The flaming purple flames quickly engulfed the upper three floors of the police station.

And just outside the base, more than a dozen rebels dressed as shops were hurrying to reload their ammunition.

Soon, within ten seconds, the second round of rockets hit the police station again.

These rockets are not mainly explosive, but create this extremely difficult to extinguish flame.

As long as the police station can be held back, their actions outside will be much easier.

"The police station is temporarily holding it back, Brother Hao, hurry up!"

"Okay, according to the plan, you go directly to destroy the pipeline, and then you can withdraw."

Brother Hao, who was hiding in the residential area of ​​the scientific research institute, said quickly after hearing the call of his teammates.

Although the police station is temporarily unable to act, one-third of the staff has already been distributed throughout the base.

With such a big movement, I think they will be assembled soon.

However, it got off to a good start. Team A and Team B have achieved good results, so it's up to you.

"Come on, let's meet this so-called genius."

Brother Hao waved his hand and quickly let the two disguised subordinates approach Wang Chen's house.

Their target from the beginning was not Du Gang, but Wang Chen.

This is also what Hills wants to see.

He knew very well that if they only targeted Du Gang, these rebels would never take action.

It wasn't to say how much they had feelings for Du Gang, but because Du Gang's administrative point was near the military camp.

The entire administration is completely protected by the military.

They were able to temporarily block the connecting tunnel, but it would be unrealistic to want to penetrate the military camp and kill Du Gang directly.

Unless all the manpower of the three major rebel camps are assembled, but then the whereabouts cannot be hidden, and no matter how strong the secret channel is, it is impossible to arrange nearly 70,000 or 80,000 manpower without knowing it.

Even the new rebels wouldn't be so stupid, fighting to the death for a Hills and Du Gang.

When the time comes, who will be responsible for provoking the battleship in the sky?

The so-called in order to persuade these rebels, Hills directly threw Wang Chen as a bait.

Just now the earth is about to prepare to wander again, and the appearance of extreme weather will make the life of the rebels behind it even worse.

If Wang Chen can be captured, relying on his potato technology, these rebels will have the capital to survive.

It doesn't matter if it attracts retaliation from the base.

The big deal is to change the place.

At present, the eastern half of the entire earth is the site of the Earth Link, where all the engines are concentrated.

The western half was completely reduced to a paradise for rebels.

The base where Wang Chen is located is a suburb, so it is not difficult to leave.

To sum up, Hills barely persuaded them.

As long as something happened to Wang Chen, Du Gang would not be able to escape the relationship no matter how awesome he was.

Dodge this period of time, and wait until the new base leader takes office.

You can find a way to return to the base yourself.

Big deal.

Explosion...chaos...screeching siren.

Wang Chen, who was eating at home, was looking out the window speechlessly.

It's only been a few days? again?

Nima, I usually haven't heard an alarm for more than ten years, and now it seems like I don't want money.

"This alarm... the base was attacked again?"

Li Long is also puzzled. There are several types of alarms at the base. The slightly familiar alarm sound in front of him corresponds to an unknown attack.

These rebels are too bold, don't they dare to come?

Really when the base is mud kneaded.

"Dong dong dong..." Just as the two were thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

Li Long's eyes narrowed slightly, and he pulled out the small pistol on his waist with his backhand. After activating it, he walked to the door.


"We belong to the police station. There are rebels in the base. We also asked Mr. Wang Chen to move to a safe point."


Li Long looked through the cat's eyes, and the two outside the door were indeed wearing the police's plainclothes uniforms.

Without thinking much, Li Long directly opened the door.

"Is Mr. Wang there? Please come with us in an emergency."

Seeing the door open, a person at the door hurriedly asked.

As he said that, he looked at the door anxiously.

Li Long frowned slightly in front of him, "I'll inform the boss, don't come in."

"You..." The person next to him seemed to want to have a seizure, but was stopped by the person who spoke. "Okay, please hurry up a little bit, we have other people who need to be notified."

Nodding his head, Li Long turned around and entered the house. "Boss, pack up and go to the safe house. The people from the base are here to pick you up."

"Tsk tsk, is it really a rebel? Are you crazy?" Wang Chen, who had already heard it, couldn't help but muttered.

However, he still picked up a backpack honestly, and then took three cans and two chocolates from the warehouse.

After thinking about it, I stuffed the crystal on the table into it. This thing has not been studied well. Although the situation of civil strife in my own place is not big, I still have to guard against it.

Luo Qianqian also appeared worried at this time and said, "Uncle Wang, it will be alright."

"Don't worry, it's probably aimed at the farm again." Touching Luo Qianqian's head, Wang Chen shouted to the two of them at the door, "Can you bring your family?"

"Mr. Wang, we will make other arrangements for the family members. As a researcher, you need to rush to the evacuation site as soon as possible, but you can rest assured that people from the second team will be responsible for their transfer work soon."


"Boss, don't worry, I'm still here, just transfer it first."

Seeing what Wang Chen wanted to say, Li Long smiled and comforted him.

There are only so many seats on the emergency train at the base, and it is already reluctant to give priority to researchers.

"Okay then, help me take good care of this girl, and call Tang Fei and ask her to pay attention to safety."

Wang Chen was indeed not good at setting a precedent for himself, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

"Don't worry about Tang Fei, she is safer with Du Gang."

"Okay, then I'll go first, you hurry up."

After listening to this, Li Long made an ok gesture, then walked up to the two of them and stretched out his hand, "My boss will ask the two of you."

"It's easy to talk, it's a matter of time."

One of them also reached out and shook hands with Li Long, but things were easier than he thought.

The people who came to answer Wang Chen had already been stopped by them, and the skin was taken off from the policemen.

"..." Li Long nodded, and was about to close his hands when he suddenly stared at the small tattoo on the guy's neck.

It seems that the clothes are a little out of shape, and the handshake leaked out.

This person also seemed to have noticed Li Long's gaze, and after a little thought, he secretly cried out.

Sure enough, Li Long's expression changed, and he threw it away suddenly and lifted the pistol in his hand with his backhand.

"You tm..." Before the words were finished, the person who found himself exposed also responded quickly.

He lowered his waist, punched, and hit Li Long directly.

Then there was a gunshot, and a dazzling purple light instantly hit Li Long's chest.

It was Brother Hao in the rear who found out that the situation was wrong and directly asked snipers to provide remote support.

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