Chapter 808 Thumb Boy (41)


  Huanu looked at this familiar ugly face and her voice, and pursed her lips tightly.

   Eye sockets are moist in an instant.

  He was never afraid of anything before.

  It's like when he was born, he didn't understand the danger of the outside world at all, so he dared to live in the mud with the toad.

   At that time, he was not afraid, but felt that the place was dirty and smelly, which was not suitable for him.

  Later, he was taken away by the ladybug, who took him to a big jungle full of dangers, and abandoned him in it, and he was not afraid.

   I just saw all kinds of weird creatures, some charming and dangerous, some ugly and disgusting.

   At that time, I was ignorant and fearless.

  Now he has understood a lot of things, and he also knows what it means to gain and lose heart.

  Ever since he saw the elf, he suppressed the panic and kept holding back.

  He knew that he couldn't show his cowardice, and he might be the only one who was taken away when he showed his cowardice.

  He negotiated terms with them very strongly, for fear that they would not help her.

  When a person is in despair, even if the opponent is a murderous maniac, there will be a desire to ask him for help.

  Because he didn't want to lose her.

  But following the various little actions of Prince Hua and the doctor, he was terrified.

  Afraid that he would not be able to protect her.

  He hated himself for being weak for the first time.


   Fortunately, she finally woke up.


  Huanu finally couldn't help it, stretched out his hand to hug Sang Jian's nose, and burst into tears.

   "Ugly thing, you finally woke up! Woohoo..."


   Just a little short, the doctor succeeded!

  Sang Jian stretched out his finger and rubbed his little face, "I said that I will definitely wake up, and waking up means that I will be alive, so naturally I can't let other people just kill me for no reason."

  After saying this, she looked up at the elves and the doctor around her.

   This is a completely unfamiliar environment, which was not recorded in the original plot, and the original owner has never seen these winged people in his memory.

  Finally, Sang Jian set his sights on Prince Hua.

  Among this group of people, he is the only one who is calm and terrifying, and his temperament is also different from the others.

  Sang Jian helped Hua Nu wipe away tears, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

  Huanu sniffed, pressed close to her, and whimpered: "This is the kingdom of elves. They promised me to save you, but I found out that they were trying to play tricks, so I was unwilling to cooperate. They might have become angry..."

   Then wanted to kill her.

   "Woo~ they bullied me!" Huanu was wronged, and Hua Nu wanted to speak out.

  Sang Jian: "..."

  Although I really want to avenge him, there is a fact that it is inconvenient to tell him now.

   It's just... She just woke up, and all the strength of this body was used to prevent the doctor from killing her.

  I don't have much energy right now.

   This revenge may have to be reported later.

   "This is your fault. Even children are bullied and lied to. Are you human?"

   Sang Jian didn’t have much strength in his body, but he could still open his mouth to speak!

  Huanu nodded in agreement.

   That is, what's the matter with bullying him?

   All the elves: "..."

   It’s really the villain who sues first!

  When did they bully him? Wasn't he always unwilling to cooperate?

   Cooperate with their flower prince early, this ugly mole may wake up early!

Eh? etc…

  The elves suddenly realized a problem.

  The doctor didn't treat her at all, why did she suddenly wake up?

  It doesn't fit their logic...

  (end of this chapter)

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