
In the wilderness, as the temperature continued to drop, the violent weather seemed to completely destroy the surroundings.

In a cave, a team of forty or fifty people is quietly having a meeting here.

The leader was a strong man nearly two meters tall, with muscles bulging all over his body.

This is very rare among the generally hungry rebels.

He was wearing a dark red shabby mecha with a huge jar on his back.

"Are they all here?" Sitting on the stone, he looked at the team that had basically assembled around.

The strong man asked in a loud voice to the person next to him.

"A total of forty-five people from the three families are all elites, and they are all here."

"Okay, then I'll just say a few words." The strong man nodded and stood up.

After holding a huge axe next to him, he said, "Everyone must already know who the target is this time. To be honest, if the weather wasn't too bad, we wouldn't have taken such a big risk.

They are all people in the wilderness. I don't need to elaborate on many of them. This is not only for the camp but also for everyone.

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, I hope everyone can obey the order and come back alive. "

"Brother Hao, everyone understands that you can lead the team."

"Whoever counsels his grandson."

"It's time to let the soft guys at the base know how powerful our rebels are."

"How about blowing up the base? It's annoying to watch every day."

"Hahaha, this proposal is not bad."

Many people in the surrounding crowd shouted with laughter, and even joked.

Of the forty-five people here who are not his mother's wilderness veterans, none of them are afraid of death at all.

"Come on, it's just you bastards who still want to blow up the base? Hurry up and pack up and leave in five minutes!" The brawny guy called Brother Hao rolled his eyes at the nonsense these guys said.

Did you float or did I float? Do your job honestly.

Five minutes later, the group quickly set out from the cave and moved closer to the periphery of the base along a path.

In order to prevent the action from being discovered, they did not choose to use a vehicle this time, but walked over with their legs.

After the operation is successful, someone will naturally come to support.

In the dim night, the gray clouds above the head can be vaguely seen by the energy beams ejected from the distant base.

That's a sign that extreme weather is developing.

On the other side, in the base, Hills has also arranged the manpower to respond, and everything is ready, just waiting for the good show to start.

"Everyone cheered up, the top is the exit. According to the plan, the first team went to destroy the energy equipment in the residential area, causing panic, and the second team took the opportunity to attack the barracks warehouse to create an illusion for them that we were going to break in and destroy it.

After you start to act, I will personally lead the three teams to the target point to arrest people.

Remember, once we catch fire, we only have one hour. Within half an hour after the start of the battle, the first team and the second team will withdraw from point A first, and I will go to point B. Everyone spreads out to avoid being caught in one pot. "

In the dim passage, Brother Hao was bending over to make the final arrangements for everyone.

This is already the interior of the base, and the secret route provided by Little Tom crept in.

As soon as the arrangement was made, there was a rhythmic percussion sound from the top of the head, "dong dong... dong dong dong... dong..."

After Brother Hao heard it, he put away the map, and also tapped the pipe next to him with a stick.

After a while, the cover above his head was opened, and a section of the wooden ladder was dropped.

"Go!" With a wave of his hand, Brother Hao took the lead and climbed up the wooden ladder.

When he got out of the well, Brother Hao looked out the window and realized that this was a warehouse on the ground floor.

"You are the helpers that Hills found." Little Tom looked at the group of some embarrassed rebels and handed over a bottle of water.

Brother Hao opened his helmet and took a sip before he smiled and said, "You are little Tom, this smuggling tunnel is really good."

"It's alright, take off your mecha and put on your clothes, so I can take you to the business district."

Little Tom waved his hand and didn't want more communication with these rebels.

He pointed to the pile of clothes laid out on the ground and urged.

Brother Hao didn't mind. When he made a hand, the group quickly began to change their clothes.

They also need to use the channels of Little Tom to transport their own mechas to the commercial area.

Then attack from the commercial area.

There are military personnel guarding each floor, and unless they are local people, there is no way for anyone to secretly transport these things up.

After they all changed their clothes, little Tom greeted a person.

"You take them to Point 1 in the business district, and I'll be there later."

"It's the boss."

The man nodded and made a please gesture.

"Can we bring these things up?" Brother Hao glanced at the pile of objects on the ground with some anxiety.

These are their babies.

"Give me six hours, and I will naturally let you see these things at night, but after you go up, keep a low profile for me, don't cause trouble, eat and drink."

After Little Tom finished speaking, he handed over another anonymous card, "There are 3,000 trading points here, enough for you to spend an afternoon at the base, don't make trouble."

Brother Hao wiped his face, thought about it but didn't say anything, and walked out directly from the door with someone.

Since they are here, they have to listen to the arrangement. The base is not their home court.

"Your people have arrived." Watching Brother Hao and his group walking away, little Tom took out a communicator from his pocket.

"I just said that you are better than your brother, you see, this is not the case."

Hills, who was directing the move, couldn't help grinning when he heard that someone had come in.

It's not that difficult at all.

Everyone is a force that has been operating in the base for so long, and it is not easy to send some people in.

In addition, what Du Gang wanted most before was balance, so he also left room for smuggling.

"Oh, this is the last time, remember."

Little Tom sneered and hung up the communication after speaking.

Then another communication was connected, "Tell the brothers to get ready. When they start, they will withdraw immediately. How is my brother now?"

"The eldest is still asleep... Second brother, do you really want to do this? Why don't you call the eldest brother up and ask?"

The other end of the phone asked nervously.

"No, I've already arranged it. No matter what, I won't make it easier for Hills. This bastard has ruined Juqianzhuang's hard work for so many years, so I will let it taste what it means to fall short."

Little Tom said harshly.

No matter who wins Juqianzhuang this time, it will not be easy, and the base will definitely check it out.

Fortunately, Juqianzhuang has secretly supported a force in the periphery for so many years, so it is not without a way out.

I can only wait for the limelight to pass before trying to find a way to come back.

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