The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 634: Marshal's Ninth Wife (40)

  Chapter 634 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (40)

  Of course, everything is just Sang Jian's conjecture.

  However, Sang Jian has always been 99% sure of his feelings.

   There is still that one percent, unless people from the Space-Time Management Bureau deliberately make trouble.


  Sang Jian was helping Huo Qing prepare meals together in the living room, while Huo Nanting was outside the door dealing with reporters from major newspapers.

   I don't know how long it took, Huo Nanting came in from the outside, he was the only one who came back, Lao Li and Shao Yan had already left.

   "It's not safe these days, both of you stay at home."

  Huo Qing watched Sang Jian help Huo Nanting to the dining table, and sighed.

   "I'll go to Paramount later and tell Boss Chen." Sang Jian said, and it seemed that he had no chance to get the job promised to Boss Chen.

   "I'll send someone to tell me." Huo Nanting didn't want Sang to go out alone.

  Sang Jian thought for a while, "That's fine."

   This man is more and more concerned about her safety, which is a good thing!

   Seeing Sang Jian and Huo Nanting getting along so happily, Huo Qing felt really happy.

  Suddenly, what Ye Lian'er said just now, that Sang Jian's life was worse than Huo Nanting's, came to mind, about the matter of Sang Jian Ke Huonanting.

  She shook her head hastily, throwing the thought away.

  In any case, Sang Jian was the first girl her son had serious contact with, so she couldn't be wrong.

  Although Sang Jian looks similar to Ye Lian'er, Huo Nanting's attitude towards Ye Lian'er and Sang Jian are completely different.

  Based on this, Huo Qing believed that Sang Jian was there, not to mention that Sang Jian even rescued Huo Nanting back home.


   During the following period, Huo Nanting rested at home to recover from his injuries, and Sang Jian also took care of him at home, and never went to Paramount again.

   Seeing Yisang's current popularity, without her suddenly, the audience in Paramount will definitely be upset.

   Boss Chen asked them to go to Huo's house to make trouble. After all, Huo Nanting didn't let her go out. What's the matter with him?

   Having said that, no one really dares to make trouble.

  Although everyone felt sorry, but thinking of the majestic young lady, going out every day to perform is really inappropriate.

   No one dared to say anything anymore.

   But what they didn't expect was that the dignified young commander-in-chief would not let his wife go out to perform, but brought her into the army and threw her into a group of rough men for her to train.

   Still supervised by him personally.

  Usually this kind of thing is taken care of by other people. Ever since Sang Jian entered, Huo Nanting supervised her every day and trained her personally.

  In this day and age, peace is peaceful, and peace is not peaceful.

   Be safe for a while, but can easily fight again.

  Training troops is going on every day.

  Many people disagreed with Huo Nanting's actions. Although a little girl came to join the army, although she didn't do it voluntarily, it didn't conform to the rules.

  But Huo Nanting resisted all opinions and insisted on letting Sang Jian stay.

   There are still many people who like to make small reports and report them to their superiors.


  On this day, Sang Jian had just finished training, and went back to his office with Huo Nanting for lunch.

   Sang Jian has been eating a lot recently due to training.

  Huo Nanting silently served her food, looking at her recent changes.

  The body is raised a lot.

  Children of this age are also growing up.

  The original Sang Jian was short and thin, but now it has almost reached his chest, and his figure is no longer thin, but has some muscular lines.

  Her figure is developing in a good direction, and her complexion is getting healthier.


   Every soldier will basically be tanned every day during training, and my mother doesn't know that kind when I get home.

   But Sang Jian has been training for a while, except that his face is getting healthier and ruddy, it seems to be completely the same as before?

  It seems that the amount of training is still not enough...

   While thinking, there was a sudden knock on the door.


  Huo Nanting put away other small thoughts and returned to his previous state.

   "Nanting boy, long time no see!"

  The door was opened, and a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing a military uniform with a military rank on his chest, walked in from the door.

  Sang Jian heard this voice, stopped eating, and stood up with Huo Nanting.

  Seeing him, Huo Nanting narrowed his eyes slightly, and said politely: "What wind brought the commander-in-chief here?"

Feng Tuo walked over with a smile on his face, first glanced at Sang Jian, then raised his hand and patted Huo Nanting on the shoulder, "I heard that you were injured a while ago, and I didn't come to visit you. I'm free today, so I thought about coming over." Check it out. This is..."

  He asked Huonanting knowingly who Sang Jian was beside him.

