After chatting with the two of them again, Wang Chen went back to study the drawings when it was late.

George, who was sitting by the fire, was looking at his father with some doubts.

"Father, is this person reliable?"

"I don't know, but at least it's better than the people in our family." Joel didn't know Wang Chen's level, but one thing, this guy must be better than those in his family.

It's not that Joel belittles himself. Those people in the family are good at hunting, and they can make do with repairing vehicles, but this kind of high-tech product that involves the core of energy should spare them.

"If it gets worse and worse... can our camp survive these few months?" George asked worriedly after hearing this.

My family knows their own affairs, and it is indeed time for this equipment in their home to need major repairs.

"That's why we need to take care of this person. If we really can't support it and can't repair it, we have to rely on him to support us."

"What do you mean?" George didn't understand.

Unable to bear a blank glance, Joel held his forehead and explained helplessly, "He is from the base. If we can't survive, we will use him to exchange things with the base in advance, understand?"

This son of his family is really a bit incompetent, his brain seems to be missing a string.

"Oh...understood." George nodded awkwardly.

This question is a bit tricky.

"Take good care of people, eat and drink well, and don't hold grudges." Shaking his head, Joel said it again with some anxiety.

"Dad, what people bring with them are the special cans from the base. How can we look at our three melons and two dates..."

"It doesn't matter what you don't like, I don't think this person is that kind of merciless, we just need to do our best.

The icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow. "

Joel naturally knew what his son was talking about.

Even he looked at the contents of the package with some heat.

However, in a big way, this is nothing more than some food, which is scum compared to the operation of the camp.

"You reminded me, pay attention to the little guys in the camp, don't go grab other people's things."

"Don't worry, Dad, I understand this, and I will keep an eye on it."

"Well, let's do this first, rest early, and take him to see the equipment with me tomorrow. If it can be repaired directly, it will be Amitabha Buddha."

With a long sigh, Joel said tiredly.

In order to maintain the operation of the entire camp, he did his best.

Hope this time is a chance.


Just when Wang Chen was resting in this unknown camp.

In the command room in the base, the atmosphere was quite depressing.

After dispatching the behemoths of war and the Vulcan Squadron, although the alien beasts and swallowing vines on the periphery were completely wiped out, the search for Wang Chen was completely delayed.

Even the nine-tailed fox who took the special passage only found the bodies of some rebels around, but did not find any trace of Wang Chen.

With the complete formation of the white dragon, the wilderness has completely turned into a white purgatory.

The temperature has dropped to minus 90 degrees, and the snow and winds that can lift people up have made the searchers miserable.

Those mercenaries who were planning to go out for the reward were only enthusiastic for a few hours, and then retreated to the bed of the base.

The golden search and rescue time has been delayed by the rebel army's swallowing spread, and now I am afraid that it will be too early to go out to find it.

And the nine-tailed fox who went out earlier also came back empty-handed, and it is estimated that the rebels had tossed it away long ago.

As soon as the matter of the alien beast and the swallowing vine was resolved, the eyes of the Earth Alliance instantly focused on Du Gang.

So many things happened in a short period of time, even Wang Chen was lost.

This time everything is punished.

No, Du Gang has now been suspended from the position of base director, and a new candidate will arrive at the base in three months, and Du Gang's current task is to find a way to find Wang Chen.

It's the same sentence, live to see people die and see corpses.

If you can get Wang Chen back alive, you are lucky Du Gang, or you can die.

But if it does get shipped to the Western Hemisphere by the rebels, you're ready to be out of luck.

Now we can only pray that this is the spontaneous organization of the three rebel forces outside the base.

In that case, they would definitely not hand over Wang Chen to the big forces in the rebel army.

Instead, it will find a place to quietly develop a wave.

If this is the case, then the base still has a chance to rescue Wang Chen.

This time, it wasn't just people from the Earth Alliance, even Zhao Chenggong, the president of the scientific research headquarters, asked Du Gang to call and scold Du Gang.

The requirement must find a way to find Wang Chen.

Under the pressure of many parties, Du Gang couldn't sleep well these days.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, some of the information that has just been handed down has also been uploaded to the base from those camps in the periphery.

Considering that the mercenaries in the base are currently reluctant to go out, Du Gang has issued bounties to all the camps in the periphery that cooperate with the base.

Although Wang Chen's trace has not yet been found, it is possible to find something through some information.

First of all, it is certain that this attack was indeed planned by the three rebel forces on the periphery.

The internal connection is the people of the church and the money-gathering houses.

The church ran fast, and Hills had left the base a few hours before the incident.

The three rebels have also all left their original outlying camps and retreated collectively to the west.

According to the news, the three families originally gathered at a hidden spot, but when they left, they left each other and did not evacuate together as originally planned.

Word has it that the plan fell through and they didn't get what they wanted.

As for Juqianzhuang, when this matter was found out, little Tom had already been arrested.

This guy ran a step slower, and he didn't deny his own business.

It's just that when Du Gang was a little surprised, Big Tom didn't know about it.

Little Tom directly launched a coup d'etat, imprisoned Big Tom, and then completed the whole plan by himself.

Big Tom, who was released, got angry and scolded little Tom for being ignorant when he knew what happened.

Then he begged Du Gang to save little Tom's life first.

Juqianzhuang has operated the peripheral network for many years. If Wang Chen was really not kidnapped by the rebels, then he can definitely help the base to find out some news.

Up to now, he does not ask for the base to open up, but only to save his brother's life.

Du Gang was a little strange at the time. Little Tom was the position of the mutiny. You still want to keep him?

Faced with this question, Big Tom confessed the situation to Du Gang with a wry smile.

Little Tom is a betrayal, he wants to use his life to make a clean relationship with the people in the church.

He also knew that this matter would be very troublesome, so he imprisoned himself in the way of mutiny.

In this way, even if it happens, Big Tom will only be in prison for a few years at most.

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