The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 932: The Princess and the Knight Reborn (9)

  Chapter 932 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (9)

  The kitchen didn't prepare food for Luosian, and the chef only made it for him when he passed by.

  So I came back a bit late, and the one that Sang Jian had was almost cold.

  Rothian's own portion was full of green vegetables, although it was steaming hot.

   "You asked the chef to make it for you?" She picked up a chopstick and poked the small green vegetables on Luosi'an's plate.

  Losian lowered her head and picked up her bowl again, preparing to feed her, without saying anything else.

  Sang Jian puffed her cheeks, and said coquettishly: "I want to eat hot! It's cold!"

  Rosian: "..." It was too hot just now, but now it's too cold.

   It is indeed a bit difficult to serve.

   "I'm going to ask the kitchen to make another one." He said, and he wanted to get up again.

  Sang Jian said impatiently: "No need, I'll just eat yours."

  She pushed her nutritious dinner aside, "You eat mine later."

   "Tomorrow, ask the kitchen to cook something delicious. I don't want to eat vegetables every day."

   "..." Luo Si'an was silent for a while, but still honestly picked up the green vegetables and fed them to Sang Jian.

  It's a pity that Sang Jian turned his head away, frowned and said, "Can't you brag to me? It's just out of the pot!"

  Luo Si'an's hand holding the chopsticks was a little tighter, but he still resigned to his fate and gently blew on the steaming dish.

   Sang saw that he was satisfied.

   "You will stay with me for your daily necessities of life." She said while eating.

  Losian looked up at her in astonishment.

   Just happened to meet Sang Jian's moist eyes.

  A five-year-old girl's eyes should be full of innocence, but Luo Si'an saw a trace of emotion in her eyes that he couldn't understand.

  He had some doubts in his heart, she couldn't really be reborn like him, could she?

   Before he could investigate further, she turned her head angrily and said fiercely, "What? You don't want to?"

  Rosian: "...Don't dare, it's Baker and I's duty to protect the princess."

  Maybe he was thinking too much.

  The little girl in front of her is no ordinary five-year-old girl, her thoughts are so vicious that it is outrageous.

  So it's not surprising to have that kind of eyes, maybe she's thinking **** him?

   "Baker has been locked up by me." Sang Jian reminded him, "You are the only one serving me now."

   "You're clumsy, and I'm worried that you won't be able to serve me well."

  The little princess got angry as soon as she said it, and she jumped off the chair and left after eating the last mouthful of food from Roseanne.

   Originally wanted to go back to bed and lie down, but thinking that she had gone out today and hadn't showered and changed, she held back again.

  She ran to sit on the sofa beside her, and said to Losan in a coquettish voice, "Hurry up and finish your meal, and take a bath for me later."

  Losian: "?"

   "Call the maid..." He couldn't help but want to refuse.

   "I tell you to wash it, so I tell you to wash it. Do you want to be locked up in a dark room?" The little princess is very willful.

   "We are all children, what are you afraid of?" She snorted softly, and said disdainfully, "You don't please me, are you afraid of what I will do to you?"

  Lothian: "..."

   Yeah, now they're kids.

  He lowered his head and ate in silence.

   Just wash it, you're just a five-year-old kid.


   When it was time to take a shower, Luo Sian realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

   It's not that she deliberately made things difficult for herself, on the contrary, she is very good.

  She sat motionless in the bathtub.

  It's just... His hand unconsciously caressed her fair and fragile neck, and couldn't help but want to strangle her several times.

  (end of this chapter)

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