The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 888: Take the boss to get pentakill (47)

  Chapter 888 Take the boss to take the pentakill (47)

  The coat he gave Sang Jian never came back, and he was still wearing it on Sang Jian.

   At this time, she was wearing a thin piece of clothing, and it was a bit cold at night.

  As early as hearing Lin Su hiss, Sang Jian had already turned to look at him.

   Seeing him covering his arm, she frowned slightly, reached out and grabbed his arm, her eyes were full of worry, "Does it hurt? Go to the hospital."

  Lin Su twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, it will be fine in a while."

  Sang Jian pursed her lips tightly, she quickly took off her coat, shook it, and lifted it to Lin Su's side.

   "Hey, put it on!"

   "I'm not cold." Lin Su grabbed her hand, grabbed the clothes with his backhand, and put them on Sang Jian again, "Don't catch a cold yourself."

   That's what he said, but when he put on the coat for Sangjian, his right hand was obviously shaking.

  Sang Jian looked up at him solemnly, "Brother Su, I will think you like me if you do this."

  Lin Su: "?"

  Where did this come from!

   Obviously she likes herself, right?

   Keep hinting about wanting to be with him or something!

  Lin Su swallowed, trying to refute something, but in the end he just took her by the wrist and led her to the parking lot.

   "Don't argue with anyone, I have a car, and I will be warm when I get in the car."

  The two of them are giving way here like idiots, they might as well get in the car early and go home.

   "Then let me drive. I don't feel at ease with your hand." Sang Jian said with a serious face.

  Lin Su: "..." He wants to say that he is worried about her driving, right? !

   "Do you know how to drive? Do you have a driver's license?" It's not that Lin Su doesn't believe her, it's mainly because after getting along with her, she doesn't seem like someone who can do these things.

   "Don't worry, it's all right." Sang Jian was very confident.

  So, a few minutes later, Sang Jian was driving the car, Lin Su was sitting in the co-pilot, and the car was on the road smoothly.

  Lin Su stared nervously at Sang Jian's operation.

  Although the arm is still hurting, but now his attention has been completely attracted by Sang Jian, which makes him forget the pain for a while.

  Because I didn't pay attention, I might even lose my life!

   Fortunately, Sang Jian's driving skills are very good, but the final destination is parked in front of the central hospital.

  Lin Su: "..."

  You care about him so much.

  Lin Su is not such a hypocritical person. He parked his car at the entrance of the hospital. If he said he would not go to the hospital, wouldn’t that be a pure idiot?

  So he pushed open the car door without hesitation and walked down.

  Sang Jian also got out of the car and followed beside him.

  Lin Su whispered: "Thank you."

  Sang Jian took the initiative to hold his arm, "Brother Su, get better soon, after all, I will be a little nervous when I show my face live for the first time tomorrow night. Brother Su is coming to help me hold the stage."

  Lin Su smiled: "Which day didn't I support you?"

  It's just... people are not as good as heaven.


  The two of them came back from the hospital very late last night, and Lin Su received a call from his mother early the next morning, asking him to go home.

  Lin Su wanted to go back sooner, come back sooner.

   After returning home, he found out that his mother had arranged a large "blind date dinner" for him.

  The ladies who came were all from the celebrity circle. Lin Su felt that it was a waste of time.

   But his mother kept holding him, not letting him go, insisting on letting him stay for one night.

   As a last resort, Lin Su could only send a message to Sang Jian, telling her that he might be online later tonight.

  I can't live broadcast at home, but I can play games, so I can be with her.

  (end of this chapter)

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