Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

What's underground?

Termite's lair.

Now the ground is sinking.

The termite nest under the ground collapsed.

The bee monster can no longer be described by shock.

It could only stare dumbly at the snake man and the scepter.

It seems that it is not over here.

Just watching the smoke under the ground.

The color of the smoke is light cyan.

It's weird at first glance.

The bee monster flies desperately with years of amazingness.


The original supportable ground collapsed completely.

This wasteland has been eaten by termites for a long time.

I don't know how many meters down.

The collapse was originally thought to be hundreds of meters straight down.

Where do you know, except for the few meters that have just subsided a little, there is no more movement.

Wait until it sees that the green smoke is basically clear.

Can't help but fly down and watch.

Stepping on the ground with both feet, both soft and hard, is not all loose.

He was surprised.

Look down again.

Found that those were not loose soil.

It was some pieces of stone.

Thumbs are the size, and each one is long like the life-threatening termites.

The thought of the bee flashed in her mind.

It was suddenly startled.

Look down.

Where does this look like termites?

Isn't this a termite one by one, and it has formed rocks? ?

He couldn't help but reach out and pull down a few times.

No termites were found below.

But those termites look dark and dark.

The bee fly flew up again.

The saliva could not help swallowing.

Shocked and disgusted.

Are all these termites dead?

All? ?

It didn't believe that, around the entire wasteland, it kept flying, and the termites that were scared before could not help but now they still want to find one.

Termites are social animals.

Always act together.

Naturally, when they died, they all died together.


Su Yan hugged the flower to death.

The flower leaned against her ear, softly

"All are dead."

Su Yan still closed her eyes and did not let go.

After a long time, she swallowed slowly

"Let's go, stay away from here."

Hua Qing rarely sees her like this.

Hold people horizontally.

The robe shook and the scepter disappeared again.

He rolled his throat and spoke in her ear.

"Okay, take you away."

This time, the flower was pouring forward very fast and was not doing more to stay.

After an hour, he completely entered the demon world.

At this time, the speed of flower tilting slowed down.

Look down at the man in his arms.

He found his eyes closed, unwilling to open his eyes.

He smirked

"We have left there."

Su Yan slowly opened his eyes after hearing this.

Found that they entered a city, and occasionally the demon passed by in the street.

Su Yan grasped his placket with both hands and slowly let go.

A lot of peace in my heart.

She realized at this time that she was soaking wet.

The hand still feels shaking.

Hua Qing didn't say much, just held her in her arms. Hold tightly.

Until they enter an inn.

Paid gold leaves into the room.

He put her on the bed.

Watch her slowly wipe away the sweat from her cheeks.

He stooped down and looked at her

"So scared?"

Su Yan sorted out his emotions and wanted to shake his head.

Finally, I still nodded

"Many little bugs stay scared and they can't walk."

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