Me City? I remember that the company has not done any business with that city."

"Come here to meet a man." When she said this, Tiana glanced sideways at Hardy, showing off her charm and charm.

Dove naturally saw it too and exclaimed: "Wait a minute, you must be joking."

Tiana smiled and then pointed the phone towards Hardy.

Hardy naturally said hello to the people inside: "Good evening, do you want to come over and play?"

In the video, Dove's eyes were as wide as an ox's.

Seeing her embarrassment, Tiana couldn't help laughing.

After a while, Dove exclaimed: "Tiana, you can't make a mistake, you can't be sorry to Hardy. Even if this kid looks like Hardy, it won't work."

In the video on her mobile phone, she was dancing and it was obvious that she was very anxious.

"Don't just talk about me, you already have Hadi and a boyfriend."

"I'm different, I'm..." Dove looked around, and then whispered: "I'm sorry for my boyfriend."

Tiana smiled even happier and pointed the phone at Hardy: "Prove your identity."

Hardy looked at the phone, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "You like to serve me and Tiana. You call me master, call her miss, and call yourself a slave!"

Dove gasped: "Wait, this is impossible!"

"I don't care if it's possible." Tiana turned the phone to herself again and smiled: "I said this is real Hardy. Do you believe it or not? Can't you make it?"

"Letter!" Dove nodded heavily: "I don't understand what's going on, but I can tell from your expression and Hardy's attitude that he should be the real thing. Where are you now?"

Tiana sent a location.

Dove was stunned: "What city, so far away? Wait for me, I'll rush over there overnight, I should be there within six hours, I have to find a reason first..."

Then the video was hung up.

Tiana closed the phone and smiled.

Dove is her best friend and best friend. The two of them are closer than sisters. Sharing Hardy is not something that cannot be accepted.

More importantly...she couldn't withstand Hardy's firepower alone.

Then he turned around and wanted to talk to Hardy, but was surprised to find that there was a flame burning in the fingertips of Hardy's right hand.

She froze, wiped her eyes, and exclaimed: "Is this magic, or is it magic?"

"Magic." Hardy extinguished the flame in his hand.

Tiana found it incredible: "How can there be magic in this world! If there is, why haven't we discovered it for thousands of years?"

"There is very weak magic in the air, very weak." Hardy explained: "I didn't feel it when I first came here. At that time, my body was too weak, and I was also quite excited, and my mental power was unstable. Now that I have calmed down, I can vaguely feel it.”

Then he tried it and it worked.

Tiana's face was shattered: "Magic can be used in this world? How is this possible? Why haven't so many of us smart people discovered it?"

Hardy shook his head: "How could you not discover that there are so many myths and legends, and so many metaphysics cultivation methods? Is there a possibility that these are actually true, but ordinary people's talents are too low, and they really don't feel it? come out."

Tiana is also a member of the Silver Moon Witch. She also understands magic. Then she closed her eyes and used the meditation method in the game world to feel it for a while, but she couldn't feel anything.

She opened her eyes and sighed helplessly.

Who doesn’t want to be an extraordinary person?

Hardy smiled and said: "Your mental power is too low. Once you reach the legendary level in the game world, you will almost be able to feel it."

"You can do it just as a master, why should I go to legend?"

Hardy thought for a moment and said: "In terms of mental power perception talent, there is a huge gap between people..."

Tiana raised her head and interrupted Hardy abruptly: "I know, the gap is bigger than a dog, right? I was hit, and I need a kiss to heal it!"

Then she came over and kissed the boy's lips.

There is a special beauty between mature beauties and young boys.

At this moment, the door of the private room was pushed open, and the waiter holding a wooden plate saw what was going on inside, and subconsciously let out a small 'ah' sound.

Then he apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Then he closed the door again.

Generally speaking, before opening the door of a private room, the waiter must knock twice as a courtesy and wait until the guests in the private room agree before entering.

But this time, the server may have lost his mind and opened the door subconsciously.

Tiana blushed and sat further away, then shouted: "Come in."

The waiter was an ordinary woman in her early twenties. She looked at Tiana, then at Hardy, with a strange look on her face, and then she lowered her head and put down the dishes on the wooden plate.

Then he bowed his head and backed out, closing the door.

Tiana gently fanned her red face with her hand, and then said with some distress: "She won't call the police to arrest me later."

"It's okay, I will say that I am fifteen years old and you will not get into trouble." Hardy said with a smile.

Tiana rolled her eyes at him helplessly: "Do you have an ID card?"


"Then things are even worse." Tiana smiled.

Then Tiana started to pick up food for Hadi, and even fed it directly into the latter's mouth, with a face full of pampering and admiration.

At this time, Hardy was experimenting with magic.

After being able to feel the magic factor of this world, Hardy began to experiment.

At first he could only create basic magic effects.

For example, light some fire and condense ice cubes as big as your thumb.

But as he kept trying, after adapting and analyzing, he successfully cast the first spell.

‘Ice thorn! ’

An ice arrow as big as a finger hit the wall and bounced back.

Almost no power!

Moreover, the ice arrows did not melt, but slowly turned into faint light dust and disappeared into the air.

Although the power is very small, it is indeed a magic spell, not a magic special effect.

This means that magic can also be used in this world.

The premise is... there is enough magic power.

Hardy thought thoughtfully, although offensive magic may not have much effect, many auxiliary magics require very little magic power and have special effects.

For example, boosting spirits, improving intelligence, limb repair, etc.!

Especially limb repair. Under the aura of divine magic of the Light God Religion, the former is just a joke.

It takes a month to guide a limb to regrow.

The light magic only takes ten days.

But... the magic of light requires the help of divine power of light, and there is no goddess of light in this world.

The limb repair technique is a real low-level spell that consumes very little.

Hardy happened to have learned the knowledge of magic scrolls from Patience, and he was personally capable of making low-level magic scrolls.

Tiana sat next to her, looking at Hardy's handsome profile, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

She felt that Hardy was most charming when he was thinking about problems seriously.

At this time, Hardy turned around and asked: "You are very good at business matters. If you get some magic scrolls that can restore limbs within a month or two, how will you use them?"

Tiana was shocked. After a while, she thought of something. After all, she was also considered a half-caster in the game.

"Limb repair?" Tiana became excited: "If I can continue to supply it, I can subvert the three views of the entire medical community. I can even have a huge impact on biology."

Hardy nodded: "Aren't you afraid of being spotted and getting into trouble?"

"That kind of statement is only for ordinary people." Tiana said with some helplessness: "If ordinary people with no power make an amazing discovery accidentally, they will be like a child walking through the market with gold. But I am different, my identity has reached a certain level and I have enough connections, and these things can help me expand my connections better."

"I haven't asked you about your identity here yet!" Hardy smiled curiously.

Tiana smiled sheepishly and said: "I am nothing special personally. I am just a vice president of a listed company. The real interests are my parents. They are in the industry. They don't make much money in the factory. They only earn two dollars a year. The profit is just over 30 billion, but the downstream industry chain it drives can affect the livelihood of at least hundreds of thousands of people and the scale of funds is hundreds of billions."

Hardy took a breath subconsciously: "So you are the rich lady!"

"It's far worse than a great lord like you!" Tiana whispered: "You don't have to think about making money in this world. I can support you. I'm never short of money to spend."

"Since I can come to this world, I have to do something." Hardy crossed his arms and said while thinking: "I have been thinking about what I should do in the future if I can travel between the two worlds at will. Get more benefits for yourself, or help!" (End of Chapter)

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