Chapter 820 Thumb Boy (53)


  Huanu stared blankly at her face.

  When he saw her wiping his nosebleed just now, he was so moved that he rushed over to kiss her.

   It's true love's kiss!

   Otherwise, with her ugly face just now, who would be able to talk about it?

   "That's fine, or are you unhappy that my head has become normal?" Sang Jian asked again.

  She really didn't see any joy on his face.

what happened? Is it ugly to be human?


  Huanu swallowed, resisting the urge to feel nauseous, and said, "Your face looks exactly like mine now!"

  So the moment he saw her face just now, he thought he was kissing himself!

   It’s okay not to mention it, but I feel a little nauseous when I mention it.

   "No, I think of myself kissing myself, and I... vomit... eh~"

   He retched halfway, and Sang Jian covered his mouth with his hand.

   "Hold it back!"

  Sang Jian digested what Hua Nu said in his heart, frowned and said: "How many people want to kiss his handsome face but have no chance, you have this opportunity and still hate it?"

  Huanu: "..."

  After she said this, it seemed that she really didn't feel so uncomfortable.

  Seeing that he calmed down a little, Sang Jian let go of his hand.

  Huanu whimpered immediately: "Oh...but I feel like I'm looking in a mirror..."

   A little unacceptable.

  His face is indeed beautiful, but...he has always imagined that ugly things will become beautiful and gentle!

   "..." Sang Jian pondered.

   Is it because she is not a human being and cannot conjure human faces?

  So after someone kissed her, with the face reference, her head copied the appearance of Hua Nu?

   Sang Jian reached out and fished out a strand of his hair and took a look.

  It is golden like Huanu's, smooth and beautiful.

  It's completely copying and pasting Hua Nu's head.

   No wonder Hua Nu couldn't accept it.

  The flower slave on the side is still immersed in sadness.

  She either had a mole head, or she had exactly the same head as his, except she didn't have the one he fantasized about.

  It's like a river of sadness.

  Seeing this, Sang suddenly pressed towards him, pinching his chin with one hand, forcing him to look up at her, and stretching out his other hand to his extra flesh.

   "We're still different, I don't have that."

  Huanu: "!!"

  His eyes widened, his face flushed.

  The whole person trembled, slapped Sang Jian's hand away, and jumped a few steps away.

   Don't use a serious look, but use hooligan methods to comfort him, hey!

   "Smelly... smelly rogue!"

  He is burning hot all over his body now, especially the place where Sang Jian pinched just now.

  Sang Jian patted his hands and wanted to say something, but his eyes were attracted by the book in front of him.

  Huanu has been standing in front of the book just now, they are about the same size, Sang Jian didn't notice at all.

   Now that Hua Nu jumped away, Sang Jian realized that there was a big forbidden word printed on the book.

   It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

  Sang Jian raised his hand without thinking to pull out the book.

  Completely forgot that the book here is banned, it’s okay to simply touch it, if you want to move...

  Sang Jian was directly sent flying by a force.

  She herself is small, and this force sent her flying to the opposite bookshelf before she fell down.

   "Ugly... see you!"

  Sudden change, Hua Nu didn't care about being shy, and ran towards her in panic.

   At first I wanted to call her an ugly thing, but her current appearance is still called an ugly thing. Doesn't that mean he admits that he is ugly?

  This is not okay!

  (end of this chapter)

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