  The topic was deliberately brought up to this point, Huo Nanting already knew what he wanted to do.

  He raised his hand to brush away Feng Tuo's hand on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid the commander-in-chief is not here to visit me, but to visit my wife?"

  He took advantage of the opportunity to pull Sang Jian, who was watching the play, to his side, let her sit down again, and reminded, "Eat well."

  Sang Jian slightly raised his eyebrows, sat down obediently, and continued to eat.

  Feng Tuo was a little unhappy when he heard his words and actions, "I don't know your wife, so why come to see her?"

  Huo Nanting nodded, "Well, from this moment on, I hope Commander-in-Chief Feng will stop mentioning anything about my wife."

  He has been back in the army for a while, and he didn’t come to see him some time ago. Recently, more and more people asked him to send Sang Jian home, so many that the commander-in-chief even came.

  His purpose can be imagined.

  It's a pity that no one can change what he believes.

   "Huo Nanting! Is it because I have given you fewer tasks recently?" Feng Tuo originally came here with anger, and was willing to give Huo Nanting some face because he had done more meritorious service in his daily life.

   "If you are really free and have nothing to do, go to Pingyang, where there is a recent war, you go and guard it! Don't look for something to do in Beijing when you have nothing to do!"

   Don't let Tisang see him, right? Then he will be eccentric!

   It’s okay to bring a woman, or a little girl, into the army. Isn’t it just looking for something to do?

   "Pingyang is not under my control, and it's not my problem that the war can't be defended." Huo Nanting's voice was cold.

   "You! You are also from Kyoto, so why don't you take care of the war over there?" Feng Tuo said angrily.

   "Oh? The commander-in-chief means that the 79th Army that manages Pingyang will also be under my control in the future? If so, I will go there immediately. But when I go there, I will bring my wife with me."

  Each army has a management of each army, in this case, each management looks at the other side is not pleasing to the eye.

  Huo Nanting is no exception, and he doesn't like managing other armies too much.

   But if that army goes to him later, that's another matter.

   But that's what he said, but in fact, didn't he want to call him away and let Sang Jian go home?

  Sorry, he will take Sang Jian with him wherever he goes in the future.

  Feng Tuo almost couldn't catch his breath, his already fat belly was constantly rising and falling.

  Sang Jian glanced back, afraid that her stomach would explode.

After a while, Feng Tuo finally couldn't help it, and said angrily: "Do you know how many people have reported that you brought a girl to the army for training recently? What's the use of training her? Will she accompany you on the battlefield in the future? How about it?"

  He strode forward and pointed at Sang Jian.

  Sang Jian was looking back at him at this moment, this finger almost poked her nose.

  But Huo Nanting quickly reached out and grabbed his finger.

   "Commander-in-Chief, respect yourself."

  Huo Nanting pushed Feng Tuo's hand away.

   "I am a hammer! Huo Nanting! If you continue like this, be careful that I will demote you!" Feng Tuo threatened.

  When many people are against something, then this thing is not allowed.

  For example, Huo Nanting brought his wife to the army for training.

  A woman should look like a woman, not be able to go anywhere!

   "Commander-in-Chief, how do you know that I won't be able to accompany him on the battlefield in the future?"

   At this moment, Sang Jian stood up from his seat.

   "Shut up! You don't have a place to speak here!" Feng Tuo immediately scolded.

  Smelly girl, big or small!

  Sang Jian pursed her lips, and really closed her mouth.

  She turned her head to look at Huo Nanting.

  Huo Nanting seemed to understand what she meant, and said: "I will indeed take her to the battlefield in the future, and she will be my most capable assistant."

  Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips.

  She doesn't like to listen to her words, so let Huo Nanting talk about it, but if Huo Nanting speaks, the commander-in-chief will only get angrier?

   Sure enough, Feng Tuo couldn't help but already raised his hand, with an expression that if he dared to say another word, he would be beaten.

  It's a pity that he just raised his hand, and as if thinking of something, he retracted it silently.

  It seems that he can't beat Huo Nanting, forget it.

   "Let me ask one last time, are you sure you must take her with you?"

   "Yes." Huo Nanting replied without thinking.

  The tone is very firm.


  Feng Tuo snorted heavily, and wanted to say something else.

  Huo Nanting interrupted loudly, "How about this, Commander-in-Chief, if you don't believe in my wife's strength, you can compare with her."

"I know that you also came here after listening to other people in the army. If I don't give you an explanation, it will be difficult for you to be a man. If this is the case, then call all the people who disobey my wife to come over and have a look. Is she eligible to stay in the army?"

