Chapter 826 Thumb Boy (59)

   It turns out that he guessed right.

  The two sides were at a stalemate. Prince Hua was so small for the witch, but his aura was not lost to the witch at all, which was also rare.

   Just as the witch moved the scepter without a trace and was about to strike hard, Prince Hua reluctantly took out Sang Jian from somewhere and handed it to the witch.

   "If you take someone, get out of me immediately! You are not welcome here."

   At the moment of being taken out, Sang Jian imitated Hua Nu's tone and kept struggling, "Let me go, let me go! I don't want to go back with her!"

  Huanu: "..."

   is outrageous.

  Ugly thing which one is this acting in?

   However, no one sees it rationally.

  Prince Hua threw Sangjian away and threw her directly to the witch.

  The witch raised her hand to catch her, and her first words were, "Where's the mole with him?"

   After speaking, she frowned, and the feeling in her hands seemed a little different.

   It doesn't look like a flower slave, but a girl.

  The witch has a lot of research on Thumbelina, and this weight is indeed like a girl's weight.

  Because she also caught the flower slave, the flower slave is a bit heavier than it is now.

   Could it be that she didn’t take good care of her and lost weight because of hunger?

  She carefully looked at the face of the little thing in her hand, it was exactly the same as Hua Nu!

  But the witch just felt that something was wrong.

   At this moment, Hua Prince spoke slowly, and answered her question just now, "I didn't see any moles."

   They searched for so many days, but they couldn't find the mole.

  I originally thought that if the mole had some other powers, I could call her to help them deal with the witch.

  It's a pity that the mole was not found, but the malnourished and underdeveloped little thing came to cooperate with them.

  Hearing this, the witch looked up suddenly, thinking that Prince Hua was lying to her.

   "Impossible! Those two guys are inseparable, there's no reason Hua Nu is still here, and the Mole is gone!"

  Prince Hua and the others don't know the situation of Sang Jian and Hua Nu, but the witch knows it very well.

   After all, the two of them eloped successfully in front of her. That kind of relationship will never leave either party behind.

   "If I say no, then there is no." Prince Hua was a little impatient.

   "If the mole is not there, then the man in my hand..."

  The witch opened her hand, and Sang Jian sat in her palm with a face full of resistance.

  She glared at Sangjian with her cloudy eyes, and stretched out her other hand to lift Sangjian's clothes!

  Although she doesn’t know what’s going on with the head, it’s exactly the same as a flower slave, but now the witch seriously suspects that the one in her hand is not a flower slave at all!

  That mole took her transformation pill, and it can become so big.

  If they switch identities...

   She wants to see if the person in her hand is a man or a woman!

  However, the moment she stretched out her finger, a sneer flashed in Sang Jian's eyes.

  She raised her hand and hugged the witch's finger, and a current flowed through her body, making a sizzling sound.

  She looked up at the witch, and said with an evil smile: "Have you ever tried the feeling of being backlashed by magic?"

  This time she didn't pretend to be Hua Nu's voice, but used her own voice.

  The witch is a person who knows a little bit about Hua Nu, so she can tell that she is not Hua Nu so quickly.

   There is no need for her to continue pretending.

   "This is the forbidden magic you cast into my body, try it?"

  Sang saw a blonde hair without wind, and his body was crackling.

  The witch only felt that the finger she was holding was numb and painful from the electric shock.

   But only limited to fingers.

  She couldn't help laughing, "That's it? Ugly thing, I will let you taste the real lightning magic today!"

  (end of this chapter)

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