Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

"Pearl Lord Jiang Song, see the head."

There are no mistakes in etiquette.

Qing Tian looked at him for a long time.


"Jiang Song, you make me look."

Hearing this, Jiang Song had a moment of panic,

"Head, that day after the First World War in Guanning Valley, I always felt that Liang Yunyue's death was strange, and I kept tracing it. It turned out that Liang Yunyue's cousin, Liang Lan swallowed her sister Jin Dan. Su Yan, the cult leader. "

Qing Tian listened and raised a brow, and he began to look carefully at Jiang Song.

He once thought he could inherit the position of future head.

Since when did the person in his memory become the animal in front of the human skin?

Be able to speak the black and the white, and push the part about yourself to do evil.

Qing Tian thought carefully, but failed.

Speak out

"You said Liang Lanyi killed Liang Yunyue, but Liang Lanyi was still shallow. How did he kill the Lord of Yifeng?"

Jiang Song replied from good to good

"At that time, Liang Feng was seriously injured and had no power to fight back. Naturally, he could only let Liang Lan do whatever he wanted."

"What were you doing at that time?"

"I'm fighting a two-headed python, and I'm unconscious."

"Eh? Right, in Guanning Valley that day, what you said was just watching Jin Dan being taken away by the demon leader, just because you were seriously injured, and you happened to be in front of the python, but not that The demon found. "

Jiang Song groaned for a moment, then nodded

"Yes, probably that day, Liang Lan was covered with blood. I was unconscious, so I mistakenly thought that Liang Lan was the demon. After all, I never thought that Liang Lanyi could kill her cousin fiercely."

When the voice fell, Qing Tian smiled, and smiled very coldly

"I never found out that I had a bad wolf that killed and did not blink, and was a powerful person who could speak well."

Jiang Song looked up and went to see Qing Tian.

Qing Tian speaks

"I ordered someone to find Liang Yunyue's body. A dagger was inserted on it, and there was a pine engraved on it. It was the year you entered Qing Yushan that I gave you."

Jiang Song froze.

Qing Tian sneered

"Don't tell me, this dagger is Liang Lan walking down from you and killing Liang Yunyue."

Jiang Song did not speak, because according to his knowledge of the head, the head must have evidence.

Sure enough, just listen to Qing Tiandao

"Before Liang Yunyue died, with only the remaining cultivation, he left a ten-second soul record. Would you like to see it?"

This time, Jiang Song froze completely.

How did he forget this?

When they do such a practice, they can practice a secret method of Qing Yushan. If they are tortured one day, as long as there is a little energy in the body, they can pull out a body of soul. Remember the picture that they saw before their death and wait for someone to discover .

This ability is called the soul.

Jiang Song raised his hands and looked at Qing Tian, ​​eyes filled with red bloodshot

"I didn't do anything wrong. The demon killing countless **** people. Adding a life to her is not important. And this Liang Lanyi, she did swallow her sister Jin Dan, such a selfish person should also **** it. Why am I wrong for me? "

Qing Tian felt incredible when he listened to such absurd words.

Jiang Song was about to continue.

In front of Qing Tian, ​​Feng Yu appeared from the sky.

Is still a blue shirt, cold and expensive look.

It was just an eyebrow, but it was no longer the same indifference as before.

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