   "If she wins, everyone will have nothing to say in the future, so you can come and be a witness."

   "If you are not willing to bear this witness, then she will be kept by me."

  What Huo Nanting meant was that if Feng Tuo was willing to be this witness, he would have an upright reason to stay with Sang.

  He is unwilling to bear this witness, Sang Jian will still stay, but there will be people gossip behind his back.

  Anyway, he and Sang Jian are not people who like to talk to each other.

   So it doesn't make any difference.

  If Feng Tuo testifies, his own reputation will be better, otherwise he will end up with Huo Nanting who can't handle it.

  Based on weighing the pros and cons, everyone will agree to the requirement of testifying!

  Feng Tuo glared at Huo Nanting fiercely.

   This kid is setting him up!

   Does he have a second choice?

   Xu knew that Feng Tuo had the same idea, and soon Huo Nanting gave him a third option, "Of course, you can also choose to demote me, so I am not qualified to keep her in the army."

  If Huo Nanting dared to mention it, he was not afraid that Feng Tuo would choose this one.

   Sure enough, Feng Tuo snorted coldly, "Will the army you lead listen to other people's words besides yours? If other people can control it, see if I will demote you!"

  Huo Nanting didn't take it seriously, "If they really only listen to me, then no one will complain to you."

  People in his army complained to Feng Tuo because they were dissatisfied with him for bringing Sang Jian into the army.

   It shows that someone is not sincere to him.

  Feng Tuo seemed to have thought of this question too, but remembering that the person who sued him was arranged by him in Huo Nanting's army, he blushed and coughed lightly,

   "I'm going to find someone else now!"

  Each unit must have the eyeliner of its superiors, otherwise how would you know if they are stealing, playing tricks or doing bad things?

  So this kind of thing is really hard to say.

  He turned his head and glared at Sang Jian again, and this time he was also speaking to Sang Jian, "You better have the ability to show it!"

   Only in this way can we suppress other people's mouths!

   After speaking, Feng Tuo turned and left the room.

  As soon as he left, Huo Nanting turned his head to look at Sang Jian, and then glanced at the lunch box on the table next to him, the food inside had already been eaten.

   "Are you full?" he asked.

  Sang Jian, smack, smack your lips, "It's okay."

  Hearing this, Huo Nanting turned around and pushed his lunch box in front of Sangjian, "Eat more if you're not full."

   Sang Jian was a little surprised, "Aren't you going to eat?"

   "You are growing up, and you should be exhausted in the afternoon."

   After all, I'm going to compete with others later.

Speaking of this, Sang Jian approached Huo Nanting, "Mr. Huo, I actually don't understand why you insist on keeping me in the army and training with them. I am a girl who does these things every day, and the more I get exposed Hei, it will become uglier and uglier in the future."

  She touched her face with some melancholy.

  The intention was to act coquettishly, but as soon as she talked about becoming ugly, she suddenly realized something, opened her eyes wide and stared at Huo Nanting in disbelief.

   Get ugly!

  He just wants to make himself ugly! Then leave the present appearance!

  This kid actually had this idea!

  Why didn't she think of it before!

  Sang Jian looked at Huo Nanting with a suddenly enlightened expression.

  She has always been smart, and Huonanting has realized that she has guessed her purpose.

  He coughed lightly, and said in a low voice: "I just thought you were very talented in this area, so I asked you to come."

Sang Jian suddenly jumped into his arms, looked up at him in his arms, and blinked, "Is that true? But Mr. Huo let me be exposed to the wind and sun every day, and he didn't feel sorry for me at all." Woolen cloth."

   "Actually, I haven't learned anything. I won't be able to compare with them in a while. What should I do if I am forced to return home? I'll go back to Paramount at that time, and I will definitely look better and better every day!"

  She seems to have decided to lose the competition for a while and go back to Paramount.

  Huo Nanting said with a serious face: "No! If you dare to deliberately lose..."

Before he finished speaking, Sang Jian burst out laughing, "Just say it if you don't want me to die, every time you threaten me with death, now you have to find a way if you don't want me to die, hey, hello, Mr. Huo How arrogant."


   I'm back I'm back!

  I went to celebrate my birthday yesterday, I indulged for a day, and I didn’t forget everyone!


  Actually, I would like to ask, are you used to 1,000 words in four chapters a day, or 4,000 words in 1 chapter a day? Recently, 4,000 words in 1 chapter a day, I feel that many people don’t like it.

  (end of this chapter)

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