The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1444: Interstellar Pirates are a bit good 47

A certain day.

Su Yan is drinking juice.

After drinking two sips, there was a voice in my head

"Ding Dong, the system prompts that Su Xiao's life is under threat."

Su Yan drank the juice.

"Where are the others?"

"The top floor of this ship."

Su Yan put down the juice in her hand, ready to go out to see the situation.

But before she had time to go outside, the person in the bed started coughing.

She covered her waist and abdomen with one hand, looking terribly painful.

Su Yan walked over

"What's the matter? It hurts? The wound is torn?

I go to the doctor. "

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yan's hand was caught.

The man lying on the bed sat up.

He pressed Su Yan's waist on the bed.

His white face was smiling, and Su Yan's eyes were burning

"Do you like the stone I gave you?"

In the past half a month, Huo You seems to have changed his temper.

Extraordinarily hot and sticky.

He listened to what Su Yan said.

After listening, once he caught Su Yan, he didn't plan to let go.

Su Yan nodded

"Well, I like it."

Saying she stood up,

"I have something else, I will tell you later."

It has been more than half a month, and Su Yan is extremely patient with him.

This is the first time such a perfunctory attitude.

He does not let go, speak

"Where are you going, I can go with you."

Su Yan turned back and shook his head

"If you are in poor health, you still have to rest more."

While speaking, Huoyou had already walked off the bed.

But he held Su Yan and spoke

"You didn't mean to take good care of me?

If you look at me, nothing will happen. "

Su Yan looked at his determined look.


"it is good"

While walking, Su Yan asked Xiaohua about Su Xiao's situation there.

"Host, Su Xiao is no longer in danger."

Su Yanwen

"Where is he?"

"The top of the spaceship."

"Why is he here?"

"Host, guess what?"

When Xiao Hua opened her mouth, she had a breath of beating.

However, it is also because it cannot answer the host's words.

Because Su Xiao is related to the mission, it only has navigation and prompts whether it is dangerous.

Other things need to be figured out by the host.

Su Yan walked into the elevator of the flying ship.

This ship has several layers, the highest is five.

She stretched out her hand and pressed to the top.

Huoyou raised his eyelids.

Nothing prevented.

Just holding Su Yan like that.

He didn't speak until the elevator was running

"Why do you want to go to the fifth floor?"

"Go find someone."

With her words, Huoyou knew what she meant.

Although I don't know what method she used.

But obviously, she knew that Su Xiao was locked on the top floor.

Who told her?


will not.

Huoyou thought.

Covered his injured place.

It hurts a bit.

When he covered it, he realized that the wound was not painful.

Where does it hurt?

He pressed upwards.

Oh, my heart hurts.

Sour, distressed by someone tightening with one hand.

The elevator dinged and the fifth floor arrived.

The elevator opens.

Coincidentally, there was a sound of fighting on the fifth floor not knowing what happened.

As soon as Su Yan looked up, she saw the scene where Su Xiao was fighting with a group of big men.

She walked forward quickly.

Huoyu was pulled down.

He held the elevator entrance.

Press the elevator door to be closed.

Stand there.

There was an inexplicable look on his face.

Just after taking a few steps, Su Yan realized that his body was lighter.

When I turned around, I saw Huoyou standing motionless while covering his wound at the elevator entrance.

Su Yan walked back again.

Walked up to him and asked seriously


Huoyou looked at her, he let go of his grip on the elevator.

In a blink of an eye, he fell towards Su Yan.

He is one block taller and heavier than Su Yan.

But Su Yan still resisted easily.

Hugging people.

He knocked his chin on Su Yan's shoulder and murmured

"I hurt."

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